


英語 中学生

この問題の4番なのですが、答えがアになります。 答えとなる1文では動詞のhelpが使われているのに、どうして答えでも動詞の原型が使えるのですか?

night. Even if you can't fall asleep right away, just lie on the bed every night. If you do that, you will be able to sleep early someday. Second, you should control the temperature of your bedroom. If it is too hot in your bedroom, it will be difficult to sleep there. We feel a little cool when Your body temperature is important our bedroom temperature is around 25°C. too. We feel sleepy when our body temperature goes down. You should take that, it will gradually go down, and you will feel sleepy when you go to bed. a bath and raise your body temperature ninety minutes before you sleep. After Third, you should turn off the lights in your bedroom when you sleep. And you should not use your smartphone two hours before you sleep. If you look at e-mails from your friends or play video games on your smartphone in bed, your brain will wake up. Do you usually sleep alone? If you (3#*#*3) a bedroom with your brother or sister and can't turn off the lights in your bedroom, it is helpful to use an eye mask. Ila slqooq nam in bormasl The final point is to calm down. We usually need some time to feel sleepy. Twenty minutes before going to bed, you should do something relaxing. Some people like reading books or listening to music. Find the best way for you. a Sleeping is important for us. Please try some of these points. I hope they will help you (4) well, Cathy! Demos Tom oing to pessler of not den of ma gintol 〈注〉 fall asleep 眠りにつく expose 5b sunlight lie #3 yas ad to om temperature brain eye mask アイマスクcalm down 気分が落ち着く 問1 下線部①の()内の語を正しく並べかえ, 英文を完成させなさい。 問2 下線部②が指すものを, 本文中の英語3語で書きなさい。 QueshmA 問3日 本文中の (③) 内の日本語を英語1語に直しなさい。 alommovog griden bna bhow 問4 本文中の (④) に入る最も適切なものを、次のア~エの中から1つ選び,記号で答えなさい。 Jsleep 1d sleeping og slept im I at sleeping and woll anshoqqua 問5 寝る前に読書をしたり音楽を聞いたりすることに対してトムが述べていることとして最も適 切なものを、次のア~エの中から1つ選び, 記号で答えなさい。 Listening to music before sleeping is not good because our brains will wake up. 1 If we read a difficult story that we can't understand, we won't get sleepy. It is important for us to listen to music while we take a bath. babow I Before you sleep, doing something relaxing is helpful for us to calm down. 問6 以下は本文の要約文である。 本文の内容に合うように(1)~(3) に入る適切な語を,本文 a tunds meol bino Wein 中の英語1語で書きなさい。 Tom tells Cathy four ( 1 ) about what to do to sleep well at night. He says going to bed and getting up at the same time every day is important. Also, our bedroom should be ( 2 ) because it is hard to sleep in a hot room. We should

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 中学生

なぜ答えの部分でIから始まるのとIt isのがあるんですか?

3(土) 目標 場所のたずね方と答え方, 時のたずね方と答え方を身につける。 【学習のポイント where を使う疑問文, when を使う疑問文 かくにん 基本文) 読み方と意味を確認しよう。 Where do you practice? Club Where is Midori Hall? We practice in the music room. It is near the station. 2 When is the next concert? - It is on July 5. 解説 意味や使い方を理解したら、 基本文を自分で言えるように練習しよう。 1 where を使う疑問文 「どこで[に, へ]」 と場所をたずねるときは where を使う。 いっぱん • 「どこで・・・しますか」とたずねるときは, where のあとに一般動詞の疑問文の形を続ける。 例[疑問文]Where do you study? [答え方] □ activity Jactivities (あなたはどこで勉強しますか。) - I study in the library. (私は図書館で勉強します。) ●「どこですか,どこにありますか」とたずねるときは, where のあとに is などのbe動詞の疑問 例[疑問文] □ brass band □ concert date | month 44 英語1年⑨ あなたたちはどこで練習しますか。 - 私たちは音楽室で練習します。 緑ホールはどこですか。 それは駅の近くです。 次のコンサートはいつですか。 7月5日です。 名活動 □名 activity の複数形 (緑公園はどこにありますか。 ) Where is Midori Park? [答え方 ] - It's near our school. (それは私たちの学校の近くにあります。) 重要be動詞(am, are, is) は 「...です」のほかに「(・・・に)いる,ある」という意味にも使う。 2 when を使う疑問文 「いつ」と時をたずねるときは when を使う。 ・「いつですか、いつありますか」とたずねるときは when のあとに is などのbe動詞の疑問文の形 例 [疑問文]When is the festival? (その祭りはいつありますか。) [答え方 ] - It is on October 3. (それは10月3日にあります。) ・「いつ…しますか」とたずねるときは, when のあとに一般動詞の疑問文の形を続ける。 例[疑問文] do you play soccer? When (あなたはいつサッカーをしますか。) [答え方] —I play soccer on Saturdays. (私は土曜日にサッカーをします。) すいそうがく □名 ブラスバンド, 吹奏楽団 □名 演奏会, コンサート 1038, 81 名 (暦の上での) 月1か月 + 次の( )内の語句を使って, 「あな 書きなさい。 (in the music room) → Where (in the gym) →単語・語句) ① 読み方と意味を確認しよう。 ② つづりと発音に注意して、自分で言えるよう | fifth hall (in the park ) 次の( )内の語句を使って 「- (the festival / on August (the game / on May 5 ) trumpet next before near (the concert/ on July 1 ) 次の日本文に合う英文になる。 あなたの教室はどこにあり あなたはどこでギターを細 □ ・ 5日 □名 会館 □名 トランペリ □形 次の 次の試合はいつあります ・・・・の前に 個 ・・・・の近くに あなたたちはいつテニ - We

未解決 回答数: 1
英語 中学生

赤丸のところ、答え教えてください! 回答ないので困っています💦

3 次の対話文は,中学生の友里 (Yuri) と留学生のニック (Nick) が What kind of rice ball do you 何の種類のお茶が like the best? という調査 (survey) の結果 (result) を見ながら話しているときのものです。 これを読 んで、あとの問いに答えなさい。 好き? Yuri Hi, Nick. Do you eat rice balls? Nick: Yes, I do. I'm on the soccer team at school. After practice, I sometimes feel hungry and want something to D(e convenience store to get rice balls. foods. Yuri : What kind of rice ball do you like the best? Nick: I like tuna-mayo the best. Why do you ask me? Yuri My teacher did a survey about that in my class last week, and here are results. Forty students answered the question. 4/41/ クイズの答え Wow, forty percent of students like tuna-mayo the best. ). At those times, I often go to a Rice balls are one of my favorite Japanese Nick : Yuri: Yes, and twelve students prefer mentaiko That is the second largest number. 2人 () rice ball b the Nick: I like sake, too. It's not [as/popular as mentaiko, but two more students like it than kombu. Well, how about you, Yuri? しかし2人の生徒はこんぶより 好きだと言うえっ あなたは? Yuri: My favorite kind of rice ball is umeboshi but it's the least popular in my class. Nick I can't eat umeboshi. I don't like it because it's too sour for me. 食べたことない Yuri: Really? I like umeboshi. There is a big ume tree in the garden at my house. Nick: Yes, I know that. When I visited your house in March, I 4 (see) the tree. It 3月 had a lot of blossoms. We were looking at the blossoms from the kotatsu in your practice the least in ... ...で最も~でない put ~を入れる (過去形も同じ) feet fall 落ちる bear fruit 実をつける honey はちみつ Why don't you ~? ~しませんか。 look forward to ~ 5 10 room then. It was cold outside, but I was 5 (worm) when I put my feet into Cpl, this ユダリはあたないコタツの内にいれぞ the kotatsu. at the ume blossoms from the kotatsu was wonderful. 20 Yuri : I agree. After the blossoms fall, the ume tree at my house bears a lot of fruit every year. My grandmother makes umeboshi from the fruit. She uses a lot of honey when she makes umeboshi, so her umeboshi is not so sour. Nick That sounds interesting. Can I try your grandmother's umeboshi? Yuri: Yes. You'll like umeboshi if you eat one of my grandmother's. Why don't you 25 come to my house after school? I can make you rice balls with my grandmother. I'll make your favorite one and my favorite one. Nick Thank you. I'm looking forward to eating your rice balls. garden E blossom E into ~の中に agree 賛成する SO それほど try ~を試す 〜を楽しみにする ask ~にたずねる percent パーセント prefer ~を好む sour 酸っぱい foot (足)の複数形 15

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 中学生


2 次の対話文が成立するように,( )に入る適切な英語1語をそれぞれ書きなさい。ただし, 内に示された文字で書き始め、その文字も含めて答えること。また,1つのに1文字が 入るものとする。 (1) A: May I help you? 良さそうに見える。 2.ex. B: Yes, I'm looking for a shirt. This shirt looks good, but it's too large for me. Do you have a (s ) one? (注) May I help you? いらっしゃいませ。 7 Somedas 2 summer vacation, Yuji? B: I went to Kyoto and visited some temples. It was a lot of fun. A: That's good. A: Just a moment, please. (2) A: What did you do (dr ngs h 14 just a moment 少々お待ちください 3 次の対話文の意味が通るように,( 内のア~オを正しい語順に並べかえ,その順序を記号 で答えなさい。 ただし, 文頭にくる語も小文字で示してある。 aloy of hom - 2 I have (1) A: What are you going to do next Sunday? B: I'm going to study. (アa lot of イ have ウ to I homework オI) do on that day. A: I see. オ (2) A: A lot of people speak English today. B: That's right. It (アin イ countries ウ studied エ many オ is) now. ア A to こんにち (注) today 今日では A : My friend, Saya, can speak Japanese and English. It's July 14. It's Paul's birthday! (3) A: B : Ⅰ (ア this イ give ウwill エ racket オ him). What do you think? A: That's a good idea! オ アエ オ

解決済み 回答数: 2
英語 中学生

赤丸で囲っているところの解答解説教えてください🙇‍♀️ 回答解説が配られておらず、困ってます💦

2 次の対話文が成立するように,( )に入る適切な英語1語をそれぞれ書きなさい。ただし, 内に示された文字で書き始め、その文字も含めて答えること。また,1つのに1文字が 入るものとする。 (1) A: May I help you? 良さそうに見える。 2.ex. B: Yes, I'm looking for a shirt. This shirt looks good, but it's too large for me. Do you have a (s ) one? (注) May I help you? いらっしゃいませ。 7 Somedas 2 summer vacation, Yuji? B: I went to Kyoto and visited some temples. It was a lot of fun. A: That's good. A: Just a moment, please. (2) A: What did you do (dr ngs h 14 just a moment 少々お待ちください 3 次の対話文の意味が通るように,( 内のア~オを正しい語順に並べかえ,その順序を記号 で答えなさい。 ただし, 文頭にくる語も小文字で示してある。 aloy of hom - 2 I have (1) A: What are you going to do next Sunday? B: I'm going to study. (アa lot of イ have ウ to I homework オI) do on that day. A: I see. オ (2) A: A lot of people speak English today. B: That's right. It (アin イ countries ウ studied エ many オ is) now. ア A to こんにち (注) today 今日では A : My friend, Saya, can speak Japanese and English. It's July 14. It's Paul's birthday! (3) A: B : Ⅰ (ア this イ give ウwill エ racket オ him). What do you think? A: That's a good idea! オ アエ オ

解決済み 回答数: 0
英語 中学生

英語分からないので教えてください🙇‍♀️ お願いします🙇‍♀️

長文問題 1 決めるのは君だ! What is the best way to improve your English? ( A ) is no In fact, people have different opinions about this. Some people say, "Increase your vocabulary easy answer to this question. by memorizing lots of words." Other people say, “X単に文法と翻訳だ けを勉強しなさい。” 2 What do you do to improve your English? Do you (1 English songs? Do you (r you (w a diary in English. 3 If you want to improve your English, you have to communicate in English. Studying vocabulary and grammar, reading and listening to English material, and writing in English are all very important. At the same time, you need to realize that (2) doing these will not automatically make a good communicator of English. If you want to be able to communicate in English well, you have to experience actual live conversations. 2 1 Unit ) to ) novels or magazines in English? Maybe English videos on the internet or even ( k ) Target ① be 動詞・一般動詞 ② 進行形・命令文 ③比較 improve 上達させる in fact 実際に increase 増やす vocabulary grammar and translation 文法と翻訳 material at the same time でもやはり actual live conversation 現実のなまの会話 4 Y あなたは今, 尋ねていますか, “What does it mean to have actual live conversations?" This means that you need to take every opportunity to speak English. (3) Don't say, "I don't have any opportunities to speak English." You live in a world with endless possibilities. 5 (B) are so many tourists from all around the world in Japan now. Also, people from other countries live in Japan. When you see them, why not strike up a conversation? (4) When you don't know where they are from, you can use English. ZEALADAT. They will be happy to speak with you. 6 The internet has opened up the world to you as well. With e-mail and social media, you can get in touch with people all over the world. Guess what language comes in handy? That's right! It's (5) ). 7 You can always speak with your English teachers at school. (6)Speak with them in English not only during class time but also during other times of the day. You may have other friends who want to practice English like you. Create an English conversation club. Maybe an English teacher will help you. opportunity endless 無限の strike up 始める social media ソーシャルメディア get in touch with ~ ~と連絡をとる come in handy 役に立つ

解決済み 回答数: 1