


英語 中学生

この問題の(4)なのですが、 I will try anything faster than any other student in my class. どんなことも他の人(クラスメート)よりも早く挑戦する と解答したのですが、あっていますか? 添削お願いします。

19 ハルナ(Haruna) がヒューズ先生 (Mr. Hughes) と話をしています。この対話文を読んで、 [1]~[(3) に入る最も適当なものをそれぞれあとのア~エのうちから一つずつ選び、その 符号を書きなさい。 また、対話文の内容に合うように、 (4) に入る言葉を英語で書きなさい。 ただし、語の数 は10語程度(.?! などの符号は語数に含まない。) とすること。 Haruna Mr. Hughes, do you have time ? Mr. Hughes Of course. Do you have any questions? Haruna:Yes, at the end of the class, you said, "Be the first penguin." (1) Mr. Hughes: All right. You know penguins, right? Penguins are birds that cannot fly but car swim in the sea. Haruna Yes, of course. I have seen them in an aquarium. Mr. Hughes : Some people say that there is no leader in the world of penguins but that is not true. When they catch food or run away to a safe place, one penguin moves first, and then the rest of them (2) Haruna Mr. Hughes: Wow, that's very interesting. For example, (3) | to jump into the sea to catch food because there is sometimes danger in the sea. But when one brave penguin jumps into the sea, all 0000/r

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英語 中学生


(2) 問題 9 【思考・判断・表現】 Toxun 0 () 英語の授業で、身近なを調べて発表することになりました。 次の英文は、 ある生徒が、 話の流れを表すスライドとして最も適切なものを、 右の1~4の中からつ選び、 番号を答えな チョコレート (chocolate) について調べた発表原稿です。 これを読んで、 発表の最初に示す、 さい。 Sampn mar a torW Xtnovsz Ha inoluz Hello, everyone. Do you like chocolate? I think many people do. Now, I'm going to tell you Seda ei blo woH S Sevil srie 2sob shen svog ori about its history. People in *ancient Mexico started to use *cacao to make chocolate. It was different from chocolate today. People drank chocolate. They thought it was good for their health. It tlusittib slttil D 2inTo bivad 3702 moto2 to Japan? During the Edo period, people from Europe uoy was a kind of medicine and very expensive. How did chocolate first come brought chocolate to Nagasaki. During the Meiji period, some people learned about making chocolate and wanted to make it in Japan. They tried very hard and finally they could. But Suoy glad I YDM S it was still expensive. Sirzoti ypbnu2 txsn ob of priop Doy STD todW abnoint vindtiy llodsend vold of prinn m'sirla Some *confectionary companies began to make chocolate during the Taisho period. After *World War II, chocolate became sweeter and *cheaper, so it's popular now. Today you can see many kinds of chocolate in the supermarket.tot og of tnow woy obyw Which is your favorite? Syobnu2 txan naritoow srit ai woh E World War II ==** M 第二次世界大戦 Stan *ancient Mexico = 古代メキシコ paino period = (1) confectionary companies = 7 ONTO cheaper = 安い、安価な 8料】 8 (84** fily of prio cacao =** I oxomoT time. (1) OlomoT M 2sY S LDNIN) Ai Stima

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英語 中学生

英語の和訳をお願いします。 第1段落と第2段落がうまく訳せません。 特に第1段落のThree of them 以下や、第2段落の第1文のManga 〜 in Japanese.やIt describes以下です。 It describesのItもなにを指しているか混乱してま... 続きを読む

回 海外で発行されている日本のガイドブックに、漫画とアニメの記事が掲載されています。 記事を読んで、あとの問いに答えなさい。 People around the world now know and love Japanese anime. Some characters are familiar to people who do not usually read manga or watch anime. One of the reasons for this success is the adjustments that were made for viewers overseas Three of them involve titles, characters, and content. 2 Manga and anime titles are, of course, originally in Japanese. Some, like this does not work with all titles. For example, Knights of the Zodiac is originally Seinto Seiya in Japanese. It describes just the main character, but in English, the title was changed to something that relates to the whole story. This made it more attractive to viewers in foreign countries. Characters' names are often changed in manga and anime that are mainly for children. It is hard for children to remember unfamiliar names. With familiar names, children can focus on the story. For example, the character Satoshi in Pokemon becomes Ash in English. The name Ash uses three letters from S-a-t-o s-h-i. Japanese customs are sometimes adjusted for non-Japanese viewers. The adjustments can be small or large. Consider this example of a small adjustment. In anime in Japan, characters eat onigiri. In Western versions, they eat cookies. In manga, they don't change the pictures. Instead they add short explanations. This way, foreign readers can understand Japanese customs and behavior. A large adjustment might be a change in the setting. Consider Kyojin no Hoshi, an anime from the 1970s. In it, the main character Hyuma trains very hard and becomes a professional baseball player. In the Indian version, its main character plays cricket, a popular team sport in India. In short, perhaps anime became more popular because of these adjustments. The language and customs were adapted a little to fit each culture. Think about your favorite manga or anime. The original is probably different.

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英語 中学生

至急⚠️ 2枚目の答えを教えて欲しいです

Think U 朝美はさらにガンディーについて知るために,伝記を読んでいます。 ? What is the main idea of Gandhi's movements? イギリスで弁護士の資格を得たガンディーは、23歳のときに南アフリカに渡ります lawyer in Gandhi moved to South Africa to work as a 1893. It was under British rule at that time and there was a lot of discrimination. For example, Indians could not go out at night freely or walk on the sidewalk. There were also hotels that did not accept Indian guests. In 1906, the British made a law that was even more unfair to Indian people. Indians in South Africa got angry and stood up against the law. Gandhi decided to lead a movement to protect their rights. His message was "Don't follow the law, but don't use violence, even if you are arrested." Soon the jails became full of Indians, and Gandhi himself was sent there. Finally, in 1914, after many years and much effort, the law was removed. It showed that non-violent movements can be effective. staldis ne 1900 red a lot of people [139 words] 5 A Legacy 10 ガンディーの非暴力のたたかいは、祖国インドでも続きます。 Gandhi returned to India in 1915. India was also a British colony. In those days, there was a law that the British made for salt. According to the law, only the British could produce or sell salt. They put a heavy tax on it. The Indians were very poor, but they had to buy expensive salt. The money went to the British. Gandhi thought it was unfair. S 800 In 1930, Gandhi decided to walk to the sea and make salt himself. He started with 78 followers. Thousands of people joined him on the way. After walking almost 400 kilometers, he reached the sea. This non-violent march was called the Salt March. News of the march spread around the world. It showed people a new way to fight against discrimination. Gandhi's peaceful fight continued after that. In 1947, 15 India won independence. Non-violent protest is the legacy that Gandhi left. It has influenced famous leaders, such as Martin Luther King, Jr. and Nelson Mandela. [161 words / 300 words]

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