


英語 中学生


問題10 【思考・判断・表現】 (2×9=18) 健(Ken)はクラスの友達に切手 (stamp) と地図 (map)を見せながら、ブータン王国 (Bhutan)に住む文通相手 (pen pal)のタシ (Tashi)との交通についてスピーチをしてい ます。 次の英文を読んで、あとの (ア) ~ (ケ)の各問いに答えなさい。 ow or W atploaoro to Yo ont bib SW (1) Hi, everyone. I'm going to talk about my pen pal. Please look at this stamp. Have you ever seen a big stamp like this? It's samm not a Japanese stamp. Then (0)? Tashi, my pen pal no Satologado tuodo in Bhutan, sent it to me last week. Bhutan has interesting stamps. I'll talk a little about (E) Syobot Bhutan. Please look at this map. Bhutan is between China and India. It's bigger than Kyushu and has many high mountains. People in that country have clothes like Japanese kimonos, and they grow and eat rice. Tashi and I became pen pals last year. I've never seen him, (2) I've seen his father. His father came to Japan to study at college, and my mother was his Japanese teacher. When she brought him to our house, he told me about his family. He said, "My son is as old nh's Snipsd as you. He wanted to come to Japan with 3me, but he had to stay in Bhutan. He is very Cbil yohl(5) (5) interested in Japan and wants a Japanese friend. If you write a letter to him, he will be very (4)." Tashi's father also told me about his country. It was very interesting. So I Estoloporis sver of sent a letter to Tashi, and we started writing letters to each other. We write letters in English. I didn't like writing English before, but now I enjoy it. Tashi writes English very well because teachers in Bhutan usually speak English when they teach. He sometimes uses difficult words in his letters, so I need a ( 5 ) to read them. We write about our countries, schools, families, and friends. He uses beautiful stamps to him, too. Thank you for listening.

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 中学生


問題8 【思考・判断・表現】 (2X4=8) 次の(ア) (エ)の各対話文の AUBUL 選び、番号を答えなさい。 TREMOR TA anese persity, (7) Yuichi: Today is my grandmother's birthday.TJ EXTRINKOE Mary: Yuichi: She's seventy. voy list of enige m'I wolob sigosq ynom sinirit 1 Where does she live? 2 3 Who gave her a present? 4 (S) PHIA に適切なものを1~4の中から1つずつ ARTARSO TV stolor) -CER Setologors How old is she? 2 3 4 What's her name? GIWH pixaM traiano* ni slqos (1) Satomi: Oh, you are carrying a big box. Are you all right?b siqasi yobot stolosoto David: No. This is a little difficult. Satomi: Sure. Sviensque 1Sy snipibsn to baixo zow Mr. Smith: Tomoko: ptplegoria solom of oppo* sau of 1 Why do you want to go to the park?squa 2 3 How is the weather next Sunday? 4 Hoy o son mont blaosa boing ob3 silt erinud 1 Will you help me? enixiom 3 You won't help me. mozboinq Shoqot of amos terit stolosoris hib woll May I help you? 2 4 Do you want me to help you? 10000 tu8 bluos yen't yllonit brip brod yisy bsint yorT moqot ni ti (¹) Steve: What are you going to do next Sunday, Hitoshi? Hitoshi: I'm going to play baseball with my friends in the park. Steve: I see. Yob Hitoshi: Well, I'll do my homework at home. we smood stplooors, WW* ollsH yoteid eti tuoda of bstnow briD stalocoris How many students are there in the school? Is it easy for your friends to speak Chinese? How will you go there? Have you ever been there? SVIENSORS LITE SDN 11 nonpitosino* 9/102 When will you play baseball? What will you do if it rains? ant gr (1) Mr. Smith: Tomoko, I hear you are going to visit China with your friends this summer. Tomoko: Yes, Mr. Smith. We are going to visit a junior high school boins blov in China. ai doinW It is my second time to visit the school, but it is the first time for my friends. I made a lot of Chinese friends last year. So I'm looking forward to seeing them again.

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 中学生

写真のような「いろいろな疑問文」と「間接疑問文」はどうやって使い分けるのですか? SとVが逆になるので全く違う構文ですよね? 誰か教えてください!

17 いろいろな疑問文 疑問詞で始まる疑問文- ペンを買いました。 He bought a pen. 彼は何を買いましたか。一 19ini 0 What did he buy? バスで行きます。 By bus. どうやって学校に行きますか。 e How do you go to school? t bas 0tesoo what(何,何の), who(だれ), whose(だれの,だれのもの), which(どちらの,どの), when(いつ)。 where(どこ), why(なぜ) OWh-で始まる疑問文…たずねる内容に合った疑問詞を文頭に置く。 ai asunal omb3 ●疑問詞+名詞 what, whose, which には形容詞の働きもある。 What sport do you like the best? Which book do you want? eHow で始まる疑問文「どのように」「どのような」 と方法や状態などをたずねるときは, how を文頭 に置く。また,〈(How+ 形容詞[副詞 ?>の形で, 次のような疑問文を作る。 ?[量·値段], How old ~?[年齢],How tall ~?[身長·高さ]. How high~?[高さ], How much ~ How many ?[数], How long ~?[長さ·期間], How far ~?[距離], How often ~?[頻度] ●会話表現 Why don't you ~?「~してはどうですか」/How about ~?「~はどうですか」 moT evsbl -2否定疑問文 6 Didn't you meet Mary? ol o Yes, I did. / No, I didn't. あなたはメアリーに会わなかったのですか。 いいえ、会いました。/はい, 会いませんでした。 Hoda bas t oinire ③否定疑問文 主語で始まる疑問文。「~ではないのですか」 と訳す。 答え方は, 答える内容が肯定なら Yes, 否定なら No となることに注意。 ed) 3付加疑問文 ④ You are a student, aren't you? Yes, I am. / No, I'm not.nilb 6 Tom doesn't play tennis, does he? Yes, he does. / No, he doesn't. あなたは生徒ですね。 BOD はい,そうです。 /いいえ,違います。 トムはテニスをしませんね。 ーいいえ,します。 /はい, しません。 ⑥ Yumi can swim, can't she? 由美は泳げますね。 466付加疑問文 「~ですね」 と相手に同意を求めたり,「~でしょう?」と問いかけたりする。 最後を下げ調子に読めば同意を求める表現に,上げ調子に読めば問いかけの表現になる。 ●付加疑問文の作り方 皆定文には否定の付加疑問(短縮形)をつける。否定文には肯定の付加疑問をつける。 主語は代名詞にかえ, 助動詞のある文では同じ助動詞を使う。時制を合わせることにも注意。 Vou went to the party, didn't you?(あなたはパーティーに行きましたね。)o1nomb3 Sdnst 19bles 注意 Let's ~.の文には shall we?, 命令文にはwill you? がつく。 Let's go to the park, shall we? (公園に行きませんか。) noinomb3

解決済み 回答数: 1