


英語 中学生

【至急】明日テストです 中3英語のちょっとした質問です。 大門11のかっこ4番のイですが、答えはThey'll go there next Sunday.です。 なぜこれはnext Sundayの前にonがつかないのですか?

Mom It's gewing late. sleep early. メモに合うように、次のファンレターの英文を完成させなさい。 Dear Messi, My name is Kenta. I'm a junior high school student in Japan. I'm (1) your games. Your last game really (3) ( X X _ of yours always (2) ( 2 I want to ask you something. I'm on the soccer team. player (4) ( 2 Please (5) ( me ( 1 if you have time. 【メモ】 XC (2×5) May 18 What should I do to be a good soccer From your biggest fan, Kenta 5月18日にサッカー選手のメッシ (Messi) にあてて書いたファンレター。 名前はケンタで、 日本の中学生 メッシの大ファン。 いつもメッシの試合観を楽しんでいる。 この前の試合はぼくをわくわくさせた。 質問:メッシ選手のように上手なサッカー選手になるためには何をしたらよいのか もし時間があったら返事がほしい。 次の対話文を読んで、あとの問いに答えなさい。 Kaito: I watched a wheelchair basketball game ( 7 ) TV yesterday. Meg: Oh, I didn't watch that. How was the game? Kaito: I was ( )( )Dyer's power and speed ①(車いすバスケットボールは10 人でプレーされるust kno asketball The rudes are almost the same. ②us/players/d/e/c/rermind/ powersports/the) Meg Sourds exciting! 私は以前に 度も試合を見たことがありません。 Next Sunday, I'm going to Kaito: Shall we go together? Some famous players will play there. elchair-basketball game at Sakura Gym. ) Paralympic sports. Meg: Really? I want to gol I'm becoming ( 1 ) ( (注) normal ふつう almost ほとんど ア Has Meg ever watched a wheelchair basketballgame? (3以上) イ, When will Kaito and Meg go to Sakura Gym? (5唇以上) 12. 次の校内ニュースの原稿を読んで、あとの問いに答えなさい。 1/20 Hello, everyone. /its 12:30 on Tuesday / January 20th/ Lunchtime News/im Bob Brown with some interesting news. (2 This is the Lincoln High Schoo Firstenbigh school students and wo teachers from Japan are visiting our high school / The came to our town on Sunday/January 18th/ They have spent two nights/at our student's homes When they came to our school yesterday I talked with them One of the Japanese students said they were here to study English and to learn about American life Deey introduced some traditional Japanese games, sports, and songs to us tried some of the games | thought they were difficult but exciting The Japanese group will visit our classes and walk around the town this week Ned, sportsnews/Our baseball team now has a new player Mark White/ He ks from Canada. He is a very good playe/and the runs very las I hope our baseball team will be stronger this year. The last news for today is the weather. It is cloudy now but it will be rainy this evening The weather will change during the night, and we will have snow tomorrow morning. Be careful when you come to school. (注) have spent 過ごしている weather 天気 (1) 伝えられたニュースはいくつあるか 1~4までの数字で答えなさい。 (2) 日本の高校生たちはリンカーン高校に何の目的で来たか。記号で答えなさい。 ▼ 野球の試合をするため アメリカの生活を学ぶため イ 日本の伝統的な遊びや歌を紹介するため エリンカーン高校に留学するため (3)いつ日本の高校生たちはリンカーン高校でボブと話したか、記号で答えなさい。 ア 1月18日 1月2日 ウ 1月20日 エ 1月21日 (4) マーク・ホワイトはどこの国の出身か、記号で答えなさい 「アーアメリカ イギリス ウ 日本 (5)この日の夕方の天気予軽は何か号で答えなさい。 ア晴れ くもり エカナダ (1) 文中① の日本語を英語に直しなさい。解答欄の指示にしたがうこと。 (2点×2) (2)次の日本文の意味になるように、 7. クーエ、カーキにそれぞれ通する話を書きなさい。 (1点×5) 7 (テレビ)で カーエーに置かされた ~に興味がある (3)下 の てある。 内の図を正しく並べかえなさい。 また文頭にくるも小文字で書い (2点) Suda

未解決 回答数: 1
英語 中学生

本日、投稿し直します! 今日こそ、これを教えてくれる人、来て~!(ガチでへるぷみー)

【7】 次の英文の空所に入る適切な単語 (前置詞) を書きなさい。 Most of us are interested ( ) science. He is very good ( at ) speaking English. Suma is famous ( ) its beautiful beach. Wine is made ( The top of the mountain is covered He is looking forward ( We were much surprised ( I got a letter written ( Please take ( (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 次は、 前置詞の穴埋め問題 ・・・ 覚えた連語や文法が役立ちます (6) (7) (8) (9) ) grapes. (10) The basket is full ( (11) They don't work ( (12) These shoes are too big ( (13) I can swim fastest ( (14) Tom read books about Japanese (15) I usually drink coffee ( (16) This desk is made ( (17) Ken is very fond ( (18) Yuki takes care ( (19) My mother was born ( (20) Don't be late ( (21) How ( (22) Arisa took part ( (23) It is difficult ( (24) Why were you absent ( ( (25) I have lived in Nagoya (26) His name was known ( (27) Thank you very much ( (28) Have you ever been ( (29) February is ( (30) Tuesday comes ( (31) ( ) seeing ) English. ) your shoes when you enter a house in Japan. ) beautiful flowers. ) Sundays. ) ) snow. you. ) the news. ) me. ) all the boys. history ( ) sugar. ) wood. ) listening to rock music. ) this cat. ) school. ) taking a walk around here ? ) morning till night. ) January 28th, 1975. ) the festival last year. me to get up early. ) school yesterday? ) a long time. I must finish this English homework ( ) everyone. ) inviting me to the party. ) Singapore ? ) January and March. ) Monday. ) next Monday.

未解決 回答数: 1
英語 中学生


2 次の英文を読んで,あとの各問いに答えなさい。 Nancy and Saori are fifteen years old. Nancy came to Japan from New York last week. They are *neighbors. (1) Yesterday Saori invited Nancy to a welcome party. When Nancy came to Saori's home, Saori's mother said, We are going to have a party for you.” “Hi, Nancy. Today I'm going to 5 make sushi,” said Saori's father. Then Saori asked, “Do you like sushi?” “Yes, I like it very much, " Nancy answered. Then Saori's father went to the kitchen with Saori's mother to make sushi. Nancy and Saori went to the *living room and enjoyed ② (talk). Nancy asked Saori, “I have never made sushi *myself. “No, it's easy. Let's try next time,” said Saori. (3) An hour later, Saori's mother (to / to / told / come / the table / Nancy and Saori). When they *were ready to eat, Saori said something. “What did you say?" Nancy asked. “I said, Itadakimasu. We say it before eating.” Nancy said, “What does it mean?” Saori thought for a while and said, “*Maybe it means 'I will eat it.' It's an *expression to use before eating.” “Is there an expression to use (⑤) eating?” “Yes, Nancy. It's 'Gochisosama. It means ‘It was good food,' I think.” “Oh, I see. I've just learned two new Japanese expressions." Then Nancy said, “Itadakimasu,” and started 15⑥(eat). 10 〔注〕 neighbor 隣人 living room 居間 myself 私自身で ~ be ready to 〜 〜する準備ができている maybe たぶん expression 表現、語句 ① に適する文をア~エから選び, 記号で答えなさい。 (1) ア You are welcome. イ Nice to meet you. ウ Excuse me. (2) ②, ⑥の()内の動詞を,適する形 (1語) になおして書きなさい。 ② talking ⑥ eating (6) (3) 話の流れに合うように, ③に適する疑問文を書きなさい。 I I'm sorry. ( ) 8 (4) 下線部④が意味の通る正しい英文になるように,( )内の語句を並べかえなさい。 An hour later, Saori's mother (5) (⑤) に a で始まる適する1語を書きなさい。 (6) 本文の内容と合うように、次の問いに3語の英文で答えなさい。 Was this the first time for Nancy to eat sushi? SOMNB ******* et aid?

未解決 回答数: 1
英語 中学生

至急 英語の受動態の問題です。(難易度低め) 全てでなくても全然大丈夫なのでできる問題があれば答えを教えて頂きたいです(><) よろしくお願いします🥲

(10) This fruit can't be eaten. (11) Salt is sold by the pound. (12) What is this flower called in English? (13) Who will look after this baby? (14) His friends call him Jeff. (15) The traveler left the bag here. (17) They named the baby Charles. (16) The result of the game made him happy. 2 A truck ran over a cat. bong lo abam ai dash sinT O asiado mdf batosis aliquq ed. (D) nego toob adt aveal Jou taum voY (S) A cat was run over by a truck. 3 Jim takes good care of the dog. → A dog is taken good care of by Jim. ".idooT" gob Tuo bomen W (8) 3. 自動詞 + 前置詞 ・・・他動詞になる場合 (群動詞などと呼ばれる) iss pw (a) この場合、 +前置詞で他動詞の働きができるのであるから、 受身文の場合に、 前置詞を絶対に 落とさないこと。 1 They laughed at me. →>>> I was laughed at by them. zagad niev medi shem sH (t) "Tiboitab" arewoll seadi leo 9W (8) Svab veze moon To Be wovo (7) anels riteal may good team wo? (8) www. art woy bowoda odW (e) これらは、動詞句 (熟語) として覚えておくべきで、 英作文でも重要です。 また、自動詞の次に 前置詞があれば、必ず他動詞になると早合点しないように。本日 RACINESTAROSS JABONGASER A truck ran at full speed on the high way. Some boys and girls are swimming in the pool. 上の文における動詞は共に自動詞で、 目的語はないので、 受身文は作れない。 (Exercise) 次の文の態をかえなさい。 (1) A stranger spoke to me on the road. (2) Everybody looks up to him. (4) He speaks ill of you. Teel in d 100msvot no mod anw I (D) even sdi weed of (3) The grandmother will look after the children. Siam Ianizacio ni betseisimi si ude (2) 4. 進行形の受身文 be+being+ (am, is, are, was, were) 常に変わらない (3) What is he doing? T Musar ori diw bollensa ew radio ( (2) They are building the stadium now. buaiqua aww [(E) betinggeath p.p. insesny adi diiw bonely az oH (8) Tom is fixing the radio now. The radio is being fixed by Tom. Teachers are discussing the problem now. → The problem is being discussed by teachers now. (Exercise) 次の文の態をかえなさい。 one dw buten (1) Mother is looking for the cooking magazine. の形を丸暗記しよう。 blirls A ( zawadi au ballid saw of (T hsinga od penal (8

回答募集中 回答数: 0
英語 中学生


1 次の英文を読んで、あとの (1)~(3)の問いに答えなさい。 Did you know that a lot of people have difficulties in shopping? There are many old people who are too weak and can't walk for a long time. It's very difficult for them to go shopping every week because they can't walk or ride bikes to shops. So, their families want them to stop driving a car. If old people can't get fresh food at a shop for a long time, they will have health problems. In rural places, there aren't many shops near their homes. People can find only a few small shops that are too far away. If old people hope to buy many kinds of things they need, they have to go to bigger shops in bigger cities. But in some rural places, there aren't many trains and buses. So they don't have any means to get there for shopping alone. How about old people living in bigger cities? Cities usually have a lot of shops, but in some cities, people can't find many shops these days. This is because shopping malls are usually built in the suburbs, and the number of small shops *throughout the cities is getting (). So like in rural places, old people have to go shopping in places that are now far away from home. But for some, it's difficult. What can we do for those old people who have difficulties in shopping? Some *vendors carry a lot of products in their cars to rural places or the suburbs and sell them to people living there. If these people can go there every week, local people don't have to go shopping with difficulties. Also, shopping on the Internet is another good way to get things. But many old people have not used the Internet much, so they need other people's support. In the future, there will be more old people in Japan. *Even more people may have difficulties in shopping. So we should keep thinking about the problem. throughout [03 vendor 物を売る人 () means & the suburbs even~ さらに~ (1) 文中の@に次の3つの文を入れるとき, 最も適切な順になるよう符号を並べなさい。 7 You may think that they can go shopping by car. In Japan, the percentage of traffic accidents by old drivers has increased. But it's often dangerous for old people to drive cars. (2) 文中の()に入れるのに最も適切な語を次のア~エの中から1つ選び、 その符号を書きなさい。 7 higher smaller less I more (3) 本文の内容と合うものを次のア~オの中から2つ選び、 その符号を書きなさい。 7 If old people can't get fresh food at a shop for a long time, they will be sick. People living in rural places usually have some small shops near their houses. A lot of people in the suburbs like going shopping at shopping malls better than going shopping at small shops. I Some people carry products in their cars, and that is helpful for old people who have difficulties in shopping. The problem about shopping will be solved because old people have used the Internet a lot.

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