


理科 中学生


VI 中学2年生のけいこさんは, 校内に掲示されている 「数学 理科甲子園ジュニア」 のポスターを見 · ながら, ALT(外国語指導助手) のスミス先生と話をしています。 下線部 ① ~ ④ について, それぞ れあとのア〜カの語句を並べかえて ( )に入れ、会話文を完成させなさい。 解答欄には, (A) ~ (H) に入る語句の符号を書きなさい。 Mr.Smith: Hi, Keiko. What are you looking at? Keiko: Hi, Mr. Smith. It's about a science and math contest. Mr.Smith: Will you tell me more about the contest? Keiko: Sure. Junior high school students ②( )(C) ) ( )(D)( )the contest. Mr.Smith: That means you can help each other. How will you (H) ( )? (1 Mr.Smith: Oh, really? If you like science, you should try. Keiko: Yes. To enter the contest, Ⅰ have to make a team of three students. The questions )(E)()()(F)(. (2) My teacher()(A)()()(B) ( )knows I like science. I think I will enter the contest. (3) (4) Keiko: Well, I will ask some of my friends. I think Misaki and Shota will go with me. Mr.Smith: Do your best! (注) contest 大会 enter 申し込む do one's best 全力をつくす アアアア 7 he イ ウ to in イ who ウ are イ be ウ as イ ウ find a to me you 数学・理科好きの中学生 集まれ! 数学・理科甲子園ジュニア 県内の中学生が, 数学 理科におけ る競技で科学の知識やその活用力を 競い合います。 1期日 〇月△日 1会場 □□大学▽▽キャンパス ■日程 午前:予選 ( 筆記競技) 午後: 決勝 (実技競技 ) エtry エ join エ must I help 6 ■競技方法 チーム対抗戦 team other 1チーム3名で問題に挑みます。 オ told オ interested オ オ ) (G) ( )( 力 because 力 science and math カ answered students カ

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英語 中学生

長い文章ですが、1〜6まで教えてください🙇‍♀️ お願いします🙇‍♀️

4 次の英文は、中学生の涼太 (Ryota) がある出会いを通して学んだことについて 英語 の授業でスピーチをしたときのものです。 1~6の問いに答えなさい。 I Hi. I'm going to talk about my experience this summer. visited my brother, Takuya, in Tokyo. He has lived there and studied at a college for two years. I took the eleven o'clock An hour later, a foreign Shinkansen for Tokyo on July 26. woman with a big bag came to the seat next to me. She smiled s at me, but I didn't talk to her. She looked at the baggage rack for a while and then sat in her seat. She put her big bag on her lap because she could not put it on the baggage rack. I thought I should help her, but I didn't do anything for her. She was on the Shinkansen for about one hour and got off. About one hour later, I arrived at Tokyo Station. That night, my brother and I talked about the woman on the Shinkansen. I But I said, "I didn't do anything for her because I can't speak English well. know I should help her." He asked me, "Ryota, if a Japanese woman with a I big bag comes to the seat next to you, will you help her?" I said, "Well ..., don't know." He said, “I don't think that you didn't help the woman on the 15 Shinkansen because you can't speak English. We need some courage when we want to be kind to someone. When I was a junior high school student, I also didn't have courage. You need to have courage, Ryota." I said to him, "I see. I'll have courage to be kind to people around me." I thought, "What should I say in English when I want to help someone?" 10 courage : 20 On the return Shinkansen, the foreign woman came to the seat next to me again! She had the big bag again. I thought I should have courage and said, "Excuse me. ()" She said, "Oh, thank you very much." Then I put her bag on the baggage rack and asked her, "Do you remember me? I was next to you on the Shinkansen two days ago." She smiled at me and said, "Wow ! 25 Yes. I remember you. Hello again." I felt very happy and said to her, "I'm Ryota. You could not put your bag on the baggage rack two days ago. I knew that, but I didn't do anything. I'm sorry." She said, "Oh, it's OK. You are kind. I'm Anila, from India. This is my first trip to Japan." Then we talked a lot together. I talked about my family and school life. I 30 was (2) because I could talk in English. That was my first experience for me. When she got off the Shinkansen, she smiled at me and said, "I hope we can meet again." I learned an important thing from my brother. Thank you very much. () experience: # college: take ... for ~ : ~行きの・・・ に乗る foreign: 外国の seat: baggage rack: 500 next to ~: ~のとなりの [に] smile at ~: ~にほほえむ for a while : しばらくの間 lap : ひざ anything: (否定文で) 何も return: 帰りの Anila: アニラ (女性の名前)

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英語 中学生


4 次の英文は、中学生の涼太 (Ryota) がある出会いを通して学んだことについて 英語 の授業でスピーチをしたときのものです。 1~6の問いに答えなさい。 I Hi. I'm going to talk about my experience this summer. visited my brother, Takuya, in Tokyo. He has lived there and studied at a college for two years. I took the eleven o'clock An hour later, a foreign Shinkansen for Tokyo on July 26. woman with a big bag came to the seat next to me. She smiled s at me, but I didn't talk to her. She looked at the baggage rack for a while and then sat in her seat. She put her big bag on her lap because she could not put it on the baggage rack. I thought I should help her, but I didn't do anything for her. She was on the Shinkansen for about one hour and got off. About one hour later, I arrived at Tokyo Station. That night, my brother and I talked about the woman on the Shinkansen. I But I said, "I didn't do anything for her because I can't speak English well. know I should help her." He asked me, "Ryota, if a Japanese woman with a I big bag comes to the seat next to you, will you help her?" I said, "Well ..., don't know." He said, “I don't think that you didn't help the woman on the 15 Shinkansen because you can't speak English. We need some courage when we want to be kind to someone. When I was a junior high school student, I also didn't have courage. You need to have courage, Ryota." I said to him, "I see. I'll have courage to be kind to people around me." I thought, "What should I say in English when I want to help someone?" 10 courage : 20 On the return Shinkansen, the foreign woman came to the seat next to me again! She had the big bag again. I thought I should have courage and said, "Excuse me. ()" She said, "Oh, thank you very much." Then I put her bag on the baggage rack and asked her, "Do you remember me? I was next to you on the Shinkansen two days ago." She smiled at me and said, "Wow ! 25 Yes. I remember you. Hello again." I felt very happy and said to her, "I'm Ryota. You could not put your bag on the baggage rack two days ago. I knew that, but I didn't do anything. I'm sorry." She said, "Oh, it's OK. You are kind. I'm Anila, from India. This is my first trip to Japan." Then we talked a lot together. I talked about my family and school life. I 30 was (2) because I could talk in English. That was my first experience for me. When she got off the Shinkansen, she smiled at me and said, "I hope we can meet again." I learned an important thing from my brother. Thank you very much. () experience: # college: take ... for ~ : ~行きの・・・ に乗る foreign: 外国の seat: baggage rack: 500 next to ~: ~のとなりの [に] smile at ~: ~にほほえむ for a while : しばらくの間 lap : ひざ anything: (否定文で) 何も return: 帰りの Anila: アニラ (女性の名前)

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英語 中学生


4 次の英文は、中学生の涼太 (Ryota) がある出会いを通して学んだことについて 英語 の授業でスピーチをしたときのものです。 1~6の問いに答えなさい。 I Hi. I'm going to talk about my experience this summer. visited my brother, Takuya, in Tokyo. He has lived there and studied at a college for two years. I took the eleven o'clock An hour later, a foreign Shinkansen for Tokyo on July 26. woman with a big bag came to the seat next to me. She smiled s at me, but I didn't talk to her. She looked at the baggage rack for a while and then sat in her seat. She put her big bag on her lap because she could not put it on the baggage rack. I thought I should help her, but I didn't do anything for her. She was on the Shinkansen for about one hour and got off. About one hour later, I arrived at Tokyo Station. That night, my brother and I talked about the woman on the Shinkansen. I But I said, "I didn't do anything for her because I can't speak English well. know I should help her." He asked me, "Ryota, if a Japanese woman with a I big bag comes to the seat next to you, will you help her?" I said, "Well ..., don't know." He said, “I don't think that you didn't help the woman on the 15 Shinkansen because you can't speak English. We need some courage when we want to be kind to someone. When I was a junior high school student, I also didn't have courage. You need to have courage, Ryota." I said to him, "I see. I'll have courage to be kind to people around me." I thought, "What should I say in English when I want to help someone?" 10 courage : 20 On the return Shinkansen, the foreign woman came to the seat next to me again! She had the big bag again. I thought I should have courage and said, "Excuse me. ()" She said, "Oh, thank you very much." Then I put her bag on the baggage rack and asked her, "Do you remember me? I was next to you on the Shinkansen two days ago." She smiled at me and said, "Wow ! 25 Yes. I remember you. Hello again." I felt very happy and said to her, "I'm Ryota. You could not put your bag on the baggage rack two days ago. I knew that, but I didn't do anything. I'm sorry." She said, "Oh, it's OK. You are kind. I'm Anila, from India. This is my first trip to Japan." Then we talked a lot together. I talked about my family and school life. I 30 was (2) because I could talk in English. That was my first experience for me. When she got off the Shinkansen, she smiled at me and said, "I hope we can meet again." I learned an important thing from my brother. Thank you very much. () experience: # college: take ... for ~ : ~行きの・・・ に乗る foreign: 外国の seat: baggage rack: 500 next to ~: ~のとなりの [に] smile at ~: ~にほほえむ for a while : しばらくの間 lap : ひざ anything: (否定文で) 何も return: 帰りの Anila: アニラ (女性の名前)

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英語 中学生


4 次の英文は, 中学生の涼太 (Ryota) が、 ある出会いを通して学んだことについて,英語 の授業でスピーチをしたときのものです。 1~6の問いに答えなさい。 I Hi. I'm going to talk about my experience this summer. visited my brother, Takuya, in Tokyo. He has lived there and studied at a college for two years. I took the eleven o'clock An hour later, a foreign Shinkansen for Tokyo on July 26. woman with a big bag came to the seat next to me. She smiled 5 at me, but I didn't talk to her. She looked at the baggage rack for a while and then sat in her seat. She put her big bag on her lap because she could not put it on the baggage rack. I thought I should help her, but I didn't do anything for her. She was on the Shinkansen for about one hour and got off. About one hour later, I arrived at Tokyo Station. I don't know. That night, my brother and I talked about the woman on the Shinkansen. I But I said, "I didn't do anything for her because I can't speak English well. know I should help her." He asked me, "Ryota, if a Japanese woman with a big bag comes to the seat next to you, will you help her?" I said, "Well He said, "I don't think that you didn't help the woman on the 15 Shinkansen because you can't speak English. We need some courage when we want to be kind to someone. When I was a junior high school student, I also didn't have courage. You need to have courage, Ryota." I said to him, "I see. I'll have courage to be kind to people around me." I thought, "What should I say in English when I want to help someone?" ...9 10 courage : 1007 20 On the return Shinkansen, the foreign woman came to the seat next to me again! She had the big bag again. I thought I should have courage and said, "Excuse me. ()" She said, "Oh, thank you very much." Then I put her bag on the baggage rack and asked her, "Do you remember me? I was next to you on the Shinkansen two days ago." She smiled at me and said, "Wow ! 25 Yes. I remember you. Hello again." I felt very happy and said to her, "I'm Ryota. You could not put your bag on the baggage rack two days ago. I knew that, but I didn't do anything. I'm sorry." She said, "Oh, it's OK. You are kind. I'm Anila, from India. This is my first trip to Japan." Then we talked a lot together. I talked about my family and school life. I 30 was (2) because I could talk in English. That was my first experience for me. When she got off the Shinkansen, she smiled at me and said, "I hope we can meet again." I learned an important thing from my brother. Thank you very much. () experience: # foreign : 外国の seat: baggage rack: college # take ... for ~: ~ 行きの・・・ に乗る next to ~~のとなりの[に] smile at ~: ~にほほえむ for a while: しばらくの間 lap : ひざ anything: (否定文で)何も return: 帰りの Anila : アニラ (女性の名前)

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国語 中学生


温かいスープ 読む力を ーオムレ その後、何か月かたった二月の寒い季節、また 貧しい夜がやって来た。花のパリというけれど 北緯五十度に位置するから、わりに寒い都で、九 月半ばから暖房の入る所である。冬は底冷えがす る。その夜は電が降った。私は例によって無理に 明るい顔をしてオムレツだけを注文して、待つ間、 本を読み始めた。店には二組の客があったが、そ れぞれ大きな温かそうな肉料理を食べていた。そ のときである。背のやや曲がったお母さんのほう が、 湯気の立つスープを持って私のテーブルに近 寄り、震える手でそれを差し出しながら、小声で、 「お客様の注文を取り違えて、余ってしまいまし た。よろしかったら召しあがってくださいません か」と言い、優しい瞳でこちらを見ている。小 さな店だから、今、お客の注文を間違えたのでは ないことぐらい、私にはよくわかる。 こうして、目の前に、どっしりしたオニオング ラタンのスープが置かれた。寒くてひもじかった 私に、それはどんなにありがたかったことか。涙 がスープの中に落ちるのを気取られぬよう、一 さじ一さじかむようにして味わった。フランスで もつらいめに遭ったことはあるが、この人たちの さりげない親切のゆえに、私がフランスを嫌いに なることはないだろう。いや、そればかりではな い、人類に絶望することはないと思う。 国際性、国際性とやかましく言われているが、 その基本は、流れるような外国語の能力やきらび やかな学芸の才気や事業のスケールの大きさなの ではない。それは、相手の立場を思いやる優しさ、 お互いが人類の仲間であるという自覚なのである。 5国際 その典型になるのが、名もない行きずりの外国人 の私に、口ごもり恥じらいながら示してくれたあ の人たちの無償の愛である。求めるところのない 隣人愛としての人類愛、これこそが国際性の基調 である。そうであるとすれば、一人一人の平凡な 日常の中で、それは試されているのだ いるか 次の文章を読んで、下の問いに答えなさい。 20「涙 ときの ア 「れ は一川 考え、 トこ 「私」 闘 紀 という きなさ 3 14 16

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国語 中学生


発展 読む力 ーオム その後、何か月かたった二月の寒い季節、また 貧しい夜がやって来た。花のパリというけれど 北緯五十度に位置するから、わりに寒い都で、九 月半ばから暖房の入る所である。冬は底冷えがす る。その夜は猶が降った。私は例によって無理に 明るい顔をしてオムレツだけを注文して、待つ間、 本を読み始めた。店には二組の客があったが、そ れぞれ大きな温かそうな肉料理を食べていた。そ のときである。背のやや曲がったお母さんのほう が、 湯気の立つスープを持って私のテーブルに近 寄り、震える手でそれを差し出しながら、小声で、 「お客様の注文を取り違えて、余ってしまいまし た。 よろしかったら召しあがってくださいません か」と言い、優しい瞳でこちらを見ている。小 さな店だから、今、お客の注文を間違えたのでは ないことぐらい、私にはよくわかる。 こうして、目の前に、どっしりしたオニオング ラタンのスープが置かれた。寒くてひもじかった 私に、それはどんなにありがたかったことか。涙 がスープの中に落ちるのを気取られぬよう、一 さじ一さじかむようにして味わった。フランスで もつらいめに遭ったことはあるが、この人たちの さりげない親切のゆえに、私がフランスを嫌いに なることはないだろう。いや、そればかりではな い、人類に絶望することはないと思う。 国際性、国際性とやかましく言われているが その基本は、流れるような外国語の能力やきらび やかな学芸の才気や事業のスケールの大きさなの ではない。それは、相手の立場を思いやる優しさ お互いが人類の仲間であるという自覚なのである。 5風際此 その典型になるのが、名もない行きずりの外国人 の私に、口ごもり恥じらいながら示してくれたあ の人たちの無償の愛である。求めるところのない 隣人愛としての人類愛、これこそが国際性の基調 である。そうであるとすれば、一人一人の平凡な いるか 次の文章を読んで、下の問いに答えなさい。 20河 ときの 2|イ そ は一 じた 考え覧 *「私 トリ こ。 「私」 という言 きなさい 国際性の 日常の中で、それは試されているのだ (今道友信「温かいスープ」 感感

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