


英語 中学生

緑の線を引いているところの意味がわかりません。 その前のTwo girls were swimming in the lake.とその後のOne was the ...からは分かるのですがこの部分だけ日訳わ簡単なものの文脈が理解できません。この話自体ニュージーランド民話ら... 続きを読む

1 ウエヌクが出会った少女 [大阪教育大附高平野 制限時間 1回目: 20分 / 2回目(英文のみ) : 7分 This is the story of "Ue-nuku. Early one morning, before the sun was up, Ue-nuku was walking in the forest. He came to a lake. Two girls were swimming in the lake. They were girls of the sky. They were on earth for a little while. One _)( ) was the Rain-girl. 5 was the "Mist-girl, and ( Ue-nuku did not know who they were, but he knew that they were beautiful. They were so beautiful that 2[ he / how / know / marry / to /to/ wanted] one of them. But while he was watching, the sun came up. When the girls saw it was day, they were frightened. "We must 10 go!" they cried. "We are girls of the mist and rain. If the sun shines on us, we will die." While Ue-nuku watched, the two girls went slowly and softly back up to the sky. That night, Ue-nuku sat alone in his house. He said to himself, "Will I ever see the two girls again? They were so beautiful. I want to 15 marry one of them!" While he was thinking, the door of this house opened and the Mist-girl came in. “Ue-nuku, I have come to stay with you," she said. "But I can only stay at nighttime. When day comes, I must go back up to the sky. If the sun shines on me, I will die." The Mist-girl stayed all that night. Before the sun came up, she said 20 goodbye to Ue-nuku and went to her home in the sky. Ue-nuku did not like this. 4[ he/her/him / stay / to / wanted with all the time. One day, he said to himself, "I will put "mats over the door and window of my house. The Mist-girl will not know day has come. 25 She will think it is still night, and she will stay with me." That night, there were mats over the door and window of the house. "Day has not yet come," said Ue-nuku. "Stay with me." The Mist- )! I'm sure it is day by girl said, "What a 5 ( ) ( now." Ue-nuku said again, "Day has not yet come. Stay with me." Time passed, and the Mist-girl said a third time, "This night is too long. I'm sure it is day now." Before Ue-nuku could stop her, she

解決済み 回答数: 1
地理 中学生

6が分かりません 答えはウです 解説お願いします

CL ] D[ (3 1970年代以降,東北地方では,米以外の作物を作る農 けいい 家が増えています。 その理由や経緯を説明した次の文中 の(x)~(Z)にあてはまる語句を, あとから選 びなさい。 ASENDADAKAN ME 1970年代, 食生活の変化で米の消費量が減ったため, 政府が水田を減らす(x) 政策を始めた。 それによっ て、他の作物への(Y)を行う農家が増えた。また最 近は、寒さに強く味もおいしいといった(Z)米の開 発も進んでいる。 めいがら げんたん [ 銘柄 減反 [6] 7 x[ z[ 8 けいしゃ さいばい 4 地図中の②の平野の南部の傾斜地で栽培が盛んな果実 名を答えなさい。 [ ] ぼんち (5 地図中の⑥ の盆地名と,そこで栽培されている代 表的な果実の組み合わせを,次のア~エから1つずつ選 移出 転作 ]Y[ びなさい。 ア 甲府盆地-ぶどう よこて ウ 横手盆地-りんご びちく 100 必 ] to hith ふくしま イ 福島盆地 もも やまがた 山形盆地-さくらんぼ らくのう ちくさん ウ 酪農や肉牛などの畜産 地図中のⓓの高地で盛んな農業の種類を,次のア~エから1つ選びなさい。 ] い 流がぶつかるところを何といいますか。 漢字2字で答えなさい。 リアス海岸の三陸海岸の入り江で養殖されている水産物を, 次から2つ え ようしょく かき うなぎ 〕 r くるまえび 千葉 3.7- BA C。 B そくせい イ 野菜の促成栽培 ア 米の二期作 くろしお おやしお おき あ 三陸海岸の沖合いは, 黒潮と親潮がぶつかり, 豊かな漁場になっています。 このような, 2つの海 さんりく 茶の栽培] [ 1 ①[][ ・栃木 4.0 (農林水産省資料) 50km CE [ O し (a)

解決済み 回答数: 1