


英語 中学生


Oi ou think you are overwei h Do Y9U HgRt? やYou 。 本 .。 mdex. You can get your BMT i ” Pasily find out by using BMT, or Body FE mm the following way pr = Weight| (kg) [eight (me) = 四eight| G) The average PAMI or Japanese people ip Jodern people Hike to eatifastifood』and Processed food.。 "Those _are foods that are nsually Very high mn calories though they are convenient an cheap. Another reaSon is people's imoderm iife Styles. Many people spend most of their time jmt sitting in chairs and dontmove their bodies Yery often.。 ⑨Gwalk / the city / ive / ェot / peonle / in / who / donmt) because they can use cars, trains and buses. That 3. ご ら克 means that people donit burn many calories but that they keep @徐Acalories in their 5 bodies and gain Weight. 98GeW998病 We know that being overweight isnt good for our health. It is not so easy to lose weight. So, we should start eatingiless amd walking more from today. (下線部①の英文を日本廊になおなさい5 (20点) ( ロワ 2 > の 偽入多 月交本尊架) 9 痛と ) (20点) | ⑨の( )内の語名を, 立味が通る よ2に導べか玩天8 3 人 (15点) 第一位まで答えなさMA。 久Mり If your weight is 68 kg and height is TO em 70mr BMIis_ 9 本文の内容と合うもるのには〇, 合わないも のにはXを書きなくいol 1 WHO reported that over 60% of adults in the world were overweight or obese。 [ # ] < Modem De are eating more high-calorie foods than before、。 f 9 We should take in 公Wer calories and move more to li Q5点X 3 ) =Bey Me Tnde :肝擬Iolowing :決のweight:体 height : 身長 average : 平均の 。 the World Health Organization(WHO) MM 、 | G8ed 、 : 時の gbese有江の認訳bibleiii2HiiS22 gain : 得る, ま cslonle 0 旋 TOdem : 現代の processed food : 加工食品 spend てing : ごして…を過ごす 0 | "ermeight : 太り過ぎで BMI(

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