


英語 中学生

when did Dr.King die?の本文の根拠と同じキワードを教えてください。

I Have a Dream Class No.. Name 1. アメリカの公民権運動の歴史や人権問題について関心を高めよう。 2. よりよい社会にするための行動について考えよう。 3. 物語の流れを時系列に沿ってまとめるために概要を捉えよう。 2人は~だった Vin 1955, there used fo be many things black people に1955年、アメリカ合衆国の黒人たちが法律の下 in the United States could not do under the law. のでできないことが以前はたくさんありました。 There were restrooms they could not use. 彼らが使えないトイレがありました。 There were drinking fountains they could not use. 彼らが使えない噴水式の水飲み器がありました。 they could not use. 座席がありました。 There were bus seats 彼らの使えないバスの ~の一人 We shall never give up. " 「They fought in a peaceful way. 彼らは平和的な方法でたたかい ました | Some walked fo work and school. 生い仕事や学校に行く人もいま でする人もいる うる人もいれば した。 ② These unfair laws upset many people. これらの不公平な法律はたくさんの人々を 不快にさせました。 One of them was Martin Luther King, Jr. 彼らの1人がコーティン・ルーサー・キング He said, Wel ジュニアでした He heard about the arrest of Rosa Parks in Montgomery, Alabama. 彼は、アラバマ州・モンドゴメリカでの ローザズのパークスのたいほについて cannot stand it anymore. Let's start a movement. Everyone has a right 誰もがどのバスのどの座席にも 彼らはいいました。 ききました 私たちほうむ恐きがまんすることは運動を始めましょう。 to take any seat on any bus. どんな どんな 座るけんりをもちます。 決して~しない。 私は決してあきらめません。 ③ Dr. King led the people of Montgomery in a fight for justice. キング牧師は正義のためのたたかいでモントゴメリーの人のたを導きま They stopped riding city buses. 彼らは市のバスにのることを やめました。 Others shared cars. p74~76 Many たくさん 車を一緒に使う人もい ました。 people supported the Bus Boycott, even some white people. の人々、幾人かの巨人でさえものボイコット運動を支 [持しました。 n

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英語 中学生

至急⚠️ 2枚目の答えを教えて欲しいです

Think U 朝美はさらにガンディーについて知るために,伝記を読んでいます。 ? What is the main idea of Gandhi's movements? イギリスで弁護士の資格を得たガンディーは、23歳のときに南アフリカに渡ります lawyer in Gandhi moved to South Africa to work as a 1893. It was under British rule at that time and there was a lot of discrimination. For example, Indians could not go out at night freely or walk on the sidewalk. There were also hotels that did not accept Indian guests. In 1906, the British made a law that was even more unfair to Indian people. Indians in South Africa got angry and stood up against the law. Gandhi decided to lead a movement to protect their rights. His message was "Don't follow the law, but don't use violence, even if you are arrested." Soon the jails became full of Indians, and Gandhi himself was sent there. Finally, in 1914, after many years and much effort, the law was removed. It showed that non-violent movements can be effective. staldis ne 1900 red a lot of people [139 words] 5 A Legacy 10 ガンディーの非暴力のたたかいは、祖国インドでも続きます。 Gandhi returned to India in 1915. India was also a British colony. In those days, there was a law that the British made for salt. According to the law, only the British could produce or sell salt. They put a heavy tax on it. The Indians were very poor, but they had to buy expensive salt. The money went to the British. Gandhi thought it was unfair. S 800 In 1930, Gandhi decided to walk to the sea and make salt himself. He started with 78 followers. Thousands of people joined him on the way. After walking almost 400 kilometers, he reached the sea. This non-violent march was called the Salt March. News of the march spread around the world. It showed people a new way to fight against discrimination. Gandhi's peaceful fight continued after that. In 1947, 15 India won independence. Non-violent protest is the legacy that Gandhi left. It has influenced famous leaders, such as Martin Luther King, Jr. and Nelson Mandela. [161 words / 300 words]

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英語 中学生


-HS 10 英文の読解 ※わからない単語があれば, 辞書で調べましょう。 次のジュディー(Judy ) と 波瑠(Haru) の対話を読んで、後の各問に答えなさい。 Judy: I like animals. How about you, Haru? Haru Me, too. I have two dogs. (this / at / picture / look). They're my dogs, Momo and Koko. Judy: Oh, they're cute. Haru: Thank you. This white dog is Momo, and this brown one is Koko. They're members of our family. Do you have any animals? (その1) Judy: No, I don't. I want a cat or a dog. (1) 下線部の英文が完成するように, ( )内の語を並べかえ, 全文を答えなさい。 (2) 本文の内容に合っているときは◯合っていないときは×を答えなさい。 ① Judy likes animals. Haru likes animals, too. 〔 ② Momo is white and Koko is brown. ③ Judy has a cat and a dog. They are cute. Emily can write アドバイス] (1) (2) 2 〔 月 2 次は、留学生のエミリ (Emily)が自分やホームステイ先の家族のことを書いた英文です。これを読ん で、後の各問に答えなさい。 My name is Emily. I'm from Australia. I came to Fukuoka last month. Now I'm staying with the Sato family. Mr. Sato is an English teacher at a high school. He can speak English very well, so he always helps me. Mrs. Sato works at a museum. She knows a lot about Japanese history. They have a son. His name is Shota. He is eight years old. He is good at soccer. I like Japanese. write it in kanji. I study it every day. I can write some kanji. “絵美里" is my name. I can (注) stay with ・・・ ~のところに滞在する son... むすこ 8 (1) 次の質問に対して,それぞれ日本語で答えなさい。 ① When did Emily come to Fukuoka? (2) What does Mr. Sato teach at a high school? 3 Where does Mrs. Sato work? (4) What sport can Shota play well? ) 〕 ] ③[] 〔 3 (2) 本文の内容に合うように次の英文を完成するとき, 下線部にあてはまる英語を2語で答えなさい。 in kanji. (1) ①③ when は 「いつ」と時について, where は 「どこ」 と場所についてたずねています。 ② 佐藤さんが高校で教えている教科, ④ 翔太が得意なスポーツについてたずねています。 (2) in kanji は「漢字で」という意味です。 英文中, エミリが漢字で書けるものは何ですか。

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英語 中学生


(*印の付いている単語·語句には, 本文のあとに [注] がある。) There are many museums and *theme parks around Tokyo. Some of them teach people about the history of Japan, like *Edo Wonderland in Nikko and the "Edo-Tokyo Museum in Ryogoku. They are popular places for school trips because students can enjoy learning about Japanese history. I remember one of my school trips. When I was a student in Australia, we went on a school trip to Old Sydney Town. It was a theme park that *recreated the *past, just nke Edo Wonderland in Nikko. Old Svdnev Town was an hour away from Sydney Dy bus. 1t had more than 30 buildings. They were made in the same 'style as buildings in 1803. Many *actors were working at the theme park. They *wore old-style clothes, spoke old-style English, and "pretended to live in the town. “Horse-drawn wagons went up and down the streets. upin My friends and I were excited to see the actors' "performances. People drank at a "pub, sang old songs and danced in the streets. Some of them pretended to “fight a duel Some museum “staff gave us short history lessons, and we enjoyed listening to them very much. I remember Old Sydney Town was very exciting, because it brought us to another world. Old Sydney Town closed about 30 years after it opened. Many people visited there at first, but the number of people visiting there "gradually went down. The buildings started to become old. and more and more actors left Old Sydney Town. There were a lot of people who enjoyed visiting Old Sydney Town when they were children. And later, they took their own children there, but they said it was not as exciting as before. Why did Old Sydney Town close? There are many different "opinions about it. Some people say young people now like to play video games, and these young people think that a trip through time is not very exciting. Other people believe that Old Sydney Town did not *attract many people because it could not make new and exciting *entertainment. Times change and people also change. New "technology and the Internet can make new kinds of entertainment, and people can enjoy them at home. New building *materials can now make buildings that look like something from the future. New technology will make us more surprised. But it is also very important for us to keep old culture and entertainment. Maybe some of these things are not seen in everyday life, but they make a "link with the past. For example, if you go to see kabuki, maybe you will think about Japanese people who lived in the past. Culture *is made up of all the things people did in the past, and it makesa country and its people "unique. If we forget about the past, then we lose our culture. 10

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英語 中学生

答えを教えて下さると助かります お願いします。

were h Te pder the Iaw "There wene remtrooma "mir in we uet sue ey odn ee There ware us Tuere unfair 1aws upeet many peonle Theme wa mw es mw 6 yuane One cfthem was Meansey 26 nno6 05253 ee vonds rightto take any seat on any d on any bs We shal naver are some of the words spoken by him. し 。dream that my four title children wih one day hwe asmeon 2 nains they could not uee He heard about the arrest of Mirs aerc they wil mot be judged by the color cFtheir akin butby Ne same eontent ot (uair characterT haveadrem today rhave a dream that one day … our te black boys and gme wi be at Lojoin hands with Hittle white boys and white girs as sisters an brothers 1 dream today" 1964, Dr King won the Nobel Peace Prize. Four years later。 he was nd haled. He died。 but the fight for justice continues。 His dream hot の要約文の ( ) に、適する日本語を入れなさい。 9 5 5 年のアメリカでは、 県人はさまざまなことが ( 1 ) のFCで無じGR 曜人が使えない( ? ) や( 3 ) や( 4 )があった、キン さない、だれもが持つ ( 5 ) のために戦おう。」と立 がまん| <彼の演説の言葉がある。 ・私には夢がある。 日か、4人の子供が( 6 )ではなく、【 1 ) で ( $ ) される国家 そして。 いつか黒人の少年少女が、 自人の少年少女と ( 9 )のよ ( 10調 ことができるような国家になってほしい。 1968 年に彼は此たれて記くなった= 2. 次の問い 英語で答えなさい。 What happening in Montgomery Dr King hear about っWhat did Dr King win in 1964 3.Did the fight for justice end when Dr King died?

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英語 中学生


NR 3年も1キー1 反 書を同じてく 0 Hi ーチをします、彼女は音のメジャーリーグブレーヤ- Xリカ 」 ーーマト・グレ のの誠について話しています。 さ 【 SA WMpe/ es/ ⑳0tS。" | These words were said by Pete Gray、Playing professional baseball was 3 his dream、He lost his right arm in an accident when he was six. He never | 7 qu He still practiced Very hard、He was known for his fightinq sinit | 5 finally his dream came true. He became a professional baseball player ※ | (Qt amy =全くない=09 6《 Lastyeariwas depressed because didnt win any Kendo matches 7 i thought of leaving the club.Atthat ti me, 1came across Mr、Gray's 1 ? words.iwas encouraged by them、 計パ # (得のどんなもの) MLB.com | 7 Forme,these words are stronger than any others、I rememberthem_ |@⑳ whenTam in trouble、 Thank you for lsten ), everyone. | (出置山:iwowatfor ahout.ot wubefore、 aftern…) 7 Ms.Brown : Nice presentation, Kumi. Everyone, any questions ? | Paul : Iknow Pete Gray. 9 Kum :Really ? 巡演 | Pau : Yes. My grandfather was a big fan of Pete Gray、He often な tell ) me about his fighting spirit、 Pete Gey Was a great man、But his father was really great. 所 Pete liked baseball Very much、After the accident his father took 詳 SI Stadiumtw>*_ 5アムOO)pmwacwww) れ ii * 相 ET Pete ssked his father looking downsscs し - Qmea professional baseball player? CanIplay し NN in MBLzーリの? Can Up at bat(バパッターポックスに立っ) in 1し Pi SM 2 His fatheranswered, Yes. you can.You can 了 EK Im MBLifyounever quit' Afterthat, Pete practiced a 1 emoeo Players、After he played in Leaques- か QOT several le groundesouoofa years, finally he stood on the MENaDeSNehar ーーーーー……ー me、XwoO1S をそれでれ吐なにまえなさい、 09 down とぁります ちをまし ているものと思えます、 どのような気特もたっか ての様子は、Peteさんの加持 のでしょうか、あなたの考えを日本語で ) 豊いてください、

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