


理科 中学生


No.2 Susan: I heard you had lunch at Masato's house. How was it? soup/ Kenji: It was great. (delicious/cooked/the so/his mother/ was). Susan: Wow. Ⅰ want to try it, too. 次の1,2の会話について, それぞれの [ ]内の 13 語を正しく並べかえて, 英文を完成させなさい。 1. (放課後の教室で) Yuki: Mary, what are you doing here? Mary I'm [at/boy/looking/playing/the] soccer Yuki <鳥取県 > Mike Takashi: About ten o'clock. Mike 14 over there. He is so cool. Oh, that's Kenta. He plays soccer very well. 2. (昼休みの教室で) Takashi: Hi, Mike. I'm going to study for the test 18 with my friend on Saturday. Would you like to join us? : I'd love to. When will you start? : I have to clean my room, so I will [call/I / leave/when/you ] my house. 次の12の対話文の [ ]内の語句を並べかえ て, 意味の通る英文を完成させなさい。 ただし, ]内の語句を全部使うこと。 Miki: Why don't we wear the same T-shirts at the school festival? <岐阜県 > 15 17 文を完 た B: Miki: OK. Let's go there. 2. Linda: You look happy. Haru: Yes, I am. Tom (these / gave / beautiful / me/flowers). <高知県 >> (2) 次の会話の下線部について、()内の語を並べか え、意味のとおる英文にしなさい。 Jane: That's a good idea! I (that/ sells/know/ 19 cool/a shop〕 T-shirts near my house. 記号: (1) (2) PRO ( -156-

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