


英語 中学生

英検準2級 2020年1月23日実施の英検です。 どなたか答えを教えてください💦🙏

)に入れるのに最も適切なものを 1, 2. Grade Pre-2 次の(1) から(20) までの( 1 3,4 の中から一つ選び,その番号を解答用紙の所定欄にマークしなさい。 When Julie began to take swimming lessons, she used the steps to slowly get into the pool. But her teacher taught her how to ( a much quicker way to get in. 1 ) into the pool. It is (1 4 build 3 fill melt 2 dive ) for Monday at (1 (2)A:Hello. I'd like to see the dentist. Can I make an ( 2 p.m., please? B:I'm sorry, but we are not open on Mondays. 1 envelope 4 hono 2 image 3 appointment ) about During the meeting, the presidents of the countries had a ( the environment. They talked about different ways to reduce air pollution. 1 4 discussion 2 material 3 population career ) he would get a good After Adam finished his math test, he felt ( grade. He thought he had done very well. 1 similar 2 hopeful 3 tiny 4 pure A:Where's Samantha? The movie will start in 15 minutes. I hope she isn't late. B:She told me that she will arrive in 10 minutes, so ( in time. ) she'll be here 1 endlessly 2 surely 3 rapidly 4 gradually (6)A:Ken, can I hold your puppy? B:Yes, but ( 1 join ) him gently. He's only five weeks old. 2 handle 3 spell 4 escape Kathy often watches a cooking show on TV to learn how to make new dishes. She always writes down the ( later. ) so that she can make the dishes 1 recipes 2 harbors 3 surfaces 4 policies Playing the trumpet looks easy, but it actually needs a lot of ( You have to practice hard to become really good. 1 skill 2 theme 3 planet 4 climate Yesterday, all of Kana's friends went home after school, but she ( in the classroom to talk to her teacher. 1 hired 2 attracted 3 remained 4 divided (10) 4:Angela, are you OK? There's blood on your face. B:Oh, don't worry. It's just a ( my cat. 1 ) that I got when I was playing with term 2 reward 3 factor 4 Scratch

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 中学生

3の⑤で、答えは、be protectedです なぜedがつくのかが、分かりません どなたか教えて頂きたいです🙇‍♀️

教科書 p.4~51 絶滅にひんした動物 (現在完了進行形· 原形不定詞) /100点 ■次の対話文を読んで, あとの問いに答えよう。 ゆ か 絶滅にひんした動物 読書中の由香に父親が話しかけています。 トピック 場面 Dad :Yuka, you've been reading that book ( ① ) this 読書メモ チーターの生態 * 頭数が急激に減少 →保護が必要。 狩りをするとき →時速I10 キロも の速さで走ることが できる。 morning. I didn't know you were interested in that topic. Yuka : I learned about protecting endangered animals in English class. I have become interested in this topic ( 2 ) then. I haven't finished reading it yet, but 3 this book is very easy to read and helpful. Dad :Does that book tell you about cheetahs? Yuka : Yes, it does. Cheetahs can run as の(2語) 110 kilometers per hour when they are hunting. They are great hunters, but now their population is decreasing rapidly, so they must [2語) Actually, 10 I'm going to give a presentation about cheetahs in English next month. Dad :There will be a TV show about cheetahs and other wild animals in Africa tonight. How about watching it? Yuka : Oh, Ididn't know that. Thank you for telling me about it, Dad. I'll watch it. 15 Dad :6I hope it will help you prepare a presentation. (147 語) jova (注) cheetah チーター .. kilometers per hour 時速…キロ hunter 狩りをする動物 10と2の( )内に適する共通の語を下の[ 〕から選び, 書きなさい。 10点 [for / since / from ] 現在まで継続している動作が「始まった時点」 を表す前置詞は? 2下線部3は何に関する本だと考えられますか。 本文中の英語3語で答えなさい。 20点 3由香の読書メモの内容にあうように, ④と⑤の[ 内にそれぞれ指定された語数で英語を書 きなさい。 各 15点 4 5) 4 下線部6の英文を日本語になおしなさい。 20点 て文る 5本文の内容にあうように, 次の問いに英語で答えなさい。 What is Yuka going to do tonight? 20点 - She's going to watch a TV show about in Africa.

解決済み 回答数: 1