


数学 中学生

至急です(;;) (3)と(4)の解き方を教えてください!!!!

8 電熱線aと電熱線b を用いて、 図1の回路を つくり,電流の大きさと電圧の大きさを調べる 実験を行った。 実験では, 電源装置の電圧を 3.0Vにして,回路を流れる電流の大きさと回路の 各部分に加わる電圧の大きさを測定した。 このとき, 回路を流れる電流は60mA であり, アイ間に 加わる電圧は1.2Vであった。 ただし, 電熱線以外の 抵抗は考えないものとする。 図 1 電熱線b 電熱線 a I ア 問1 電熱線には金属が使われている。 金属のように, 電流が流れやすい物質を何というか。 2 アイ間に加わる電圧を測定している電圧計のようすを示した図として, 最も適切なものを, 次の1~4から1つ選び, 番号を書け。 ただし, Pはアにつないだ導線, Qはイにつないだ 導線を示している。 1 2 3 Q P P 4 P Q / 300V 15V 3V +D.C. / 300V 15V 3V +D.C. / 300V 15V 3V +D.C. / 300V 15V 3V +D.C. 100 100 200 100 100 200 10 問3 ウェ間に加わる電圧は何Vか。 問4 次に,図1の回路の電熱線b を, 抵抗の異なる電熱線cにかえて、 図2の回路をつくった。 電源装置の電圧を3.0Vにして図2の回路に電流を流すと, 回路を流れる電流は100mAで あった。 (1) 電熱線cの抵抗の大きさは何Ωか。 図2の回路に3分間電流を流したとき, 回路全体で消費した電力量は何か。 ただし, 電源装置の電圧と回路を流れる電流の大きさは 変化しないものとする。 図2 電熱線C 電熱線a

未解決 回答数: 1
英語 中学生

③はat first になるんですけどどうやってとけばいいんでしょうか?なにか方法があれば教えて欲しいです

結化(Yuka), リリ 九里(M. Greenの英語の授業で発表を行いました。 発表を聞いたクリー ン先生は, 結花さんの発表についてコメントを書きました。 【 結花さんの発表】 【グリーン先生のコメント を読んで,後の1から8までの各問いに答えなさい。 sog vin 【結花さんの発表】 He Many people in Shiga have worked as volunteers. My grandfather is one of them. worked as a junior high school math teacher for many years and retired five years ago. He has worked as a volunteer at the community center since then. Many children go there to play and study together after school and on weekends. He helps them ( 1 ) every day. He always says that working for other people makes him happy. His words made me interested in volunteer work. bon OR I became a high school student and wanted to try something new. So I did volunteer work at the community center this summer. Now, I will talk about my experiences. I hope my speech will give you a chance to think about volunteer work. During summer vacation, I visited the community center. The community center 【used / many /is/ people/byl living in my city. And the volunteers do a variety of work. My first volunteer work was to take care of elderly people. I played some games and talked with them in the morning. Mr. Sato, one of the elderly men, said to me, "I had a good time today. I live alone and don't have so many chances to talk to other people, especially to young people like you. So I enjoyed talking with you." I was happy to hear that. In the afternoon, I saw a little foreign girl in the playroom. She was drawing a picture alone. ), I hesitated to talk to her because of my English. Then I remembered Mr. Sato's words. So I went to the girl and said, "Hi, I'm Yuka. You are good at drawing pictures. [4]" She smiled and showed me her picture. Then she said, "I will give this picture to my Japanese friend for her birthday. I want to write 'Happy Birthday!' in Japanese on the picture. Can you teach me how to write it?" I was glad to hear that. I taught her how to write it in hiragana. She practiced many times and looked very happy when she saw the picture after she finally finished 5[write] her message in Japanese. Then she said to me, "Thank you for helping me!" Her big smile made me very happy. These experiences reminded me of my grandfather's words. Before doing volunteer work, I thought that helping other people was to make them happy. However, I realized that helping other people made me happy,) too. So we can [ 6 ]. Now I'm looking forward to doing volunteer work again during spring vacation. Thank you for listening. (注) volunteer(s): ボランティアをする人 retire: 退職する community center: E play : 遊ぶ hesitate : ためらう chance : playroom: 【グリーン先生のコメント】 Your speech was great. I'm glad that you learned an important thing. I do volunteer work, too. I visit the city library every Saturday. I help foreign people there. Some foreign people don't understand Japanese. So I help them borrow books. Do you like to read books? The staff members are looking for someone who can read books to children. If you are interested, why don't we visit it together this Saturday?

未解決 回答数: 1