


英語 中学生

本日、投稿し直します! 今日こそ、これを教えてくれる人、来て~!(ガチでへるぷみー)

【7】 次の英文の空所に入る適切な単語 (前置詞) を書きなさい。 Most of us are interested ( ) science. He is very good ( at ) speaking English. Suma is famous ( ) its beautiful beach. Wine is made ( The top of the mountain is covered He is looking forward ( We were much surprised ( I got a letter written ( Please take ( (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 次は、 前置詞の穴埋め問題 ・・・ 覚えた連語や文法が役立ちます (6) (7) (8) (9) ) grapes. (10) The basket is full ( (11) They don't work ( (12) These shoes are too big ( (13) I can swim fastest ( (14) Tom read books about Japanese (15) I usually drink coffee ( (16) This desk is made ( (17) Ken is very fond ( (18) Yuki takes care ( (19) My mother was born ( (20) Don't be late ( (21) How ( (22) Arisa took part ( (23) It is difficult ( (24) Why were you absent ( ( (25) I have lived in Nagoya (26) His name was known ( (27) Thank you very much ( (28) Have you ever been ( (29) February is ( (30) Tuesday comes ( (31) ( ) seeing ) English. ) your shoes when you enter a house in Japan. ) beautiful flowers. ) Sundays. ) ) snow. you. ) the news. ) me. ) all the boys. history ( ) sugar. ) wood. ) listening to rock music. ) this cat. ) school. ) taking a walk around here ? ) morning till night. ) January 28th, 1975. ) the festival last year. me to get up early. ) school yesterday? ) a long time. I must finish this English homework ( ) everyone. ) inviting me to the party. ) Singapore ? ) January and March. ) Monday. ) next Monday.

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