


英語 中学生

あってますか??最後のところ手で見えてないと思うんですけどMyです 間違ってたら教えてください🙏

O Exercises A 1. He became a doctor. [補語] ( 彼は医者になります 2. I like this music. [目的語] (私はこの音楽が好きです 3. This candy tastes sweet. [ 補語] ( このアメは甘い味がします 次の各文の下線部が補語であるか、目的語であるか答え、それぞれ日本語に直し なさい。 5. _科 1年組番氏名 4. He kept quiet. [目的語] B (彼は静かに待っています。 He kept a diary for a long time. [目的語] (彼は長い間日記し続けています 5. 2. I feel so hungry now. [動詞/第(!)文型] ( 今とてもお腹が空きました 6 ) ) 1. A popular singer was in the crowd. [ 目的語/第(3) 文型] (有名な歌手は群衆の中にいました ) ) 次の各文の下線部は主語、動詞、 補語、目的語、 修飾語のどれにあたるか答え、 第何文型か答えなさい。 また、 各文を日本語に直しなさい 。 3. I usually watch TV on Sundays. [目的語/第( 3 ) 文型] ( 私はたいて、日曜日にテレビを見ます。 ) 4. My brother likes comic books very much. [ 動詞 / 第()文型] ( 私の兄はとても漫画が好きです。 ) There is a big hole in your pants. [ 修飾語/第(1) 文型] ( あなたのパンツに穴が空いています。 The boy became a great baseball player. [目的語/第(3) 文型] この少年はすばらしい野球選手になります。 father bought a computer for me. [ 補語/第(2) 文型 ] 私のお父さんは私のためにコンピュータを買ってくれまげ)。

未解決 回答数: 1
英語 中学生

Unit5 -2です。教えてください

sal D 番 BUICHIBE ます he' you で s te ⑨ どこで昼食を食べるべきか私に教えてくれますか。 Can you tell have lunch? STEP3 日本語に合うように①から⑥は( )内の英語を並べかえて書きましょう。 また、 (ア) ⑧ は日本語に合う英文を書きましょう。 (5点×6) . ① 私の兄は私にダイビングのしかたを教えてくれました。 My brother (dive / taught / how to/me/. ) My brother ② いつあなたに電話をするべきかを私に教えてください。 Please (me / call you / when / tell / to / ) ③ 私があなたにシャワーの使い方を見せましょう。 I'll (how/show/to/ this shower / use / you /. ) ④ ヤマダ先生はエマに漢字の書き方を教えました。 Ms. Yamada (to / Emma / write / taught / kanji / how/.) ⑤ 沖縄でどこを訪れるべきか私たちに教えてくれますか。 (us / visit / can / to / where / you / tell) in Okinawa? ⑥ この博物館で何を見るべきか私たちに教えてください。 (what / us / please / in the museum / see / tell / to / . ) ⑦ 彼女は私にこのカメラの使い方を見せてくれました。 ⑧ 明日どこへ行くべきか私に教えてください。 /30 Try! 次の対話を完成させよう。 駅で、券売機の使い方が分からなくて困っている外国人旅行者を見かけました。 「切符の買い お見せします。」 と申し出よう。

未解決 回答数: 1
英語 中学生


2 次の中学生の敏夫 (Toshio)と雅子 (Masako)と留学生のボビー(Bobby) の夏休み中の会話文を読ん で、あとの問いに答えなさい。 Bobby: Hi, Toshio. Our city has the Himawari Festival for three days every August, right? Masako told me about it. That's right. I go to the festival every year. Toshio: Bobby: Toshio: Bobby: Toshio: That's nice. So, you went to the festival on August 21, right? (B) Right. Bobby: So, the festival won't start on Toshio's birthday this year. Masako: Right. I will go with my brother on the second day this year. The music club in our city will have a concert. They will play music from 10:40 to 11:00 in the morning. Their performances are wonderful. My brother and I enjoy their concert at the festival every year. We love music. I play the flute, and he plays the guitar. Bobby: Sounds nice! I love music, too! Toshio: Bobby, you play the piano very well. Last Thursday, I listened to your piano performance at your house. I really enjoyed it. And your brother plays the violin, right? Yes. My father plays the violin, too. And my mother plays the piano. Everyone in my family loves music. Then, let's go to the Himawari Festival together and enjoy the concert! Can your family come? Bobby: (C) How about you, Toshio? Toshio: Well, the second day is Saturday this year. You know, I'm on the school baseball team. We have practice every Saturday, so I can't go with you. I'm sorry. I will go to the festival with my parents and my sister on the first day. Bobby: Masako: Who do you usually go to the festival with? (A) With my parents and my sister. Every year, we join the festival on the first day. Last year, it was on my birthday, so my sister bought a nice bag for me at the festival. Masako: OK. Bobby: Well, can we enjoy any food at the festival? Toshio: Sure. You can eat your favorite food there.. Bobby: My favorite food? Do you mean my favorite Japanese food? Toshio: Yes. Guess what. Bobby: Toshio: (D) Well, is it sushi or sukiyaki? No. Masako, you said that you had it with your family last Sunday. Masako: Oh, I had yakisoba for lunch and oden for dinner that day, but we can't eat oden at the festival. We can eat () at the festival, right? Right! You can enjoy it at the festival! Bobby: Toshio: 5 10 15 25

未解決 回答数: 1
英語 中学生

英検の過去問なんですが、答えが見つからない ので答えを教えてほしいです

(2) (1) A: Mom, I met a ( B: That's great. 1 famous (5) (6) 1 (18) Grade 4 (8) 2 次の (1) から (15) まで ( に入れるのに最も適切なものを 1,2,3,4の中から一つ選び、その番号のマーク欄をぬりつぶしなさい。 (3) A: When did the Sylvia Hotel open? B: In 1913. It's over a hundred years ( 1 many 2 quiet (4) A: Everyone is here, so we can ( B: OK. 1 visit Mary ( 1 misses day. (7) A: Your ( Ted made some friends at his new school, so he was ( thin 1 2 slow 3 glad Peter became a ( 1 member B: Thank you. 1 question Grade 4 2 next ) soccer player on the train today. 2 start 3 hard 2 bench ) to get a bird for her birthday. 2 picks 3 hopes 1 That's my dream. 3 I'll watch you. 1 Have fun. 3 Not yet. 3 tall 1 Did you make them? 3 Is it finished? Daughter: I will. 1 I'm hungry. 3 stay at home. 3 carry ) of the swimming club. ) is so beautiful! I love seeing the flowers in spring. 2 holiday 3 sound 2 ) the movie now. 3 salad 3 moved (17) Father: How was your band practice today? Son: ( ) We learned a new song. 1 I have a ticket. 3 You're right. I ( ) a bad cold today, so I couldn't have lunch with my grandmother. I was really sad. 1 kept 2 had Mother: Would you like a cupcake? Daughter: Yes, please. ( ) Mother: No, they were on sale at the supermarket. 4 thick (19) Girl: Thanks for studying with me today. Boy: ( ) I enjoyed it. 次の (16) から (20) までの会話について ( に入れるのに最も 適切なものを 1,2,3,4の中から一つ選び、その番号のマーク欄をぬりつ ぶしなさい。 (16) Girl: I love playing the piano. Boy: Do you want to be a professional pianist in the future? Girl: Yes. ( ) 4 old lazy 4 drop 2 After math. 4 No problem. (20) Daughter: Dad, shall I cut the vegetables for the salad? Father: Yes, please, but ( 4 follows He swims every 2 It's my guitar. 4 You can have one. 2 it's a fruit. 4 be careful. 4 towel 4 garden 2 It was fun. 4 It was on the radio. 4 rode 2 Will they be ready? 4 Are you late? (9) (12) Grade 4 (13) A: What can you cook? B: I like to make food from different countries. ( Italian food and Chinese food. 1 For 2 To (10) A: Did you meet the new English teacher? B: Yes, he comes ( 1 until 2 (11) A: What ( (14) 3 ) of dog do you want? B: I want a big dog because I love to go on long walks. 1 room 2 wind 3 kind (22) (15) A: Excuse me. ( B: That one is $10. 1 Where (23) After school, Chris enjoys ( listen to her funny stories. 1 talking 2 opening (24) 4級 354. 34 $18,73 Today, it will snow much ( and I will make a big snowman. 1 harder 2 hard (25) (21) 新しいくつを買ってはどうですか。 1 arplad I love riding my bike to the park, but my sister ( likes to stay at home. 1 haven't 2 doesn't Brush breakfast. 1 ) South Africa. He loves rugby. along 3 This is 10 みが 朝食を食べたら歯を磨きなさい。 (after 2 your 3 you 2番目 1 2 Why (4) 2 ( you buy 3 why 4 new shoes 2番目 4番目 1 2 5 My brother tomorrow. ) much is this T-shirt? 3 2 3 As スープをもっともらえますか。 have ( soup can 2 2 Grade 4 LI 856 次の (21) から (25) までの日本文の意味を表すように ①から⑤までを並べ の中に入れなさい。 そして、2番目と4番目にくるものの かえて 最も適切な組合せを1,2,3,4の中から一つ選び、その番号のマークを ぬりつぶしなさい。 ※ただし, ( の中では、夏のはじめにくる語も 小文字になっています。 2番目 2 over W 4 from 2番目 3 holding BEL はじ これは私の初めてのシンガポール旅行です。 (Singapore 2 my first 4 to ) with his teacher. 3 don't 2② 3 hardest 3 When ) than yesterday. 3 4 eat 5 teeth) 3 4 In 4 3 4 side ) example, (3) some more 3 (5 3 4 asking 5 trip) 5 don't) He likes to 4 isn't (4) (write 2 to 3 by 4 has 5 a report) 2番目 2 4番目 わたし あに あす 私の兄は明日までに, レポートを書かなければいけません。 4 too hard ). 4 How (51) My brother She 4 4番目 ⑤5⑤ - (3) (3) please? 4 3-0

未解決 回答数: 1