


英語 中学生

模試で分からなかったところです。 教えていただけると嬉しいです。

4| 明(Akira)と智樹(Tomoki)についての次の英文を融んで、12.3,4の問いに答えなさい。 1 本文中の( A ), ( B )に入る語の組み合わせとして、最も適切なものはどれか。 ア A:Fast B:Interesting イ A:Interesting B:ast 1omoki andI were *second-year members of the school volleyball team. We wanted to be the *regular players for the games in July, Thev were the last games for the "third-year members, NO we thought they were(A).One day. Tomoki said to me, "Akira, ihe third-year mnembers are very kind. Whhen we can't lay vollevbal well, they alwways teach ウ A:important B:early エ A:early B important 2 本文中の口 に,適切な英語語を3語で書きなさい。 1IKE thnem and want to play together with them to win the games in July." “Me, t00, Ianswered. 3 下線部について、明が思い出した智闘の言葉とはどのようなものか。また。 その言葉によって 明の考えがどのように変化したか。次の一コ内の(の )と( 2 )に通切な日本語を 書きなさい。 Two weeks before the games, the vollevball teacher *announced the names of tne regua players in front of the team in the gym, Almost all of the regular players were third-year members. Only two second-year members became regular players, and I was one of them: 明は、3年生と一緒に出場できる最後の7月の試合に、ケガをして出場できなくなった。 次の機会はあっても, それでは自分にとって( 「僕はレギュラー選手ではないけれど,( )と考えていたが、智樹の )」という言葉を思い出して、 の Tomoki came to me and said, “That's wonderful. Akira. I was very happy when I heard your name," He also said, "T'm not a regular plaver. but I will do something for the team." But, 2 智樹と同じように行動しようと考え直した。 when we were practicing that day, I"fell down, I had a "pain in my *ankle and couldn't stand up. Everyone came to help me, The teacher took care of my ankle and said, "You 本文の内容と一致するものはどれか。二つ選びなさい。 ア Akira and Tomoki liked the third-vear members of the volleyball team. 4 should go to the doctor. " Then he called my mother. She came and took me to the doctor. The doctor said, "You should stop plaving vollevball for a month." I was very sad to hear イ The volleyball teacher announced the names of the regular players a month before the games in July. that. The next morning, Tomoki asked me, “Good morning, Akira, How is your ankle? Do you still feel pain?" "Yes, a little, Ican't play vollevball for a month," I answered. He ウ The volleyball teacher called the doctor when Akira had a pain in his ankle. エ Akira felta pain in his ankle, but he *was able to practice volleyball next day. said, "Don't be sad, Akira. I know you are a good plaver. You can't play this time, but オ Akira couldn't play in the games in July, but he did something for the team. Tm sure you can play as a regular player next time," “No. next time means nothing to カ Akira had a good time because his team was able to win the games in July. me," I said and went away from him. (注)“be able to ~=~できる I was thinking about Tomoki and the team that dav. After school. I went to the volleyball teacher and said, “[ home? I need to go to the doctor." “Oh, sure," he said. Then I went to the gym before leaving school. I found Tomoki there. There weren't any other members. He was cleaning the floor alone for the team before practicing volleyball. Then I remembered his words. He said them ta me when I became a regular player. I thought he was right and said to him, "I can't play volleyball yet, but I can do something for the team." “Akira, I'm glad you came here. Let's do something for the team together," he answered. Since the next day, I went to the gym as ( B ) as Tomoki. We tried to find something to help the team and did it together. In July, our team couldn't win the games. I was sad, but I had a good time with the third-year members. I also learned a lot of things. Nowour team has a *slogan. It is "For the Team!" (注)*second-year= 2年生の 文third-year=3年生の *ankle=足首 *regular player=レギュラー選手 *announce=発表する *Tm sure ~=きっと~だと思うら 楽 *fell down=転んだ *pain=痛み *slogan=スローガン

未解決 回答数: 1