


英語 中学生

中3 英語 Here We GO! の教科書42、3ページです。(見にくくてすみません) プリントの答えをお優しい方…おしえてください!

From the Diary of Kawamoto Itsuyoshi 河本くんの日記。 紙が手に入りにくい時代だったので、 最後の日記は伝票の裏に書かれています。 10 April 4 (Wednesday), Sunny Today was a happy day for me. From today, I am going to commute to Nichu. I went to Hiroshima on the 6:50 a.m. steam train. Unfortunately, it was delayed. I was worried, "What will happen to me?" When I arrived at Nichu, the ceremony was already going on. After 1 explained my delay, they let me in. I sighed with relief. April 15 (Sunday), Sunny Today is the third Sunday. I went to school and at last we started to study. We had English in the first hour, self-study in the second, history in the third, and math 2 (geometry) in the fourth hour. I studied very hard. April 30 (Monday), Sunny For the first time, a bomb was dropped on the city of Hiroshima. It was just before I crossed Enko Bridge. "Grr, thump, thump!" What a frightening noise it made! Then, a thick cloud of smoke rose up. I went there right away and saw a fire burning intensely. July 6 (Friday) Today was a work day. In the morning, we dug holes to bury glass. At lunch, I ate a loquat. Uehara gave it to me. I also ate some peas and a sweet potato. During our rest time at lunch, we played hide-and-seek. It was a lot of fun. In the afternoon, we carried tree branches. 前の広島県 (ドーム) WOL 1. What made Kawamoto worried on 2. Wh 広島の様子

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