


英語 中学生


Ehe Ene 教科書 p.34~ 文法) 次の英文を日本語に直しなさい。 T9fmmu3 oritot ansl ) Iwill listen to music after dinner. 学習日 基本問題 月 「2) It will be rainy tomorrow. 2(文法)次の日本文に合う英文になるように, )私は今日, 買い物に行きます。 に適する語を書きなさい。 shopping today. I otle 「2) 彼はそのレストランで働くでしょう。 ときは,<will+ 助詞は必ず原形。 in the restaurant. He はい,します。 your homework this evening? *(3) あなたは今晩, 宿題をしますか。 Yes, 予定や計画して つ推測)を表す。 *口(4) 彼らはその公園ではサッカーをしないでしょう。 soccer in the park. They ]内の指示にしたがって書きかえるとき, に適する語を書きなさい。 3(文法)次の英文を[ 1) I climb the mountain every spring. [下線部を next にかえて) the mountain next spring. → I っときは, (Yes, eds 「(2) It is hot in Tokyo. [文末に tomorrow を加えて] → It hot in Tokyo tomorrow. 口(3) Satomi doesn't stay at home on Sunday. 【下線部をnext にかえて] at home next Sunday. [下線部をたずねる疑問文に] this summer? → Satomi (4) Yuta will swim in the sea this summer. Yuta 標準問題 1(英作文)次の日本文を, will を使って英語に直しなさい。J 口(1) 私は今晩, このコンピュータを使うつもりはありません。 ま oto nt ainoo a ! 文 ) 口(2) 彼は次の土曜日,私の家に来るでしょう。 2 (英作文)家族の1人に,「あなたは今週末忙しいですか。」とたずねる英文を書きなさい。ただし,will を 使うこと。 かえるとき u g 口 文 3(教科書内容)ティナから光太へのメールの一部を読んであとの問いに答えなさい。 教科書 p.34 Im enjoying my time with my grandparents. They say hi to you. ) the( ), when will your flight arrive? We'll meet you at the airport. L) 下線部①が 「ところで」という意味になるように, ( )に適する語を書きなさい。 ne e k L12) 下線部2が表す人物を日本語ですべて答えなさい。 口3) 次の質問に7語の英語で答えなさい。 the VT Tal Where will Tina meet Kota?

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英語 中学生

問2までは無理矢理やったんですけど3からわからなくて。。。 1と2も間違ってたら指摘してください!

四 mez (表量のみ) 次の圏、回に答えなさい。 genetically modified food) 還 次の英文は ジョューンス先生(Mr Tones)がクラスの生徒たちと遺伝 子組み換え食品( と農薬(agricultural chemicals) について話している場面のものです。これを読んで 1 ーーーーで| There are toOo many people Kota : ] wat blems last night. mwatched a TV program about food proble mn in the future. liVing in the world, so there wont be enough food for all of the Saki : IT saw it,too、The food problems are more difficult than math problems. | Kota : 1 think farmers should produce more "CrODS. for people to eat. | Saki : My "parents are farmers、They say their job js to produce enough cropS TTP 。 | They wull also | Crops will die i there are *weeds around them or they have diSeaSe- | die if there are many bad weather days. | | Kota : Does that mean itS not easy to produce more crODS? SNSIT6S difficult。My parents always worry about their CrODS. ら 過 IMr Jones : Do you think genetically modified food wi help to produce HOTE CTODS: | Saki 1 dont know much about it. Mr.Jones : We have *genes that come from our parents. They carry informa lants, too. Short legs or long legs or black hair or red hair. GeneS are found in all animals and pla | Kota : My father has long hands and I have long hands, to0. tion about you,Such aS | IMr jones : And some *scientists put a gene into crops and it could make the croDS StrOngeT against |15 agricultural chemicals。 When farmers “spread the agricultural chemicals over their | genetically modified crops, weeds die but the crops dont | Eota : Thats greatl They will help your parents with their work. Sakt | Mr Jones : Butthere are some problems. People see fewer "honeybees In America now. Agricultural chemicals may be *killing them. Kota : Really? Honeybees put *pollen from one flower on another one to help it to *grow. Without honeybees, we wi not have fruits, *vegetables. and other plants. | ] Saki : We will die soon without food. And now in many parts of the world. (alot of / die / mare / children / because / there / who) there isnt enough food for them to eat. IKota : Yes, and *at the same time, there's a lot of *unsold or leftover food in restaurants. food |25 Ia | Stores, and even at home, Tlearned it when 1 watched the program last night. 1 couldnt believe there was more leftover food at home. Mr.Jones : Do you know a "food bank? There are many food banks in America. They *gather such food and give it to people *in need. Tread about it im the newspaper. There are some in japan、too. 1 hope all of us 30 each other and can eat enough food、 YYe should think of the best way to do so. 農家(の人) crop(s) 作物 parents 両親 weed 雑草 disease 病気 子 。 mformation 情報 scientist 科学者 spread まく honeybee(s) みつばち pollen 花粉 grow 育つ Vegetable 野菜 atthesametime 同時に - 売れ残り と食べ残しの食糧 "food bank フードバンク gather 集める 英記

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