

1 次の英文を読んで、あとの (1)~(3)の問いに答えなさい。 Did you know that a lot of people have difficulties in shopping? There are many old people who are too weak and can't walk for a long time. It's very difficult for them to go shopping every week because they can't walk or ride bikes to shops. So, their families want them to stop driving a car. If old people can't get fresh food at a shop for a long time, they will have health problems. In rural places, there aren't many shops near their homes. People can find only a few small shops that are too far away. If old people hope to buy many kinds of things they need, they have to go to bigger shops in bigger cities. But in some rural places, there aren't many trains and buses. So they don't have any means to get there for shopping alone. How about old people living in bigger cities? Cities usually have a lot of shops, but in some cities, people can't find many shops these days. This is because shopping malls are usually built in the suburbs, and the number of small shops *throughout the cities is getting (). So like in rural places, old people have to go shopping in places that are now far away from home. But for some, it's difficult. What can we do for those old people who have difficulties in shopping? Some *vendors carry a lot of products in their cars to rural places or the suburbs and sell them to people living there. If these people can go there every week, local people don't have to go shopping with difficulties. Also, shopping on the Internet is another good way to get things. But many old people have not used the Internet much, so they need other people's support. In the future, there will be more old people in Japan. *Even more people may have difficulties in shopping. So we should keep thinking about the problem. throughout [03 vendor 物を売る人 () means & the suburbs even~ さらに~ (1) 文中の@に次の3つの文を入れるとき, 最も適切な順になるよう符号を並べなさい。 7 You may think that they can go shopping by car. In Japan, the percentage of traffic accidents by old drivers has increased. But it's often dangerous for old people to drive cars. (2) 文中の()に入れるのに最も適切な語を次のア~エの中から1つ選び、 その符号を書きなさい。 7 higher smaller less I more (3) 本文の内容と合うものを次のア~オの中から2つ選び、 その符号を書きなさい。 7 If old people can't get fresh food at a shop for a long time, they will be sick. People living in rural places usually have some small shops near their houses. A lot of people in the suburbs like going shopping at shopping malls better than going shopping at small shops. I Some people carry products in their cars, and that is helpful for old people who have difficulties in shopping. The problem about shopping will be solved because old people have used the Internet a lot.


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