


英語 中学生


Kate: Today, we learmed about *depopulation at school. The same thing is happening in this town, right? Yuta : Yes. Young people go to cities and old people stay in towns. Last week, my father told me an interesting story of Mr. Yokoishi Kate: Who is he? 5 Yiuta : He is a farm leader in a town in Shikoku. He has done that job since he left college. He was worried about depopulation in his town and was thinking of a good way for old people to have a happy life. One day, he had a good idea. Kate: What was that? 10 Yuta : One day Mr. Yokoishi went to a Japanese restaurant with his friends. There he saw some food with *leaves on one *plate. Suddenly he had a great idea. He asked the *cook, “Howdid you get the leaves?"" The cook answered that he always went into the mountains to get them. Then Mr. Yokoishi thought, (ア the old people イ it 15 ウ for オ will be ) in my town to find leaves. They エ easy know a lot about mountains and many kinds of leaves.” And he also thought, “They can sell leaves to Japanese restaurants." Kate: I see. His idea was to sell leaves. Why are leaves put on the plates? Yuta : Because food looks more beautiful when we see it with leaves. 20 Kate: So Japanese restaurants need them. his idea to the old people in his town. At first, they didn't think they could do sucha thing. But some of them thought Yuta : Yes. He told walking around the mountains to find beautiful leaves is good to *stay healthy. So they decided to sell leaves with Mr. Yokoishi. Mr. 25 Yokoishi taught them the way of using a computer. Now, they can take *orders from all over Japan on the Intermet. Kate: That's great! Do the old people in the town have a happier life now? Yes. And they stay healthier, too. Yiuta

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