


英語 中学生

至急お願いします🙇‍♀️すみません💦 問1から問10まで分かりません😓 教えてくれると嬉しいです! 解説あると助かります🙇‍♀️

Unit 2 長文問題 Ⅱ ミツバチは女社会? 1 (1) Have è you ever experienced a bee sting? If you (2)have, you may not be fond of bees. However, they are very interesting and honeybee society is very similar to (3) Ours. Let's look at some interesting facts about it. 2 Honeybees live together in groups of 20,000-80,000 in a beehive. This group is [call ] a colony and the bees in the hive can be categorized into three types: a single queen, tens of thousands of worker bees and hundreds of drones. Target ①現在完了形 現在完了進行 ② 名詞・冠詞 人称代名詞 ③受け身 queen bee 3 A queen bee's job is to lay eggs all her life. Each day the lays around 2,000 eggs. The average lifespan of a queen is three to four years. Does the queen "rule" the colony? No. Her duty is simply egg- laying. In fact, the queen bee has a smaller brain than a worker bee. 4 The worker bees are the largest population in the hive. They are all female bees but can't lay eggs. A worker bee's life is rather short. They live around 40 days. Their job is to keep the queen bee happy. They do all the work but change jobs as they grow. For about a week after birth, they mainly clean the hive. Sometime between five to sixteen days after birth, they usually take care of the babies and help to build the hive. When they become twelve to eighteen days old, they carry food. After that, they guard the hive entrance. When they are three weeks old, they fly out the hive, pollinate plants and collect food. 5 If you're a drone bee, life is hard. You're [ bear ], live for a month or two, and then die. During that time, you're not a productive member of the hive-you can't collect pollen or help to look after eggs, like worker bees-and you can't even sting anyone. Drone bees live with one thing in mind: mating with a queen. When (7) can, but they die soon after that. (5) they're lucky, they (6) 6 sting 刺すこと、~を刺す be fond of ~を好む honeybee ミツバチ be similar to 「~に似ている beehive ハチの巣 colony コロニー categorize ~を分類する tens of thousands of 何万もの〜 drone 雄バチ lay eggs 卵を産む lifespan Every bee in the hive has a part to play in the survival and success of their kind. Bees have been living like this for ages. They work together and live in harmony. rule ~を統治する duty. female 雌の rather かなり as 〜につれて guard 守る pollinate 授粉する productive 生産的な pollen E 問 1 in mind 考えて mate with ~と交尾する in harmony (2) ( (7) C success ** 問: 調和して、仲良く 問 Pa (4) (6) あ

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英語 中学生


/e ar 6 の の 2 の 8 9 10 2 13 Uhit 1: Word Puzzle 0◆ p. 9-16 氏堤優那 VS D I A R Y U 『DIARY(日記)という単語を見よう。口には同じ番号にはすべて同じ文字が入り 8 の の 19 15) の 20 ます。 単語の向きは縦と横だけ。Let's try!! 2 NN E T|W F 3 の 5 15 8 18 2 16 D の E×C|エT ED 【ACROSS】横のカギ 口 恥ずかしがりの 【DOWN】縦のカギ ロ sitの過去形 D I A R Y ロ 甘い ロ そのとき の 2 ロ そのほかに ロ comeの過去形 ロ meetの過去形 ロ 今日 ロ コーチする ロ goの過去形 ロ 立ち寄って E ロ 興奮して ロ年 の 3 3 の ロ考え ロ ~の後 ロ ~の間に DAY C|AME ロ興味を持って ロ私達のもの 口is, am, areは「~動詞」 ロ不安,緊張して ロ rideの過去形 ロ疲れた ロ ~前 ロ 恐ろしい 6 の 18 ロ それの ロ久しぶりは?→ Long time no ロ What ロ television 2文字で! R honor!「なんと名誉なこと!」 E I の 16 0 5 14 先週の日曜のチャーリーの行動 昨日のチャーリーの行動 現在の行動 人HS A R T AN モールにいた 《8時》 《9時頃》 《今》 ●電話してい●シャワー浴び●ルーシーにメール を送っている に! 0 OODAD D30 BD3④020 D306 ODOO36? 14) の の の 0 3 20 ●新しいコンピューターを買った た てた N ERVOUS 『番号に合わせてできた疑問文を に書き、その答えを の の 19 C |W F 16) +0|0|RN|A の の 3 16 R 2 OO30 1D20 06 ①D 160646? MEN T 0 の の の S R N E 3 OO3D O30 06 ①7200 30 B2006 66O6BA036? 3 5 の の I DE A RED 4 OOB6 030 O6 OO200 340000 D206 500OBO036? 2の 0 0 15 T 10) (15) 6 00310 20 06 ①7200 070? S A E ired の 15 16 6 の 20 の ア 0 S ET ME T AlG |O の cOSa 山 @U e @1 の O の の s○ | eの t e

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英語 中学生

ニューホライズン2年のプリントです! 先程質問させていただいた奴の続きです!! 宜しければ回答お願いします。

教科書 pp.112-113 NUmber Date Unit 得点欄 Name 27 7 Read and Think 2 1 単語の確認 次の日本語に合うように, (1) あなたと私は似ています。 に適切な語を入れて英文を完成しましょう。 You and I are (2) 音楽はたくさんの人に影響を与えます。 Music many people. (3) 私はときどき自然からインスピレーションを受けます。 I sometimes get from nature. (4) その寺はある人々にとってはとても神聖です。 The temple is very for some people. 2 基本文·重要表現の確認 次の日本語に合うように, (1) ここから日の出が見られます。 に適切な語を入れて英文を完成しましょう。 The sunrise can from here. (2) そのドアはあけられてはいけません。 The door must not (3) そのレシピはこの本の中で見つけられるでしょう。 The recipe will in this book. (4) 1つには, 私がとても忙しいです。 one thing, I'm very busy. くり返しチェック! 次の日本語に合うように, ( )内の語句を並べかえて英文を完成しましょう。 (文頭は大文 (1)なぜその都市はそれほど多くの人に訪れられるのですか。 (visited / the city/why/by/is) so many people? (2) 私の兄と私はその問題を異なる見方で見ます。 My brother andI(the problem/different/see/ ways / in ).

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英語 中学生


次の英文は、中学生の航が英語の授業で発表するために書いている原稿である。 航が一度書 B. C. Dの問題に答えなさい。 2 次のA. わた。 A になったつもりで、 下線部の語句をそれぞれ正しい形に直して書きなさい。 felt = feel の過去形 (注)soup =スープ set up~=~を準備する surprised = 驚いて Yesterday ais my mother's birthday. dinner for her. I cooked curry and soup. So I made I started to cook after school and finishedoto cook at7 p.m. And then, I set up the table. When she ecome home and opened the door, she was very surprised and said, “Wow! Thank you!" I felt happy. B 中学生の聡(Satoru) が, アメリカ人の留学生ポール (Paul) と次の表を見ながら話をしている。 の に入れるのに最も適当なものを, 下のア~クからそれぞれ一つ選び, 記号 の で答えなさい。 (注)meat =肉 table = 表 kind = 種類 delicious = おいしい 訪日外国人が最も満足した食べ物 Korea (韓国)Taiwan(台湾) Hong Kong (香港) China (中国) America(米国) 15.3% 17.3% sushi 23.1% 26.8% 10.3% 27.3% 14.7% 12.8% 14.7% 13.2% ramen soba/udon 9.7% 5.2% 2.8% 3.9% 6.2% 16.6% 24.0% 18.4% 7.3% meat 22.8% 16.1% 23.6% fish 7.6% 14.6% 20.4% others 24% 26.5% 23.8% 22.9% 28.1% (国土交通省観光庁資料 「H27 訪日外国人の消費動向」より) Satoru : Look at this table. For people from Korea, is the most popular food. Paul : Yes. People from America like it, too. But look! About 27% of people from Taiwan like Satoru : You're right. It's very interesting. I thought sushi was the most popular Japanese food for people around the world. How about you? What food do you like? Paul :I like all kinds of Japanese food, but I like fish (3 It's delicious. Satoru : Oh, really? Fish is the most popular food for people from (4 I like fish, but I don't usually eat it at home. My mother likes meat very much. ア China イ Hong Kong ウ sushi エ the best オ カ キ fish ク as well as more ramen

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英語 中学生

答えがない高校の過去問です。 回答確認のために教えてほしいです。

【1】 次の英文を読んで, 下の各設問に答えなさい。 These days, many people say that *agriculture is very important. We have( ① ) many kinds of things, such as rice, fruits and vegetables for a long time. Through agriculture, a lot of foods are produced, so we are able to have food every day. Agriculture is necessary for our lives in many ways. の In Japan today, more and more people are thinking about agriculture. People want to get safe food for their health. Some people ask, “Where do these carrots come from?” or “Do the farmers use *agricultural chemicals?” So, many people like to buy fruits and vegetables produced near their homes.It is called chisanchisyo in Japanese. In the United States, they have the *movement called *Community Supported Agriculture (CSA).. People give some money to the farmers( 3) in their *local area. They can get fruits or vegetables from the farmers *instead of going to the stores. In other words, *consumers support the farmers in their own community. 4) Chisanchisyo and CSA have good points for both consumers and farmers, For consumers, frst, they can know where the fruits and vegetables were produced. Second, those products are fresh and taste delicious because ⑤ thev [farms/ are/ in/ stores / carried / to/ from」 a short time.*In addition, consumers can choose the farmers who don't use agricultural chemicals. For farmers, first, they can understand consumers' needs quickly. Second, farmers can make a lot of **profit because they can cut back on *distribution cost. They can sell ther products which they cannot send to supermarkets. 6 So these kinds [ better / a chance for / give consumers / of movements/ can / getting」 products. Farmers are careful about the safety of food: Agricutural chemicals are used to *protect firuits and vegetables from *insect pests, but (O) too much chemicals is sometimes bad for people. So, some farmers are trying to produce fruits and vegetables( agricultural chemicals. Instead of agricultural chemicals, they use sonme kinds of insects and special plants. For example, some farmers use *ladybugs. They like to eat *plant lice. Plant lice are insect pests of vegetables. Iffarmers do not take action, 'many vegetables will be eaten by them. So the farmers hope that ladybugs will eat many plant lice. *companion-plants. They are plants which help to reduce insect pests and make vegetables better. Green onion is one plant that reduces plant lice on tomatoes. Plant lice don't like the strong smell of green onion, so farmers protect vegetables by planting them near tomatoes. As a result, farmers don't need to use any agricultural chemicals. Farmers are trying to produce vegetables which don't use agricultural chemicals. To get safe and healthy foods, consunmers and farmers need to help each other. Also, we are nowthinking about using not only natural ways but also new technology such as robots. Other farmers use

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