


英語 中学生

あ に入るのは、until か withoutのどちらですか? 解説もありでお願いします!

Jane: Risa: Jane: Risa: Jane: Risa: Jane: Risa: Jane: Risa: I was woken up by the earthquake this morning, and couldn't go back to sleep after that. Nothing fell on the floor or was damaged, but definitely it was a big one! I was scared! Yeah, it woke me up, too. I haven't felt one like that in a while, but I think I was too used to those shakings. I went to sleep right after. Weren't you scared, Risa? Yes, but just a little. I think I'm afraid of a really big one, like the one in Tohoku in 2011, anyway. You know, you can't be just scared ( ) preparing for disasters, Jane. Do you know what to do in an earthquake? There are almost no earthquakes in your country, right? No, I haven't experienced one in the U.K. Can you tell me what to do? Sure. The first priority is your safety. Hide under a desk or table to protect your head. Stay there until the earthquake stops. Then be prepared to move to a safer place. I'm sure we'll do some simulations in the evacuation drill held at school next Monday. We'll learn there what's important to do during an earthquake. Wow! That sounds great. I'm looking ( 1) the drill now. Maybe we can get "Moriyama-ku Evacuation Map" after the drill. It shows you (in, where, should, you, a disaster, go ). Jane: Risa: Oh, I'm glad to know that. You should make an emergency kit, too. Our family has made one each and put them near their bed. I see. Can you tell me how I should make it? Well, I'll send you an email later then. Jane: * I'm getting less scared, Risa. Thank you very much. Risa: You know, Jane, "Don't be scared; be prepared."! woken wakeの過去分詞 definitely 確かに in a while しばらく be used to ・・・・・・に慣れている right after その後すぐに priority safety hide En

回答募集中 回答数: 0
英語 中学生

あ に入るのは、until か withoutのどちらですか? 解説もありでお願いします!

Jane: Risa: Jane: Risa: Jane: Risa: Jane: Risa: Jane: Risa: I was woken up by the earthquake this morning, and couldn't go back to sleep after that. Nothing fell on the floor or was damaged, but definitely it was a big one! I was scared! Yeah, it woke me up, too. I haven't felt one like that in a while, but I think I was too used to those shakings. I went to sleep right after. Weren't you scared, Risa? Yes, but just a little. I think I'm afraid of a really big one, like the one in Tohoku in 2011, anyway. You know, you can't be just scared ( ) preparing for disasters, Jane. Do you know what to do in an earthquake? There are almost no earthquakes in your country, right? No, I haven't experienced one in the U.K. Can you tell me what to do? Sure. The first priority is your safety. Hide under a desk or table to protect your head. Stay there until the earthquake stops. Then be prepared to move to a safer place. I'm sure we'll do some simulations in the evacuation drill held at school next Monday. We'll learn there what's important to do during an earthquake. Wow! That sounds great. I'm looking ( 1) the drill now. Maybe we can get "Moriyama-ku Evacuation Map" after the drill. It shows you (in, where, should, you, a disaster, go ). Jane: Risa: Oh, I'm glad to know that. You should make an emergency kit, too. Our family has made one each and put them near their bed. I see. Can you tell me how I should make it? Well, I'll send you an email later then. Jane: * I'm getting less scared, Risa. Thank you very much. Risa: You know, Jane, "Don't be scared; be prepared."! woken wakeの過去分詞 definitely 確かに in a while しばらく be used to ・・・・・・に慣れている right after その後すぐに priority safety hide En

回答募集中 回答数: 0
英語 中学生

あ に入るのは、until か withoutのどちらですか? 解説もありでお願いします!

Jane: Risa: Jane: Risa: Jane: Risa: Jane: Risa: Jane: Risa: Jane: Risa: Jane: Risa: I was woken up by the earthquake this morning, and couldn't go back to sleep after that. Nothing fell on the floor or was damaged, but definitely it was a big one! I was scared! Yeah, it woke me up, too. I haven't felt one like that in a while, but I think I was too used to those shakings. I went to sleep right after. Weren't you scared, Risa? Yes, but just a little. I think I'm afraid of a really big one, like the one in Tohoku in 2011, anyway. You know, you can't be just scared ( ) preparing for disasters, Jane. Do you know what to do in an earthquake? There are almost no earthquakes in your country, right? No, I haven't experienced one in the U.K. Can you tell me what to do? Sure. The first priority is your safety. Hide under a desk or table to protect your head. Stay there until the earthquake stops. Then be prepared to move to a safer place. I'm sure we'll do some simulations in the evacuation drill held at school next Monday. We'll learn there what's important to do during an earthquake. Wow! That sounds great. I'm looking ( ) the drill now. Maybe we can get "Moriyama-ku Evacuation Map" after the drill. It shows you (in, where, should, you, a disaster, go). い Oh, I'm glad to know that. You should make an emergency kit, too. Our family has made one each and put them near their bed. I see. Can you tell me how I should make it? Well, I'll send you an email later then. z I'm getting less scared, Risa. Thank you very much. You know, Jane, " Don't be scared; be prepared."! woken wake の過去分詞 right after その後すぐに definitely 確かに in a while しばらく be used to ・・・・・に慣れている priority safety hiden332

回答募集中 回答数: 0