


英語 中学生

至急!!!!!!🗯 高校入試の過去問です 答えは②らしいのですが、forgs ってs がついてるので、複数形ではないですか? 1.3は冠詞( a )がないので答えにならないのは納得しましたが、直後の文に「1匹だけのカエルが池に飛び込むんだと思うよ」とあるのにsのつく②が正... 続きを読む

Alex He is one of the most famous writers in Japan. impressed with his haiku. Aga yud li' : I got it! So, Masato, I have a question. kawazu tobikomu mizu no oto." Basho wrote "Furuike ya If you *translate "kawazu tobikomu" into English, which do you use, a *frog or frogs? )." In this case, I think that only one Masato: Well... maybe I'll use (c)"( frog *dives into the pond. Alex : I understand. And I think that (d) ) is easier than (e) because you don't have to choose one frog or more than one. Japanese is interesting for me. Masato: I think so, too. So (注) ranslate A into B AをBに翻訳する frog カエル dive 飛び込む 下線部(a)に入るものとして適切なものを、次の①~④ の中から1つ選び マークしなさい。 2 Matsuo Basho wrote this book. What book? JON. 3 Do you like that book? 4 I like this book. イ) 下線部(b)を意味の通る英文になるよう並びかえたとき、3番目と5番目に来る語として適 切なものを、次の①~④の中から1つ選び, マークしなさい。 1 4-6 2 2-6 3 4-5 4 2-5 ②⑤ ) 下線部 (c)に入るものとして適切なものを、次の①~④の中から1つ選び、マークしなさい。 Ofrog jumps in frogs jump frog jumps 4 many frogs jump

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英語 中学生

ベストアンサー、フォローします! ただただ英語が苦手で答えが合っているか、確認したいだけです😣 回答なるべく早くして貰えると、嬉しいです!

夏に補強 11 絶対得する! 問題別長文解き方ス 長文読解のPOINT 長文はすぐに読み始めず, まず問題に注目 することが大事! 問題を見れば、 長文のどこに注意すればいいかわかって読みやすくなるよ。 特によく出題される, (1) 指示語・代名詞 (2) 英問英答, (3) 内容一致問題 の解き方を絶を使いながらマスターしよう! (1) 下線部①の指示語のさす語句を抜き出して書きましょう。 ★長文を読んで, それぞれ (1)~(3)の問いに答えましょう。 ( 例題 Last Sunday Saki went to the city zoo with her family. It was a sunny spring day. They got to the zoo at ten. In the morning they saw many beautiful birds. Saki took some pictures of them. She got a nice camera for her birthday last year, She took the pictures with ⓘ it. They had lunch at a hamburger restaurant in the Saki ate a hot dog. It was delicious. After lunch they saw lions, monkeys, and some other animals. It was four o'clock when they got home. They had a wonderful monkey サル other ほかの hot dog ホットドッグ time at the zoo. 〈注〉 hamburger ハンバーガー Zoo. She got a nice. camera ヒント it (それ)は前に出た1つのものを指す代名詞なので、単数の名詞を前から探そう。 (2) 次の質問に英語で答えましょう。 How was the weather last Sunday? It was a sunny ヒント 天気をたずねられているので、簡単な文で天気だけを答えればいいね。 (3) 本文の内容と合う英文を選びなさい。 ア Saki sav saw many beautiful birds after lunch. イ Saki ate a delicious hamburger for lunch. ウ Saki got home at four o'clock. ヒント 特に,時・場所や人がちがっていることが多いので、慎重に見比べよう。 ・英語・2年・東書 絶得 (1 指示語代名詞は直前の 文を確認! Jim: Sak Jin a nice camera for her birthday last year. She took the pictures with it ★代名詞が単数・複数どちらの名詞を指すの かも要チェック! 絶得 質問文を手がかりに, ②② 答えに関わる文を探す! 絶得 ③ Last Sunday Saki went to the city zoo with her family. It was a sunny spring day. ★主語などを代名詞にかえることもあるよ! 選択肢の文を手がかりに 似た文を探して見比べる! Sa (E In the morning they saw many beautiful birds (2~ (2~3行目) Saki ate a hot dog. (5行目) It was four o'clock when they got home.(64 ) ( 6行目)

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 中学生

これの偶数の問題が分かりません💦 出来れば2時間には終わらせたいです💦 解説なしでもいいのでお願いしますm(_ _)m

書きかえ≫いろいろな表現 139 次の文の下線部が答えの中心になる疑問文を作りなさい。 (1) It is five o'clock. (2) It's seven twenty in Paris. (3) It's one in the afternoon in London. (4) I come home about five. (5) We eat lunch at twelve twenty. 6) She gets up about six thirty. 7) Her school starts at eight forty. (8) That plane leaves at three o'clock. (9) It's Saturday today. (10) Today is Friday. It's October 10 today. 12 Tuesday comes before Wednesday. (13) December comes after November. 14 Tuesday is the third day of the week. (15) August is the eighth month of the year. * Paris : ¹) 英問英答≫ 時刻 曜日 日付をたずねる文と答え方 次の疑問文に 140 (1) Is it eight o'clock now? (IZV>) 2) Is it spring in your country now? (2) (3) What time is it? (4) (4) What time is it now? (1130) 回(5) What time is it? (ちょうど9時) (6) What time is it in Tokyo? (215) □(7) What time do you eat dinner? (7時ごろ) (8) What time does he go to bed? (10) (9) What time does the train leave? (830) 10) What day is it today? (H) 内の日本語に合う英語の語句を用いて答えなさい。 What's the date today? (12 A 3 H) 12) What day comes after Monday? (H) 3) What month comes before June? (5) 04) What is the first day of the week? (8) 5) What is the ninth month of the year? (9 A) いろいろな疑問文(1) 85

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英語 中学生

これの(1)はなぜdidがいらないんですか? 回答は3枚目です

1 次の英文は, ある新聞の投稿欄に掲載されたものである。 英文を読んで, あとの問いに答 えなさい。 (福 井) We have a lot of problems around us. When the problems are too big, we think we can't solve them. But if we look at the problems from a different view, we can sometimes find the answers. I will tell you about Mexico City. It is not as large as Tokyo, but it has more people than Tokyo. It is ina high place and it has only one big river. So it is difficult to get enough water. About 160 years ago, many people began to use water under the ground. Do you know what happened after a lot of people used too much water under the ground? Yes. The ground went down very much. That was a big problem. Then people in Mexico City looked at this problem from a different view. Some people thought, “How about using the place that went down?”、Other people thought, “Can we use the water we have already used again?” They put the water into the place. Soon it became a kind of lake. People made the water clean and used it again. We have an example in Japan, too. In big cities it is especially hot in summer. There are many reasons, and we know one of them. There are not so many trees in the big cities., If there are many trees, they can give us some shade in many places and the températúre around us will go down. But the big cities have few places for trees because they have a lot of huildinos Some penle thouoht about the problem hard TThen thev 1aorod ota building

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