


英語 中学生

学校のロッカーに解答集置きっぱで… 大変申し訳ございませんが、採点お願いします🙇💦 間違ってるとこは答え教えて下さると助かります🙏

nP ー Unit 4のまとめ 文法·読解 ます。 o you know (Jane / sad / why / is / does / ? ) Do you know _wJanc Sad (2) アレックスに何がほしいか聞こう。 Let's ask ( he / Alex / what / does / wants / . ) Let's ask Aleと what wants he (3) これは1900年に作られた自動車です。 (Is / a car /in 1900 / this / making / made / . ) This is a caur _made in 1900 (4) 同こうでテニスをしている女の子たちは, 私の友達です。 (over there / the girls / tennis / play / playing ) are my friends. are my frie oveA_thckc are mye The ginls plaing Tennis. 2会話でcheck) 日本語を参考にして, 会話を完成させなさい。 りな Scene | 梨奈とベン(Ben)は話題のケーキ店に開店前にやって来ました。 Rina: Look, Ben! ®There is a long line cakes. of (ケーキを待っている人たちの長い列があるわ。) Ben: Wow! So many people! Rina: ®The _cake made here (ここで作られているケーキは本当においしいの。) are really good. ®Rina, can you tell me what timc (梨奈,今何時か教えてくれる?) Is H Ben: now? Rina: Sure. It's 9:30. 3( )内の語を適切な形にかえて, 意味の通る文にしなさい。 1) This is a cture _taken. by my father in Hokkaido. (take 2) That girl _having. lunch under the tree is my friend. ( have 3) This cake is really good! Please show me how you _haking ! ) I don't know where Erika _hought the blue shoes. (buy) 5 eighty-six

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 中学生

学校のロッカーに解答集置きっぱで… 大変申し訳ございませんが、採点お願いします🙇💦 間違ってるとこは答え教えて下さると助かります🙏

nP ー Unit 4のまとめ 文法·読解 ます。 o you know (Jane / sad / why / is / does / ? ) Do you know _wJanc Sad (2) アレックスに何がほしいか聞こう。 Let's ask ( he / Alex / what / does / wants / . ) Let's ask Aleと what wants he (3) これは1900年に作られた自動車です。 (Is / a car /in 1900 / this / making / made / . ) This is a caur _made in 1900 (4) 同こうでテニスをしている女の子たちは, 私の友達です。 (over there / the girls / tennis / play / playing ) are my friends. are my frie oveA_thckc are mye The ginls plaing Tennis. 2会話でcheck) 日本語を参考にして, 会話を完成させなさい。 りな Scene | 梨奈とベン(Ben)は話題のケーキ店に開店前にやって来ました。 Rina: Look, Ben! ®There is a long line cakes. of (ケーキを待っている人たちの長い列があるわ。) Ben: Wow! So many people! Rina: ®The _cake made here (ここで作られているケーキは本当においしいの。) are really good. ®Rina, can you tell me what timc (梨奈,今何時か教えてくれる?) Is H Ben: now? Rina: Sure. It's 9:30. 3( )内の語を適切な形にかえて, 意味の通る文にしなさい。 1) This is a cture _taken. by my father in Hokkaido. (take 2) That girl _having. lunch under the tree is my friend. ( have 3) This cake is really good! Please show me how you _haking ! ) I don't know where Erika _hought the blue shoes. (buy) 5 eighty-six

回答募集中 回答数: 0
英語 中学生

左が本文です  右が問題です この問題教えてください!!!

D回 日 時間 25分 実力問題 Step(3 次の英文を読んで、あとの問いに答えなさい。 Agriculture is very important. We have( A) many kinds of things, such as rice, fruits and vegetables, for a long time. Through agriculture, a lot of foods are produced, so we are able to have food every day. Agriculture is necessary for our lives in many ways. In Japan, today, more and more people are thinking about agriculture. One of the reasons is the safety of food. Some people ask, “Does this carrot come from our local area?” or “Is this cabbage s produced with agricultural chemicals?" Some people like to buy fruits and vegetables produced near their homes. It is called chisamatia in Japanese. This means “to consume the farm products in the area that has produced them” In the United States, they have the movement called Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) People give some money to the farmers ( B ) in their local area, and get fruits or vegetables from 1n them. In other words, consumers support the farmers in their own community. Chisanchisho and CSA have some good points for people. First, consumers know which farm the fruits and vegetables come from. Second, the fruits and vegetables are fresh and taste delicious because they are carried for a short time from farms to stores. In addition, consumers can choose the farmers who don't use agricultural chemicals. OSo (a chance for / give consumers / can / 15 getting better / of movements / these kinds) products. Farmers are also careful about the safety of food. Agricultural chemicals are used to protect fruits and vegetables from insect pests, but using agricultural chemicals too much is sometimes bad for people. So, some farmers are trying to produce fruits and vegetables( 2 ) agricultural chemicals. Instead of agricultural chemicals, they use some kinds of insects. 20 Plant lice are insect pests for vegetables. If farmers do not do anything, many vegetables wIll De eaten by them. So some farmers use ladybugs. Ladybugs like to eat plant lice. So the farmers nope that ladybugs will eat many plant lice. As a result, they don't use any agricultural chemicals. Through agriculture, we can get many foods from nature. So agriculture is necessary for our I When we think of our future, we should be more careful about our foods to improve our lives. 医 語句 agriculture 農業 chisanchisho 地産地消 fresh 新鮮な plant lice plant louse (アプラムシ)の複数形 vegetable 野菜 local 地元の agricultural chemicals 農薬 Community 地域社会 consume 消費する protect~~を守る insect pest 害虫 Consumer 消費者 insect 昆虫 ladybug テントゥムシ

回答募集中 回答数: 0