


英語 中学生

大至急‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ この答えを教えてください!!!!

come here. Why don't you talk together?” I felt a little nervous. But I went to the table and residents were sitting around a big table in the *dining room. A *care worker said to me, “Ken, 6 次の英文は中学生の健(Ken)が, ボランティア活動(a volunteer activity)をしたときのことについて書 In the afternoon of the first day, many *residents were ①(enjoy) their *teatime. Eight During the summer vacation, I visited a *nursing home for four days to work as a volunteer. (静岡改) .a to the eight residents, "Good afternoon, I'm Ken. Nice to meet you." Then, I sat next to an J woman called Reiko-san. She smiled and said to me, “Hello. How old are you? Where do , live2" I answered, “Well, I'm fourteen. I live near this nursing home.” I was hanny when Reiko-san talked to me. Then, I wanted to ask some questions about her. but. I what to ask. So, I 3 and we kept quiet. I felt sorry for her. nursing home 老人ホーム care worker 介護福祉士 resident 入居者 teatime お茶の時間 dining room 食堂 (1) のの( )内の語を適する形にかえて書きなさい。 (3点) (2) 2, 3の に適する語(句)の組み合わせを,ア~エから1つ選びなさい。 (5点) ア 2 knew asked many questions イ knew didn't ask anything asked many questions 2 didn't know (3 didn't ask anything ウ 2 didn't know 3 エ (5点×2) (3) 本文の内容にあうように,次の質問に英語で答えなさい。 (a) How long did Ken work at the nursing home as a volunteer? (b) How did Ken feel before talking to the eight residents on the first day? 39

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英語 中学生

6番からがどうしても分かりません。 教えてください。お願いします! もし宜しければ、1〜5があってるかも教えてください!!! よろしくお願いします!

紀。 。 穴の英文の中には誤りがあります。日本文を参考にしてその誤りを訂正し。 全文を 書きがえなさい。 (1) 1 have gone to London。 digロッドッE生おことガありきず) ュ てay eeep Wo (2 ) This pichune is beautiful than that one. (のMgあの訟よりも美じいで9 ーー et (3) When were built those houses ? (あれらの衣はいつ作られだのですか) に73のっ: 1 (4) Thave hived in KKyoto since twenty years。 (はに全んで20年になりま9) h。y。 le し we (5 ) Who run the fastest in your clas ? あおおのクラスので一番表<走るのはだれれで9の) 一 っWh て4 ru de たkor ns yepy csく (6 ) Must T go to there at once? 一 No you mustm't. ーー (中はすぐそこ行わなければなりませんガ。 一 いいえ。そのの要はありません) マ (7 ) IMy father gave a pretty doll meは私ビおわいい和形を<れましお) = の (8 ) He is the tallest in the five. (仙は5人ので一育ガ富いで9 = ツ (9 ) 1 play sometimes tennis with him. (はときどき授といっしょテニっをします) 。 ゅ (GO) My parents able to gywinm well. の両症は上にくべことができき) 還 ウッ (11) Mt. Aso is as higher as that mountain。 (人山aあの山と月じ<らいの高きで9) ゆ (12) We enjoyed swim very much then、(誠なちはその科,とても氷水を楽しじみましお) に (13) We call Pochi the dog, (ぬiaちはその大をポテと旦びま9) ェ の

未解決 回答数: 2