


英語 中学生

二学期中間考査の英語の問題です。 問6の①〜④の回答お願いします!

(4) He saw the movie. He felt (5) Yuka has been busy. (5) busy? 問6. 次は、イースター公園 (Easter Park) のホームページの一部と, それを見ている Susie と Ai との対話です。 二人の対話がホームページの内容と合うように ( ① ), (③), ( ④ ) にはそれぞれ英語1語を, には5語以上の英文を書きなさい。 Festivals WELCOME to EASTER PARK!! Easter Park is a very beautiful park with many things to do. Everyone can enjoy festivals, a roller coaster*, restaurants, shops, and more! Visit us !! We are open from 9:00 to 20:00. September 1- November 10 "O" Tickets* How to visit 【期間をたずねるこ Ai Fruit Festival Halloween Festival October 1 - October 31 Christmas Festival November 15 - December 25 3-11 years old $10.00 12 years old - $15.00 By Bus Get off at City Zoo and walk 15 minutes along 10th Street. By Train Get off at the Mountain Station and walk 10 minutes along 5th Street. 注 roller coaster ジェットコースター Halloween ハロウィーン ticket(s) Susie Look, Ai! Let's go to this park next Saturday. It looks very interesting. Ai You mean October 31? That sounds good. Wow! We can enjoy two festivals. Oh, next Saturday is the (0) day of the Halloween Festival. I want to go! I am very interested in Halloween! A Susie: We can take a train. If we ( 3 ) for ten minutes after we get off the train, we will be there. The park is (4) at 8 o'clock at night, so we have a lot of time. That's nice. I hope the weather will be fine next Saturday! your family? ursery school or studying at school? I You

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英語 中学生

英検対策の問題です。 中1なのですか分からないとこばっかりで…。 解説も出来れば、出来ればでいいので お願いします🙇‍♀️⤵️

13 (1) から (15) まで ( 1つ選び、その番号のマークをぬりつぶしなさい。 (2) (1) A: Mike, have you called Jill to tell her about our meeting tomorrow? B: No, not ( 1 yet ―次試験 筆記 ). I'll call her after lunch. 2 over 3 always Brian is going to visit the (> ) with his class next week. He wants to see many kinds of fish there. 1 college 4 garage 大学 EL (3) A: These are delicious tomatoes. B: Thank you. We ( 1 grew に入れるのに最も適切なものを 1,2,3,4の中から 2 aquarium 3 stadium *17 (7) A: It's so hot! 2 thought 2 special (6) Helen and Yumiko ( they're good friends. 1 put (4) Jeff went fishing on Sunday. He caught nine fish. One was very big, but the () were small. 1 another 2 ones 3 others 4 sometimes (5) A: I heard that you're going to Rome next week. B: That's not ( ). I'm going to Paris. 1 true 2 thought ) them in our garden. 3 fought 4 knew 4 all 3 met 3 common 4 main 3) in the tennis club at school. Now 4 found B: Here, use this (2). It will cool you down. 2 fan 3 hill 71% 1 line 4 head 頭 75 78 (8) People think I can speak French because my mother is from France. But (A ) fact, I can only speak English. 1 by 2 on f 3 for 4 in (9) The rock group was very popular, so the concert hall was 3) of people. ( 1 thick 2 full 3 deep 4 high (10) Lisa and her family didn't go ( planning to go on a trip this year. 1 away 2 at B: OK. 1 pass (11) A: I told my mother that I would be home by 7:00. I don't ) my promise, so I have to go now. want to ( 2 se 4 lend 2 color 3 through 4 behind (12) Jim bought a new house, so he had to move his things. All his friends were on vacation, so they couldn't give him a (/). 1 part ) last summer, so they're 3 break (13) A: Excuse me. Could you tell me ( map? 2 won't 3 front (14) A: Jack is a police officer, (3 B: No, he's a doctor. 1 isn't 2 to teach B: Sure. There's a bookstore on the fifth floor. 1 which 2 why 3 what 4) I can buy a world ) he? 4 hand 3 doesn't 3 teach 4 where 4 can't (15) I can't ride a bike, but my brother can. I asked him (3) me. 1 teaches 4 taught 19年度第1回 記

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英語 中学生


ファイルにとじて、復習に活用しよう! ④ 明治図書 積み上げ 英語2年束書 #4 Unit 3 1 単語のつづり ( )の日本語に合う英単語を書きなさい。 (1) Can you (説明する) this word? (2) We (学ぶ) with computers. (3) Water is (必要な) for us. (4) Ⅰ didn't know the (理由)、 適語選択 2 {}から適する語句を選んで書きなさい。 (1) Kaito likes { play, plays, to play } tennis. (2) I was excited { watch, watching, to watch } a rugby game. (3) It's easy { using, to use, for use } computers. (4) We had a lot of homework { do, to do, did} yesterday. 3 (1) It is important to help your friends. 友達を は重要です。 (2) Josh didn't have time to watch TV. ジョシュはテレビを (3) I used this bag to bring the books. 私は このかばんを使いました。 「to+動詞の原形」 の意味 英文の意味を表すように、 に適する日本語を書きなさい。 (4) I'm sad to lose the soccer game. 私はサッカーの試合に 5 がありませんでした。 です。 ) the two trees. They understand each other ( ) English. (4) あなたはこれらの魚を捕まえることができますか。 Can you ( ) these fish? (5) 私は将来ケニアに行きたいです。 I want to go to Kenya ( ) the ( ). (6) この本によれば, イヌは2色だけしか見えません。 ( )( ) this book, dogs see only two colors. 英文の完成 4 日本語に合う英文になるように,( )に適する語を書きなさい。 (1) 私たちは朝食をとるべきです。 We() have breakfast. (1) (2) 2本の木の間にベンチがあります。 (2) There is a bench ( (3) 彼らは英語によって理解し合います。 ・教科書p.35~44 (2) 私はあなたに会えて幸せです。 語の並べかえ 日本語に合う英文になるように, {} の語を並べかえなさい。 (1) メグは何か飲むものをほしがっています。 Meg { drink / something / wants/ to }. (1) (2) Ⅰ { to / you / happy / meet / am}. (1) (2) (3) (3) (4) (5) (6) 名 (1) (2) (3) 点数は50点満点の (2) 組 (3) [20] (2点×4) 1 知識・技能 5点×4 (1) VO (3点×4) 2 知識・技能 5点×4 (3点×4) 3 知識・技能 5点×4 (2点×6) 4 知識・技能 5点×6 (3点×2) 5 知識・技能 5点×2 Or Or EDT 点 点 点

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英語 中学生

長いですが、(1)〜(6)まで教えてください🙇‍♀️‪‪ お願いします。

4 次は, 光輝 (Koki) が英語の授業でしたスピーチの英文です。下の表 (Table) を参考にして, あと の問いに答えなさい。 表1 外国人訪問者数(年別) 年 人数(人) 2012 8,358,105 2013 10,363,904 2014 13,413,467 2015 19,737,400 2016 24,039,700 2017 28,691,073 表 2 外国人訪問者が訪日前に期待していたこと (2018年1月~3月期: 複数回答) 全国籍 74.1% 57.5% 45.2% 42.4% 35.2% 20.4% 項目 日本食を食べること ショッピング 自然・景勝地観光 繁華街の街歩き 温泉入浴 伝統文化体験 韓国 79.1% 54.7% 33.8% 36.2% 36.9% 8.9% 〈注〉 foreign 外国 (から)の visitor 中国 62.2% became become 62.6% 53.4% 44.5% 39.9% 16.8% Hi, I'm Koki. I want to talk about foreign visitors to Japan. Today, many people come to Japan from foreign countries. The number of foreign visitors to Japan is becoming larger every year. When we look at Table 1, we can find that the number of foreign visitors to Japan became more than 20,000,000 in (). Also, the number of foreign visitors in 2017 is more than three times larger than that in ( Ⓒ ), What do foreign visitors want to do in Japan? When we look at Table 2, we can learn that about 74% of the visitors to Japan 3want to ( ) ( ) ( ). About 58% of them want to go shopping, and about 45% of them want to see nature in Japan. Visitors from China are more interested in going shopping than visitors from other countries. Visitors from America are more interested in seeing nature in Japan than in going shopping. From Table 2, we can also learn that about 35% of foreign visitors want to take a bath in hot springs. That means some foreign visitors want to have special experiences in Japan. They also enjoy staying in ryokan. Also, about 20% of foreign visitors want to have traditional Japanese experiences. I heard that some foreign people try to make soba and some foreign people try shodo. Many foreign people go to small cities or towns to have those special experiences. But they may have problems with language then. If foreign visitors and Japanese people can't communicate with each other, foreign visitors can't realize their plans. Many people come to Japan from various countries. Their language is not only English. But English is widely used around the world. When the Olympic Games are held in Tokyo in 2020, more foreign people will come to Japan. We may have chances to help foreign visitors then. I think communicating with foreign visitors will be important. What should we do for it? アメリカ 87.2% 41.3% 45.4% 42.8% 26.4% 46.2% be interested in ~に興味がある experience three times larger 3倍大きい nature may 〜かもしれない take a bath ふろに入る hot spring 〜とやりとりする communicate with the Olympic Games オリンピック held hold (〜を開催する) の過去分詞 realize ~を実現させる various さまざまな widely

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英語 中学生


4 次は, 光輝 (Koki) が英語の授業でしたスピーチの英文です。 下の表(Table) を参考にして, あと の問いに答えなさい。 表 1 外国人訪問者数(年別) 人数(人) 年 2012 8,358,105 2013 10,363,904 2014 13,413,467 2015 19,737,400 2016 24,039,700 2017 28,691,073 表 2 外国人訪問者が訪日前に期待していたこと (2018年1月~3月期 : 複数回答) 全国籍 74.1% 57.5% 45.2% 項目 日本食を食べること ショッピング 自然・景勝地観光 繁華街の街歩き 温泉入浴 伝統文化体験 42.4% 35.2% 20.4% 〈注〉 foreign 外国 (から)の visitor 韓国 79.1% 54.7% 33.8% 36.2% 36.9% 8.9% Hi, I'm Koki. I want to talk about foreign visitors to Japan. Today, many people come to Japan from foreign countries. The number of foreign visitors to Japan is becoming larger every year. When we look at Table 1, we can find that the number of foreign visitors to Japan became more than 20,000,000 in (). Also, the number of foreign visitors in 2017 is more than three times larger than that in () What do foreign visitors want to do in Japan? When we look at Table 2, we can learn that about 74% of the visitors to Japan 3want to ( @ ) ( ) ( ). About 58% of them want to go shopping, and about 45% of them want to see nature in Japan. Visitors from China are more interested in going shopping than visitors from other countries. Visitors from America are more interested in seeing nature in Japan than in going shopping. From Table 2, we can also learn that about 35% of foreign visitors want to take a bath in hot springs. That means some foreign visitors want to have special experiences in Japan. They also enjoy staying in ryokan. Also, about 20% of foreign visitors want to have traditional Japanese experiences. I heard that some foreign people try to make soba and some foreign people try shodo. Many foreign people go to small cities or towns to have those special experiences. But they may have problems with language then. If foreign visitors and Japanese people can't communicate with each other, foreign visitors can't realize their plans. Many people come to Japan from various countries. Their language is not only English. But English is widely used around the world. When the Olympic Games are held in Tokyo in 2020, more foreign people will come to Japan. We may have chances to help foreign visitors then. I think communicating with foreign visitors will be important. What should we do for it? became 中国 62.2% 62.6% 53.4% 44.5% 39.9% 16.8% three times larger 3倍大きい nature É take a bath ふろに入る hot spring communicate with 〜とやりとりする widely the Olympic Games オリンピック become be interested in ~に興味がある experience アメリカ 87.2% 41.3% 45.4% 42.8% 26.4% 46.2% may 〜かもしれない various さまざまな held hold (〜を開催する) の過去分詞 realize ~を実現させる

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英語 中学生


2 ③ 1 A 基 やさし イラス 4 ⑤ 「A y スマ 使 いのです。 □ 「~を… の状態)にする」 と言うときは, (make + (代) 名詞+形容詞で 基本文 ポイント A ロ(3) The W <make + (代) 名詞+形容詞) sleepy. B A = 「私(左)」=「眠い」 ※AとBは入れ替えられない。 「The warm weather makes me 基本を確認する! (例) Please keep the room warm. (部屋を暖かくしておいてください) I left the window open. (私は窓を開けたままにしておきました) 前に見た映画をもう一度見に来て (1) This movie (calls / makes) people happy. スタート 1場面チェック ( )内から適する語を選んで書き, に入るセリフを完成しょう。 (2) 日本文にあう英文になるように, □(1) あなたの声は私を幸せにします。 Your voice makes ロ (2) 彼は花だんを美しく保っています。 He (2) Let's (hold / keep) the classroom clean.and (3) Please (take / leave) the window open. 1 <make + A + B) の文 「AをB(の状態)にする」 Aには名詞・代名詞 B には です。 A=Bの関係が成り立つ。 この映画は人を幸せにします。 教室をきれいにしておきましょう。 2 (keep + A+B), (leave (keep + A+B)= <leave + A + B >= 窓を開けたままにしておいてください。 me トムは自分の部屋を汚れたままにしています。 Tom his room leaving に適する語を書こう。 heeps happy. (3) his garden 81 次の英語は日本語 日本語は英語にかえて書こう。 create 2 日本文にあう英文になるように、 早く目が覚めると幸せです。 Make up make Leave B2 基本文を使いこなす! 1 日本文にあう英文になるように、( )内の語(句) を並べかえて、全文を書こう。 その映画は人をわくわくさせます。 (people/the movie / makes / excited). The movie makes people excitecl. (2) かわいい服はいつも私たちを幸せにします。 (clothes /us/make / always/cute/happy). 2 drew indoor (2) 報告書) レポート (3) 戸外の, 野外 (4) 屋内の、室内の (5) draw の追 outdoor report 名 に適する語を書こう。 dairty. 3 日本文にあう英文になるように,( )内の語を並べかえよう。 □(1) その歌はいつも私を悲しくさせます。 The song always (sad/me/makes ). The song always makes me sad. □(2) 雨の日は私たちは退屈です。 Rainy days (us / make/ bored). Rainy doys make us bored 30 thirty [プレ ford Cute clothes always make us happy. 私たちはその公園をきれいにしておくべきです。 (should / clean/we/the park / keep). WI early makes me happy. We should keep the park clean. 自己表現 だれかをわくわく させるもの メモ(2) サム:サッカーの試合 メモ (②2) Soccer メモ(3) | の語(句) に自分で1語補って, メモの内容を表す英語を完成しよう。 メモ (1) : J ポップ J-pop excited sister [myl J- pop makes my sister excited soccer games ミカ:ピアノをひくこと excited. Sam PROGRAM 3 games make Sam excited Mikal the piano playing Playing The piano makes Mika Ken f CAN-DO 3 自己表現 Kate (ケイト) は, 友だちへのクリスマスプレゼントは何がいいか考えていま スタート 右の, Kate の友だちが幸せな気分になっている様子の絵 (1) を見て、彼らについて Kate に教える英文を書こう。 ① Yumi likes eating cakes. 由美はケーキを食べることが好きです。 makes It her happy. それは彼女を幸せにします。) ② Ken likes playing tennis. 鍵はテニスをすることが好きです。 It makes him happy. それは彼を幸せにします。 今度は、あなた自身の立場で, 同じように英文を書こう。 Yuki C I like eating ice cream It makes セント ケーキを食べる = eat cakes テニスをする = play tennis 映画を見る = watch [se マンガを読む = read comics 音楽を聞く = listen to music

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