


英語 中学生


それぞれの文を指示に従って書きかえなさい。 1 It's raining (文末に「昨夜から」 を加えて) 2 Darwin found this frog in 1834. (This frog から始めて同じ事実を伝える文に) 思考・判断・表現 [2点x2] ある音楽雑誌にユキが投稿した原稿です。 よく読んであとの問いに答えなさい。 [10点] I really like the song "Hana wa Saku". The title means "Flowers will bloom." The song was written after the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011. Many people have been listening to it since then. It has also been sung in several languages around the world. The melody and lyrics are soft and sweet, but they really touch our hearts. I think the song is a powerful message from the victims to the survivors and people living now. It reminds us of our families and friends. One day, I had an argument with my best friend about a small issue. After that, we did not talk to each other for more than one week. I wanted to say "I'm sorry," but I couldn't. I felt down every day. Then I heard this song. [ ] The next morning, I went to her. When she looked back at me, I smiled. I said nothing, but she also smiled at me. We became friends again. If you have never heard this song, please listen to it. You will remember something very important in your life. 1 本文の内容に合うように、( )に適する一語を書きなさい。 (1) Hana wa Saku" has been sung for about ( ) years. (2) ) the melody and lyrics are soft and sweet, they really touch our hearts. 2 話の流れを考え、[ ]に入れるに適するものを①~④から選んで記号を書きなさい。 I realized that I needed her friendship. 2 I wanted to make new friends. 3 The song encouraged the people living in the Tohoku Area. *area: 4 I didn't know much about the earthquake.

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英語 中学生


who lived on The first floor of Their house. He was past (wa Behrman was q er ainted, without ever 放 thed "ルマン sixTy. eg hod had no "と ss as qa painTer. For for+y 1 he hod py ロレ2( と に + Painfing a 9ood picTure. e had always Talked of painTing q greqt picTure, Q SGDS7 院 てにっぃて と NN (bubhe had never ye starTed け. N He go a liTTle money by letTing others paint picTures of him_ He drank oo Imuch. He ヽ Eu +alked of his great mesien pieee. And he believed +hat iT WoS his special duty To do everyThing poSsible fo help Sue ad 避 る sue found Ri i hiS dark room, and she knew hat he had been drinKin9- She could smell if. She old him qbou+ Johnsy and he leaves on The Tree. She said That she WaS afraid +hat Johnsy would indeed sail down, down like +he 諸 Her hold on the World wos 記 WW 罰。 growing weaker. を<お 4還 い Old Behrmgn Shouted his anger over such an idea. すけ を が ルス/ What!" 3 cried. "Are There such fools2 Do people die becauSse leaves drop off a tree?2 5う 1ね人 生け所か】 T have no+ heard of such a +hing. No, T will noT come UP and st wile yeu Take qa picTure "42 (には of me. Why do you allow her +o Think such a Thing2 That poor JohnSy! "She is very sick eck。 said Sue. Pe put hese srange ideoS ino her mind. AAr. Behrman if You won† come, You Wo†. 徴u+ T don+ Think youre very nice.* 2の2。チ9 3年 組 番 名前 グループ 略り9パルスンは功で4@り7 7共2 |除2衝でいま(の 邊人が来く ] のを 碑きチン。人is画次crの(757と 人0卿 な到'絶も入る休 溢mnのなよい衝r7ッイ 引ょたぃ7ッ条<2と ! 昌史 わ他(に2wて移して<でををが徐にー條よれに 2.7幸の生ん (9 の多e692交人ッあと 0かせをしん, 偽7なさん宙すま しイセ。多はまだ連れを く2クグールレていまとと (眉モ相ています 4徐 5 | 時|で 痕生 9た9 9 能在他り2ー と2ンプ ebの1ます。 | スーは 44彦境を見2サチし人2 . 4は 牧人とと乱罰| ます 4内人月人。 1愉生仮に2w 7テー ホ二イン7 oz。邊中:愉い うタ ッッー諸者//人WUを背 し 代っェウン> | 4キe 侯須を全てイ人大人る欠"絞り- AMルる>は導Aま2 窓りなが5 作。な人ほなぃい7 協のた 導。 20なん” んが業と本2区て 大邊G+ 鈴 2と2なの * をの7 (もいい。 いいを 約にくろ2をリイ=い企る個 レ195 2 の條て作ろクレば・なで 者>人レセ9の”7(>旋る4o 9グーば抽 し4をまで:放委でと4毅い。 ッムかちっ17。 人 | 秒4で。 パイ47 fb<く226りを7 7で2人cu いで? nzし AEセ499 新人(Et 化 ("と7いせすっ

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英語 中学生

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were h Te pder the Iaw "There wene remtrooma "mir in we uet sue ey odn ee There ware us Tuere unfair 1aws upeet many peonle Theme wa mw es mw 6 yuane One cfthem was Meansey 26 nno6 05253 ee vonds rightto take any seat on any d on any bs We shal naver are some of the words spoken by him. し 。dream that my four title children wih one day hwe asmeon 2 nains they could not uee He heard about the arrest of Mirs aerc they wil mot be judged by the color cFtheir akin butby Ne same eontent ot (uair characterT haveadrem today rhave a dream that one day … our te black boys and gme wi be at Lojoin hands with Hittle white boys and white girs as sisters an brothers 1 dream today" 1964, Dr King won the Nobel Peace Prize. Four years later。 he was nd haled. He died。 but the fight for justice continues。 His dream hot の要約文の ( ) に、適する日本語を入れなさい。 9 5 5 年のアメリカでは、 県人はさまざまなことが ( 1 ) のFCで無じGR 曜人が使えない( ? ) や( 3 ) や( 4 )があった、キン さない、だれもが持つ ( 5 ) のために戦おう。」と立 がまん| <彼の演説の言葉がある。 ・私には夢がある。 日か、4人の子供が( 6 )ではなく、【 1 ) で ( $ ) される国家 そして。 いつか黒人の少年少女が、 自人の少年少女と ( 9 )のよ ( 10調 ことができるような国家になってほしい。 1968 年に彼は此たれて記くなった= 2. 次の問い 英語で答えなさい。 What happening in Montgomery Dr King hear about っWhat did Dr King win in 1964 3.Did the fight for justice end when Dr King died?

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