
問26の問題の解説をお願いしたいです 🙏🏻
下線部の leading driver とはどういう意味なのでしょうか … 🌀

h * [3] 次の英文は、森林伐採 (deforestation) が地球環境に与える影響に関してのレポートです。 英文 を読み、各問に答えなさい。 (*印の語(句) は注を参考にすること) * The World Resources Institute (WRI) says the world lost 4.2 million hectares (of forest)land) (in 2020) The total area affected was(about the size of The Netherlands.) The loss of forest) (in 2020) was a 12 percent increase over 2019. オランダ How does deforestation affect climate? Climate change both causes forest loss, or deforestation, and is caused by deforestation Scientists warn that climate change creates hotter and drier climates. (18) a result, forests are more *vulnerable to fire and damaging insects. Plants are also important because they take(in CO2 that causes climate change cause 23 Rod Taylor is head(of WRT's forest program.) He said forests hold large amounts of CO2)and that losing them has serious effects ( 19 ) *biodiversity and the climate. *The International Monetary Fund says that the world economy dropped by about 3.5 percent) (in 2020) because of the COVID-19 pandemic. But deforestation continued to increase. The WRI かもしれない(可能性がある) says this was possible because lockdowns limited governments' ability to create laws @ ) forest loss People may have also moved out of cities(into local areas.) However, the strongest effects (of COVID-19)( ) forest loss) are probably still to come. WRI researcher Frances Seymour said: "It's possible that governments will try to restart their economies (on the backs) (of forests." Areas (near *the Earth's equator) lost a total of 12.2 million hectares) of forest(in ※形で等しい平等なという意味も持つ。 2020) This loss released the amount (of gas equal(( 20 ) 570 million cars). That is more than ² → [20¹5 equal to ~ 2" ME TEXT ★形前の(時間的、順序的) two times the number of cars on the roads in the United States.) Brazil saw the largest decrease (in forests) The 1.7 million hectares lost was a 25 percent increase (from the previous year.) There was some good news. Indonesia slowed its rate (of deforestation by 17 percent in 2020. Palm oil, a vegetable oil, is a leading driver (of deforestation) Last year, the price of palm oil) decreased, possibly affecting deforestation in Indonesia. (@) addition, experts say/the that are stopping forest loss after damaging fires in 2015) *
two times the number of cars on the roads in the United States.) Brazil saw the largest decrease 形前の時間的、順序的) (in forests) The 1.7 million hectares lost was a 25 percent increase (from the previous year.) There was some good news. Indonesia slowed its rate of deforestation by 17 percent in 2020. 26 Palm oil, a vegetable oil, is a leading driver (of deforestation) Last year, the price of palm oil) decreased, possibly affecting deforestation in Indonesia. (2) addition, experts say/the Indonesian government passed laws that are stopping forest loss after damaging fires in 2015) Those rules include *fire prevention measures, limitations (on new palm oil farms) and reforms ★目指す狙う aimed (at reducing *poverty) But experts are worried now that the price of palm oil) is starting to rise again] p 大きな WRI experts say that climate change is killing forests(in many different ways.) In Europe, hot, dry weather (in 2019 and 2020) caused more insect damage(in Germany and the Czech Republic) Forest losses increased 200 percent (in the two countries from 2018.) In Russia, {and summer /in Siberia / fires / led to / forest / a hot spring). *Extreme heat and dry land(in Australia) caused damaging fires there(in 2019 and 2020.) The world is stuck(in a "vicious circle,") Seymour said. Global warming invites dry forests, forest fires and insect damage. Seymour added: "Nature has been whispering this risk (to us for a long time.) But now she is shouting." VOA April 2, 2021 Forest Losses Increased Again in 2020 - 28 29 (注) The World Resources Institute (WRI): 地球環境と開発の問題に関する政策研究・技術開発を行う, 独立し た非営利団体 affect : 影響する vulnerable to fire: 火事になりやすい biodiversity *** The International Monetary Fund: the Earth's equator: fire prevention measures the Czech Republic: チェコ共和国 poverty (21+ PD2? ~
問②6 下線部 ②6 の英文と同じ内容のものを選び, 記号で答えなさい。 157 Drivers take palm oil from forests to various places. sitio eurod 08:08 イ The main reason for the loss of trees is that people want to get palm oil, or a vegetable JEST oil. bovom (VOO to abast. ウ Palm oil or vegetable oil is made by cutting down trees. エ Drivers cut down trees to make palm oil and vegetable oil. 問② 下線部②7を 「暑い春や夏がシベリア (Siberia) 森林火災の原因となった。」 という意味になるよ


✨ ベストアンサー ✨

leading 形容詞...主要な
driver 名詞 ...推進力,前進




driverってそういう意味もあるのですね…! ありがとうございます 👼🏻
