


英語 中学生


□ (3) □(4) □ (5) □ (6) 4. 現在完了 演習問題 次の疑問文の答えとして適する文をあとから選び,記号で答えなさい。 □(1) Have you washed your face yet? How long have you studied English? Has she ever skied? □ (4) How often have you visited Okinawa? ア Yes, I have. イ No, she hasn't. ウ Several times. I For three years. □ (2) 2 次の各組の文がほぼ同じ内容を表すように, □(1) It was cold yesterday, and it is still cold. It cold She went to London, and she is not here now. She □ (2) □ (3) to London. I lost my camera, and I don't have it now. I my camera. This is the biggest dog I have ever seen. I have such a big dog before. He came to Japan ten years ago and he is still in Japan. He Japan We have had no rain here for a month. Her mother died six years ago. □ (7) Her mother Six years 3 次の文を ■ (1) に適する語を書きなさい。 ROOM rained here for a month. yesterday. dead for six years. since her mother died. They have finished the work. ( 疑問文に) bratasy の英文を日本文にしなさい。 I have been to Nagano twice. 私は2回名古屋に行きました。 内の指示に従って書きかえなさい。 He has already finished his homework. (否定文に) He has hot already finished his homework, 2) They are listening to music. (文末に for two hours をつけて現在完了進行形の文に) J She has lived in Kyoto since 1992. (下線部をたずねる疑問文に) ten years. 次 2) 3

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英語 中学生

至急お願いします🙇‍♀️すみません💦 問1から問10まで分かりません😓 教えてくれると嬉しいです! 解説あると助かります🙇‍♀️

Unit 2 長文問題 Ⅱ ミツバチは女社会? 1 (1) Have è you ever experienced a bee sting? If you (2)have, you may not be fond of bees. However, they are very interesting and honeybee society is very similar to (3) Ours. Let's look at some interesting facts about it. 2 Honeybees live together in groups of 20,000-80,000 in a beehive. This group is [call ] a colony and the bees in the hive can be categorized into three types: a single queen, tens of thousands of worker bees and hundreds of drones. Target ①現在完了形 現在完了進行 ② 名詞・冠詞 人称代名詞 ③受け身 queen bee 3 A queen bee's job is to lay eggs all her life. Each day the lays around 2,000 eggs. The average lifespan of a queen is three to four years. Does the queen "rule" the colony? No. Her duty is simply egg- laying. In fact, the queen bee has a smaller brain than a worker bee. 4 The worker bees are the largest population in the hive. They are all female bees but can't lay eggs. A worker bee's life is rather short. They live around 40 days. Their job is to keep the queen bee happy. They do all the work but change jobs as they grow. For about a week after birth, they mainly clean the hive. Sometime between five to sixteen days after birth, they usually take care of the babies and help to build the hive. When they become twelve to eighteen days old, they carry food. After that, they guard the hive entrance. When they are three weeks old, they fly out the hive, pollinate plants and collect food. 5 If you're a drone bee, life is hard. You're [ bear ], live for a month or two, and then die. During that time, you're not a productive member of the hive-you can't collect pollen or help to look after eggs, like worker bees-and you can't even sting anyone. Drone bees live with one thing in mind: mating with a queen. When (7) can, but they die soon after that. (5) they're lucky, they (6) 6 sting 刺すこと、~を刺す be fond of ~を好む honeybee ミツバチ be similar to 「~に似ている beehive ハチの巣 colony コロニー categorize ~を分類する tens of thousands of 何万もの〜 drone 雄バチ lay eggs 卵を産む lifespan Every bee in the hive has a part to play in the survival and success of their kind. Bees have been living like this for ages. They work together and live in harmony. rule ~を統治する duty. female 雌の rather かなり as 〜につれて guard 守る pollinate 授粉する productive 生産的な pollen E 問 1 in mind 考えて mate with ~と交尾する in harmony (2) ( (7) C success ** 問: 調和して、仲良く 問 Pa (4) (6) あ

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英語 中学生

問三が意味分かりません 教えて頂きたいです 答えは400mAでした なぜAだけの電流を答えは求めているのでしょうか? 質問は何も書いていないから全体の電流をもとめるのではないのですか?

2 【理科】 (社会と合わせて60分) <満点:75点> 【注意】 定規 分度器・計算機等の使用はできません。 ・ 1 右図のように、電源装置,電圧計,電流計,抵抗値 が未知の電熱線A, 抵抗値が30Ωの電熱線Bを使って 回路を組み立てた。 電熱線A,Bを,それぞれ同じ質量 の水が入った水そうに入れ、電流を流したところ, 電圧 計は8Vを示した。 グラフは水そうの水の温度上昇と, 電流を流した時間との関係を表している。 ただし, 電 源装置の電圧の大きさは一定で、 電熱線で発生した熱 は、 すべて水そうの水の温度上昇に使われるものとす る。 次の問いに答えなさい。 問1 電熱線Aで発生した熱は, 電熱線Bで発生した 熱の何倍か。 最も近いものを次のア~エから選び、 記号で答えなさい。 ア 0.67倍 イ. 1.2倍 ウ. 1.5倍 問2 電熱線Aの抵抗値は何Ωか。 20 問3 電流計の値は何mAか。 160 問4 電熱線Aで5分間に発生した熱は何Jか。 0.6 3120 3x = 2 エ.2.0倍 2x530 x=003 2 153.6 01650 0.16 solo note t'mko 1300 2124 水の上昇温度 5 水 (°C) nious 水そう on 水そう2 7 tog of 3 電源装置 1 A 50/80 Jo 50% 50 V (①) 目 A 80①3 20 KTYVUO B [00000000 .16 3.2 32 20 0.512) (2bavengnia 3 8 2 次に、電源の電圧の大きさはそのままで, 電熱線Bを抵抗値が80Ωの電熱線Cに変えて同じ実 2 をした。この実験でも、水そうの水は沸とうしなかったものとして、以下の問いに答えなさい。 問5 電流計の値は何mAか。 一水そう2- -水そう 1- 1 2 Alo 電流を流した時間 〔分〕 3 4 5

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英語 中学生

問6でなぜunderstoodではだめなのですか? わかるではないということですか? 教えてほしいですお願いします🙏

(注) Graph 1 TAIと一緒に働くことに抵抗がありますか」 に対する (アメリカ) 20.7 5.3 4 拓也 (Takuya) さんは、 クラスメートの彩 (Aya) さん ジュディ (Judy)さんと 「科学技術と人々の生活」をテーマとした高校生による国際会議 (international conference) の発表者として選ばれました。 国際会議で発表する前に、拓也さんは発表の 内容についてクラスの生徒たちに説明しています。 グラフ(graph)とクラスでの説明の原 稿を読んで、あとの各問に答えなさい。 46.4 (62%) 27.5 ■非常にある ある程度ある □あまりない □まったくない 領域別学習判定 34.0 Graph 2 「Aと一緒に働くことに抵抗がありますか」 に対する回答結果 (日本) 17.8 19.9 MESEN BION 45 S AI AI air conditioner: エアコン BM (単位:%) 28.3 ■非常にある ある程度ある □あまりない □まったくない (artificial intelligence) Graph 3 「今後取得したいAIを活用するための力 技能等は何ですか」 に対する回答結果(複数回答可) 50 40 30 20 evaluate: 評価する performance be ready to 〜 : 〜する準備ができている 10 a - 5 - 23.5 19.9 Al $ AI M するための力作る技能 Al 活用方法を 考える力 I'm Takuya. My classmates, Aya and Judy, and I decided to talk about AI in our lives at the international conference. AI is like a brain in a machine. In our lives, we can see many kinds of machines with AI like smartphones, robot cleaners, and air conditioners. Last weekend, I found a robot with AI at a new shopping mall. It said, " "I said, "Where can I buy a CD here?" Then the robot answered the question quickly. I was very surprised. At the international conference, we are going to show examples of machines with Al first, and then we are going to talk about a difference between Japanese and American people. Aya found Graph 1 and Graph 2 on the Internet. The question in あ of the American them is, "How do you feel when you have to work with machines with AI? The graphs show the answers to the question. Graph 1 shows that about people are not happy to work with machines with AI. In America, people are often evaluated by their work performance. So they are afraid of losing their jobs when job than them. Graph 2 shows that more than 50% of the (2) machines with Al do Japanese people think it is OK to work with machines with AI. Judy found another graph. It's Graph 3. People over 20 years old answered the % of the Japanese people think they don't question on the graph. It shows about need to learn any skills to use AI. I believe the Japanese people will need to learn the I think Japanese people skills. We should do something to improve the situation. should be ready to live with machines with AI. But from the graph, we can also see that some of the Japanese people want to (A) AI and think about how to use it. I'm B) a lot of ( C ) Japanese people are interested in AI. Machines with AI are part of our lives. We should think about how to ( D ) our lives by using AI. Aya, Judy and I are going to ask the students some questions about living with AI at (3) the conference. What questions will we ask at the conference? We haven't We are going to talk about the questions later. Thank you for listening. 15.2 力や技能を 身につける ■アメリカ □ 日本 brain : shopping mall : ショッピングモール T

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英語 中学生

至急!!!!!!🗯 高校入試の過去問です 答えは②らしいのですが、forgs ってs がついてるので、複数形ではないですか? 1.3は冠詞( a )がないので答えにならないのは納得しましたが、直後の文に「1匹だけのカエルが池に飛び込むんだと思うよ」とあるのにsのつく②が正... 続きを読む

Alex He is one of the most famous writers in Japan. impressed with his haiku. Aga yud li' : I got it! So, Masato, I have a question. kawazu tobikomu mizu no oto." Basho wrote "Furuike ya If you *translate "kawazu tobikomu" into English, which do you use, a *frog or frogs? )." In this case, I think that only one Masato: Well... maybe I'll use (c)"( frog *dives into the pond. Alex : I understand. And I think that (d) ) is easier than (e) because you don't have to choose one frog or more than one. Japanese is interesting for me. Masato: I think so, too. So (注) ranslate A into B AをBに翻訳する frog カエル dive 飛び込む 下線部(a)に入るものとして適切なものを、次の①~④ の中から1つ選び マークしなさい。 2 Matsuo Basho wrote this book. What book? JON. 3 Do you like that book? 4 I like this book. イ) 下線部(b)を意味の通る英文になるよう並びかえたとき、3番目と5番目に来る語として適 切なものを、次の①~④の中から1つ選び, マークしなさい。 1 4-6 2 2-6 3 4-5 4 2-5 ②⑤ ) 下線部 (c)に入るものとして適切なものを、次の①~④の中から1つ選び、マークしなさい。 Ofrog jumps in frogs jump frog jumps 4 many frogs jump

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英語 中学生

32、33、34、35がわからないです。 教えてくださいませんか? メチャクチャ急いでます

の英文の内容に関して (31) から (35)までの質問に対する答えとして最も 4[C] 切なものを 1,2,3,4の中から一つ選び、その番号のマークをぬりつぶしなさい。 Abbie Burgess About 200 years ago, there were no airplanes or trains in the United States, so people used ships to travel. Some areas were very dangerous for ships, so lighthouses* were built in these places. At night, people on ships knew they had to be careful when they saw the light on the top of a lighthouse. The people who took care of lighthouses were called lighthouse keepers, and their job was very important. In 1853, a 14-year-old girl named Abbie Burgess moved to an island in Maine with her family. No other people lived on the island, and Abbie's father was the lighthouse keeper. Abbie helped her father in the lighthouse. She learned how to clean the lights in the lighthouse and do many other things. The lights had to shine* brightly until morning. Just before winter in 1856, Abbie's father had to leave the island to buy food. He had to go 25 miles by boat to get to the nearest town. He told Abbie to take care of their family and the lighthouse. After he left, a big storm came, and it was the biggest storm in 100 years. It rained and snowed for four weeks, so Abbie's father could not return to the island. Abbie took care of the lighthouse by herself for one month. Finally, Abbie's father came back. He was very happy because his family was safe. Abbie did a great job. Her work saved many people's lives. Abbie became the assistant* lighthouse keeper in 1862. EDEL *lighthouse: T *shine: 3 assistant: 補佐の (31) What did lighthouses do? 1 They helped ships to find other ships. 2)They told ships about dangerous areas. 3 They told people that storms were coming. 4 They helped people on land at night. (32) When did Abbie Burgess move to the island? 1 in 1852. 2 In 1853. 3 In 1856. 4 In 1862. (33) Why did Abbie's father have to leave the island? 1 To get food. 2 To find a job. 3 To see his family. 4 To help people on a ship. (34) How long was the big storm? 1 One week. 2 About two weeks. 3 About a month. 4 100 days. (35) What is this story about? 1 The oldest lighthouse in the United States. 2 A young girl who took care of a lighthouse. 3 People traveling by ship in the 1800s. 4 A famous island in Maine.

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