


英語 中学生

中2英語です! なんも分かんなくて明日提出なので教えて 欲しいです(>人<;)🙏

Program8 A Hope for Lasting Peace 1. 真央とダニエルの会話を読んで、 問いに答えなさい。 Daniel: This is our last day in Hiroshima. Mao: Yes. We've been here for three days. We've already learned a lot of things. Daniel: Absolutely. I was moved by the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park. Mao: So was I. I bought a souvenir. Take a look. Daniel: It looks like soap. Oh, it's paper clay. Mao Recycled paper cranes are used in this clay. Daniel Recycled paper cranes? I've never heard of that. Mao Me neither. But I thought it was interesting. Q1 会話文の内容に合うように、 空所に適語を入れなさい。 Daniel and Mao () moved by the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park. Mao bought paper 2). (3) paper ( 4 ) were used in the paper ( 5 ). Q2 英語の問いに、 英語で答えなさい。 • How long have Daniel and Mao been in Hiroshima? 2. 原爆の子の像や折り鶴の再生に関する記事を読んで、 問いに答えなさい。 In the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park, there is a monument. It was (P) for Sasaki Sadako and many other children. They were victims of the atomic bomb. In 1954, Sadako became sick. She believed she would get better by ( 1 ) a thousand paper cranes. However, she passed away the next year. She was only twelve. Many people have been() millions of paper cranes to the monument since it was built. The paper cranes show people's hope for peace. The monument receives about 10 million paper cranes every year. But every year those cranes are burned. It costs too much and it's not good for the environment. People have been thinking about 2this problem for a long time. One good idea is to recycle the paper cranes into notebooks and origami paper. When people fold the recycled paper into cranes again, they are renewing the hope for lasting peace. Q1 (ア)~ (ウ)に入る語を下から選び、 それぞれ適当な形に変えて書きなさい。 make write build send Q2 文中の下線部 ①と②は何を指すか、 英語で答えなさい。 Q3 英語の問いに、 英語で答えなさい。 1 What do the paper cranes show? What is a good idea to recycle the paper cranes? 101

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 中学生


Program7 A Gate Way to Japan 1. 真央とダニエルの会話を読んで、 問いに答えなさい。 Mao: Hi, Daniel. You look happy. Did something good happen? Daniel: (just / from /have/ gotten / my uncle / an email / I) in Italy. Mao: Your uncle in Italy? What does he do there? Daniel: Ah, he's a sportswriter. He loves Japanese pop culture like manga and anime. Mao: Great! Are Japanese manga and anime popular in the U.S. too? Daniel: Yes. The words manga and anime are (P) in English. Mao Like sushi and kimono? Mmm, interesting. By the way, I'm going to do my homework for the speech after I get home. Have you (1) it yet? Daniel: I started it yesterday, but I (2) finished it yet. Mao: What are you () about? Daniel: About Captain Tsubasa. My uncle recommended it. Mao: Do people in foreign countries know about Captain Tsubasa? Daniel According to my uncle, a lot of professional soccer players watched it when they were children. Some of them started ( I ) soccer because of it. Mao: Wow! Captain Tsubasa gave them "wings." Q1 かっこ① の単語を並べ替えて、本文の内容に合うように英文にしなさい。 Q2 (ア)~(エ)に入る語を下から選び、それぞれ適当な形に変えて書きなさい。 play write do use Q3 かっこ②に入る単語を下から選び、 記号で答えなさい。 didn't haven't 5, am not Z. can't Q4 英語の問いに、 英語で答えなさい。 What does Daniel's uncle love? 2What does the word "wings" mean? ● 2. 日本のポップカルチャーについての発表内容を読んで、 問いに答えなさい。 Manga and anime are parts of Japanese pop culture. Today they attract and influence many people around the world. I've read a book about art history before. There was a similar situation about 150 years ago. In those days, ukiyo-e was pop culture like manga. It became very popular in Europe. Have you ever heard of Monet and van Gogh? They were greatly influenced by ukiyo-e. Japanese pop culture is getting more popular day by day. It is a gateway between Japan and other countries. Q1 下線部 ①~③は何を指すか、 下から選び、 記号で答えなさい。 あ、 Manga and anime 1, Japanese pop culture う、 art history 7, Monet and van Gogh ukiyo-e Q2 英語の問いに、 英語で答えなさい。 What became popular in Europe about 150 years ago?

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 中学生

問26の問題の解説をお願いしたいです 🙏🏻 下線部の leading driver とはどういう意味なのでしょうか … 🌀

h * [3] 次の英文は、森林伐採 (deforestation) が地球環境に与える影響に関してのレポートです。 英文 を読み、各問に答えなさい。 (*印の語(句) は注を参考にすること) * The World Resources Institute (WRI) says the world lost 4.2 million hectares (of forest)land) (in 2020) The total area affected was(about the size of The Netherlands.) The loss of forest) (in 2020) was a 12 percent increase over 2019. オランダ How does deforestation affect climate? Climate change both causes forest loss, or deforestation, and is caused by deforestation Scientists warn that climate change creates hotter and drier climates. (18) a result, forests are more *vulnerable to fire and damaging insects. Plants are also important because they take(in CO2 that causes climate change cause 23 Rod Taylor is head(of WRT's forest program.) He said forests hold large amounts of CO2)and that losing them has serious effects ( 19 ) *biodiversity and the climate. *The International Monetary Fund says that the world economy dropped by about 3.5 percent) (in 2020) because of the COVID-19 pandemic. But deforestation continued to increase. The WRI かもしれない(可能性がある) says this was possible because lockdowns limited governments' ability to create laws @ ) forest loss People may have also moved out of cities(into local areas.) However, the strongest effects (of COVID-19)( ) forest loss) are probably still to come. WRI researcher Frances Seymour said: "It's possible that governments will try to restart their economies (on the backs) (of forests." Areas (near *the Earth's equator) lost a total of 12.2 million hectares) of forest(in ※形で等しい平等なという意味も持つ。 2020) This loss released the amount (of gas equal(( 20 ) 570 million cars). That is more than ² → [20¹5 equal to ~ 2" ME TEXT ★形前の(時間的、順序的) two times the number of cars on the roads in the United States.) Brazil saw the largest decrease (in forests) The 1.7 million hectares lost was a 25 percent increase (from the previous year.) There was some good news. Indonesia slowed its rate (of deforestation by 17 percent in 2020. Palm oil, a vegetable oil, is a leading driver (of deforestation) Last year, the price of palm oil) decreased, possibly affecting deforestation in Indonesia. (@) addition, experts say/the that are stopping forest loss after damaging fires in 2015) *

解決済み 回答数: 1