


英語 中学生

大問2の英作文(4点満点)と大問3の英作文(5点満点)を採点して点数をつけて欲しいです!お願いします! 大問2の英作文 I chose D.The way is easy very much for me, so it's better than others. 大問3の英... 続きを読む

次の資料1は, せんと博物館 (Sento Museum) の利用案内の一部である。 また, 資料2は,ま ほろば駅 (Mahoroba Station) から, せんと博物館への行き方を【A】~【D】の4通り示したもので ある。各問いに答えよ I droice wasatin adi of og worlife 資料1 menom od ni donut send oj soalq ou si mad Museum Hours O E net li mortete sdotodely to dix jest gilt sen bfrade no? The museum is open from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Last admission is 30 minutes before closing time. te adorodlalá moi amoen wil nety of 181 9800 oy II Holidays The museum is closed from December 28 to January 1. 資料2 Special Exhibition The "Kano Eitoku" Special Exhibition will be held from April 1 to October 31, 2023. TangP Others HA1~1 to 311075 [A] [B] The restaurant is on the second floor, and it is open from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 Eating and drinking is allowed in the garden. 2 ICI [D] ( 一般選抜 ) in.q 00:2 in COST2 edotoel in ste Doy (注) (2023年) - 9 Take a train from Mahoroba Station to Sento Station. [about 7 minutes] Take bus number 1 in front of the East Exit of the station and get off at the "Sento Museum" bus stop. [about 9 minutes] Then, walk to the museum. [about 3 minutes] Ren p.m. Take a train from Mahoroba Station to Sento Station. [about 7 minutes] Use the East Exit of the station and walk to the museum. [about 27 minutes] admission A open (店などが) 開いている closed (店などが) 閉まっている exhibition Take bus number 2 in front of the East Exit of Mahoroba Station and get off at the "Sento Museum" bus stop. [about 42 minutes] Then, walk to the museum. [about 3 minutes] closing: 閉館の Take a taxi in front of the West Exit of Mahoroba Station to the museum. [about 25 minutes] allow: 許す exit

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 中学生


◆次の英文を読んで,あとの問いに答えなさい。 <埼玉改〉 Ayako is a junior high school student and her homeroom teacher is Mr. Tanaka. He said to the students in class, "You will have work experience next month. So think about the future and the work experience you want. Then talk about these with your family. This is your homework. Next Monday you are going to talk about it with your classmates in class." That evening Ayako talked to her family about the homework. She said, "I have no idea about the future. What should I do?" Her mother said, "You don't need to worry about it now." Her brother said, "When I was a junior high school student, I was like you. But I was interested in environmental science when I was a third year student in high school. Now I'm studying it at college." Her father asked, "What are you interested in?" Ayako couldn't answer. He continued, "You should think about that first." Next Monday when class started, Mr. Tanaka said to the students, "Talk to the person next to you about the future and work experience. Then give some advice to each other." The person next to Ayako was Robert. He was from Australia. They enjoyed playing basketball at school and were good friends. "Well, Robert, do you have any ideas about the future and work experience?" Ayako asked. "Yes. I want to go to a hospital for work experience. When I was sick in the hospital, a nurse tried hard to help me in English. And she took good care of me. I was very glad. So I want to be a nurse in the future and help people," he said. "How about you, Ayako?" "I have no idea about the future," she said, and then talked to him about her father's advice. "Your father's advice sounds good," he said. "OK. I'll ask you some questions. What do you like 20 to do?" "I like to play basketball on the school's basketball team," she answered. "I like basketball too. Why are you interested in it?" he asked. "Because it's fun to play. And I'm the captain of my team, so I teach basketball to the younger members. I'm interested in that," she answered. "I think you are good at teaching basketball, and all the members like you," he said. "Oh, thank you," she said. "Well, Ayako, how about a school teacher as a future job?" he said. "I think you will take good care of students." 1 35 1. 25 "Thank you. I think it is an important job. OK. I'll think about it," she said. At the end of class 30 she was happy because she had an idea for her future job. She thought listening to her father's advice and talking with Robert were useful. The next week Ayako and Robert were talking again. He said, "Well, Ayako, did you think about work experience? Where do you want to go for it?" Ayako smiled and said, "I'm thinking about teaching at school as a future job, so I want to go to an elementary school for work experience. If I 35 work as a teacher, I need to learn a lot of things. I'm studying harder now."

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 中学生

(3)と(5)を並び替えてもらいたいです お願いします 急いでますすみません(;_;)

Sis 5.文の意味が通るように ( )内の語句を並べ替え、2番目と5番目に来る組み合わせとして正しいものをア 〜エより選び, 解答用紙に記入しなさい。 (文頭にくる語も小文字で書いてある。) 知識・理解 (各2点×5) 4364952 (1) 私は、 何故ボブがずっと忙しいのかわかりません。 I {1.Bob/2.busy/3.know/4.dón't/5.been/6.why/7.has}. ア (3,5) イ ( 3, 1 ) ウ (3,2) (2) あなたは、 中国語で書かれた本を読んだことがありますか。 {1.read/2.you / 3.Chinese / 4.the book/5.written / 6/in / 7.have }? 7.24 1⑨63 I (3.7) ア (2,4) イ(2,5) ウ ( 7,4 ) I (7,1) (3) あなたは誰か上手に歌うことのできる人を知っていますか。7721946 93 {1.who / 2. know/3.you / 4.anyone / 5.sing well//6.do / 7. can }? ア (64) イ (3, 1) ウ (3,5) I (6, 1) (4) 私は、とても役に立つ辞書をもっています。 76500*23 $15 (15 {4. very /22. a dictionary / 3. which/4.is/5.useful/6. have/7.1 }. ア (64) イ(6,3) ウ (6,2) 6. 日本語に合う英文になるように,( (1) She is a girl ( I (6.1) 43 47 2 (5) 私が今朝乗ったバスは、バス停に遅れて到着しました。 3. The bus{1.arrived / 2. I / 3.this morning/4.at/5.took / 6.the bus stop/7. late ア (1,6) イ(5,7) ウ (54) I (4, 3) /ST/TOOK dif に適する語を解答しなさい。 知識・理解 (各1点×5 ) likes music. 彼女は、音楽が好きな女の子です。

解決済み 回答数: 1