


英語 中学生

すみません、至急お願いします。 問1から問9まで教えてください🙇‍♀️

Unit 4 長文問題] もしも時間を戻せたら? ) able to change the past? If you 1 Do you ever wish you (2) had that ability, maybe you would spend more time practicing soccer, learn the instrument that you always wanted to play, study harder for that big test, or try to save more money for the future. 2 What would you do if you had the ability to turn back the clock? This was a question which Mr. Woodall, a high school teacher in Philadelphia, asked his students. Mr. Woodall wanted to know what was important to his students but was pleasantly surprised to see the results. I think their answers will be very interesting to you, too. Hou 3 Mr. Woodall expected to see answers (which were connected to the own good of the students, but (3) he was wrong. The majority of the which he received from his students were for the good of answers (う) others. Target ① 関係代名詞 ②仮定法・間接疑問文 66 4 A very common answer he found was, “(4)If I could turn back the clock, I would take back some things that I said to a friend.” Apparently, many of the students regretted saying something (5) friends and wanted to change that. Surprisingly, close to 40% of the students answered this way. 7) hurt their 5 (7) (6) Another common answer was about pets. "If I were able to turn back the clock, I would spend more time with my dog," or "I would be nicer to my cat," were some common answers. Almost 25% of the students missed their pet very much and wanted to show more love. These pets included dogs, cats, birds, rabbits and other animals. turn back and M (時計を) 巻き戻す pleasantly 心地よく expected to 6 There were other answers about reading more books, studying harder, or eating less junk food. However, Mr. Woodall was quite impressed with his students and their concern for others. He decided to share all of the answers with his students, and the students enjoyed hearing the different answers. Mr. Woodall decided to try this activity with his students every year. By asking, he felt he would learn a lot about his students. 〜するだろうと思う good majority , t take back 取り消す apparently close to どうやら~らしい t be nice to 〜にやさしい de 問 1 (1) ( 問2 問3 い。 1.9 ( junk food ジャンクフード concern for . 〜への気遣い、配慮 (4

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英語 中学生

問三が意味分かりません 教えて頂きたいです 答えは400mAでした なぜAだけの電流を答えは求めているのでしょうか? 質問は何も書いていないから全体の電流をもとめるのではないのですか?

2 【理科】 (社会と合わせて60分) <満点:75点> 【注意】 定規 分度器・計算機等の使用はできません。 ・ 1 右図のように、電源装置,電圧計,電流計,抵抗値 が未知の電熱線A, 抵抗値が30Ωの電熱線Bを使って 回路を組み立てた。 電熱線A,Bを,それぞれ同じ質量 の水が入った水そうに入れ、電流を流したところ, 電圧 計は8Vを示した。 グラフは水そうの水の温度上昇と, 電流を流した時間との関係を表している。 ただし, 電 源装置の電圧の大きさは一定で、 電熱線で発生した熱 は、 すべて水そうの水の温度上昇に使われるものとす る。 次の問いに答えなさい。 問1 電熱線Aで発生した熱は, 電熱線Bで発生した 熱の何倍か。 最も近いものを次のア~エから選び、 記号で答えなさい。 ア 0.67倍 イ. 1.2倍 ウ. 1.5倍 問2 電熱線Aの抵抗値は何Ωか。 20 問3 電流計の値は何mAか。 160 問4 電熱線Aで5分間に発生した熱は何Jか。 0.6 3120 3x = 2 エ.2.0倍 2x530 x=003 2 153.6 01650 0.16 solo note t'mko 1300 2124 水の上昇温度 5 水 (°C) nious 水そう on 水そう2 7 tog of 3 電源装置 1 A 50/80 Jo 50% 50 V (①) 目 A 80①3 20 KTYVUO B [00000000 .16 3.2 32 20 0.512) (2bavengnia 3 8 2 次に、電源の電圧の大きさはそのままで, 電熱線Bを抵抗値が80Ωの電熱線Cに変えて同じ実 2 をした。この実験でも、水そうの水は沸とうしなかったものとして、以下の問いに答えなさい。 問5 電流計の値は何mAか。 一水そう2- -水そう 1- 1 2 Alo 電流を流した時間 〔分〕 3 4 5

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英語 中学生


Reiwa Center Sports & Culture Programs Weekday activities From July 20th to August 27th Activity 1: Volleyball Monday, Thursday, Friday A Time 9:00 12:00 (s Practice hitting and receiving balls, ereds 19v and play games after that. Activity 3: Baseball id Wednesday, Thursday, Friday >)< 木 Time 13:00 - 16:00 Fees *fee # 1 activity : Practice playing catch and hitting 10 tuod Ted s'ai sennil balls, and play games after that. hirm us to t i in os all 3 activities:v $8 Activity 2: Music Monday, Tuesday, Thursday k 木 Der E$3 doo naje Time 9:00 - 12:00 Luoy.ai sids 89 90198 Activity 4: Art Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday "Ki 2 won 17 oli Time 13:00 - 16:00 Thesteni ades nomel beded, Draw pictures and fold paper to make now Practice playing musical instruments, DA UOOL and play on stage. on llomis dolls or animals. 2 activities: wen ed od 4 activities: siq aidquq $10baladrok LAORI JUMOSO9* bas When you come with your friends, you will get a 20 percent discount each. sigle (Rivili You have to make a call ahead to make an *appointment. *appointment ** Jml 08 82001 $5 YOM ladandTim You have to come to the Reiwa Center 15 minutes before the activity. 08 mpmal gdad sw.bluoda glad w bluode 001 misel of snew I foaisen wen ve vo Call the Reiwa Center at 333-123-654310 sig umug smor teg spinave edini nieque.edi 12 On what day of the week do they have no activities at the Reiwa Center? Joodse mot emod ten Hoy Roig blad of 2 If you join Activity 1 and Activity 3, how much should you pay? UO 3 If you have three activities with your friends, how much should you pay? NO 4 If you join Activity 4, what time do you have to come to the Riewa Center? Tanginot rannch ob tad

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英語 中学生

英検対策の問題です。 中1なのですか分からないとこばっかりで…。 解説も出来れば、出来ればでいいので お願いします🙇‍♀️⤵️

13 (1) から (15) まで ( 1つ選び、その番号のマークをぬりつぶしなさい。 (2) (1) A: Mike, have you called Jill to tell her about our meeting tomorrow? B: No, not ( 1 yet ―次試験 筆記 ). I'll call her after lunch. 2 over 3 always Brian is going to visit the (> ) with his class next week. He wants to see many kinds of fish there. 1 college 4 garage 大学 EL (3) A: These are delicious tomatoes. B: Thank you. We ( 1 grew に入れるのに最も適切なものを 1,2,3,4の中から 2 aquarium 3 stadium *17 (7) A: It's so hot! 2 thought 2 special (6) Helen and Yumiko ( they're good friends. 1 put (4) Jeff went fishing on Sunday. He caught nine fish. One was very big, but the () were small. 1 another 2 ones 3 others 4 sometimes (5) A: I heard that you're going to Rome next week. B: That's not ( ). I'm going to Paris. 1 true 2 thought ) them in our garden. 3 fought 4 knew 4 all 3 met 3 common 4 main 3) in the tennis club at school. Now 4 found B: Here, use this (2). It will cool you down. 2 fan 3 hill 71% 1 line 4 head 頭 75 78 (8) People think I can speak French because my mother is from France. But (A ) fact, I can only speak English. 1 by 2 on f 3 for 4 in (9) The rock group was very popular, so the concert hall was 3) of people. ( 1 thick 2 full 3 deep 4 high (10) Lisa and her family didn't go ( planning to go on a trip this year. 1 away 2 at B: OK. 1 pass (11) A: I told my mother that I would be home by 7:00. I don't ) my promise, so I have to go now. want to ( 2 se 4 lend 2 color 3 through 4 behind (12) Jim bought a new house, so he had to move his things. All his friends were on vacation, so they couldn't give him a (/). 1 part ) last summer, so they're 3 break (13) A: Excuse me. Could you tell me ( map? 2 won't 3 front (14) A: Jack is a police officer, (3 B: No, he's a doctor. 1 isn't 2 to teach B: Sure. There's a bookstore on the fifth floor. 1 which 2 why 3 what 4) I can buy a world ) he? 4 hand 3 doesn't 3 teach 4 where 4 can't (15) I can't ride a bike, but my brother can. I asked him (3) me. 1 teaches 4 taught 19年度第1回 記

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英語 中学生


③ まねること。似せること ④ なまけおこたること。 日 次の①~⑤の言葉 (故事成語)の読み方をひらがなで書き、その意味をア ~オから選んで記号で答えなさい。 m ③ 他山の石 破天荒 ①白眼視 ④塞翁が馬 ⑤ 牛耳を執る ア団体や党派などの中心人物となって、思うままに支配すること。 イ人を冷淡な目で見ること。 軽べつする目つきで見ること。 ウ 人生の幸不幸は予測できないこと。 エ無関係なことでも、自分をみがく助けとなること。 オ今まで誰もできなかったようなことを、初めて成し遂げること。 ⑥ それぞれの口 口にあてはまる、【】で示した言葉を含む慣用句を書き、 その慣用句の意味をア~コから選んで記号で答えなさい。 ① みんなの気持ちを無視した □ようなやり方では、いずれメンバー の気持ちも離れていってしまうだろう。 【押す】 ② 人気グループのコンサートチケットを手に入れた少女たちは、公演の日 がやってくるのを□ て待っていた。【首】 ③ 目下の者とのコミュニケーションでは、こちらから一方的に話をするの ではなく、相手の話にじっと ことが大切だ。【耳】 ④ あれこれ て資金を集めようとしたが、目標金額まで遠く及ばず 事業をあきらめるほかなかった。 【手】 ⑤ 容疑者は自分の罪を隠そうと、 うち自白するだろう。【竹】 □ような話ばかりしている。その ⑥ 結婚披露宴の二次会では、 □仲間ならではの面白いエピソードや (2) ② Het e 裏話が紹介された。 【気の】 □だろうと思って油断していたら、相手の方が ② まんまとこちらの口 一枚上手で、だまされたのはこちらの方だった。 【手】 今までその話は引き受けないつもりでいたのだが、そこまで食い下がっ てくる君の熱心さには[ よ。 【脱ぐ】 ような態度をとるその店からは、アルバイ マネージャーが人を口 トの学生たちが次々と去っていった。 【使う】 ⑩ このまま事業を進めていくと住民が反対運動を起こす可能性がある。 ておくべきだ。 【手】 で、そうならないよう早めに ア 相手の力を認めて降参する。 イ 熱心に聞く。 注意して聞く。 望みの実現を待ちこがれる。 エだまされる。 思うままになる。 あらゆる手段を使い精一杯やる。 カうまくいくように対策を立てる。 偉そうな態度で意のままに人を使う。 ク 道理に合わないことを無理に押し通す。 ケ違う性質のものをつぎ合わせる。前後関係や筋が通らないことのたと え。 コ遠慮したり気をつかったりする必要がなく、心から打ち解けることが できる。 ① 積卓~ ② 首を長くし 手塩にかけ ⑤ 竹を安いだ ⑥年の置けないコ ② 手のうち ⑨ こき使う ++ BO 9 3 を頂ける T (4) ④ 8 かぶとを 手打

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英語 中学生

長いですが、(1)〜(6)まで教えてください🙇‍♀️‪‪ お願いします。

4 次は, 光輝 (Koki) が英語の授業でしたスピーチの英文です。下の表 (Table) を参考にして, あと の問いに答えなさい。 表1 外国人訪問者数(年別) 年 人数(人) 2012 8,358,105 2013 10,363,904 2014 13,413,467 2015 19,737,400 2016 24,039,700 2017 28,691,073 表 2 外国人訪問者が訪日前に期待していたこと (2018年1月~3月期: 複数回答) 全国籍 74.1% 57.5% 45.2% 42.4% 35.2% 20.4% 項目 日本食を食べること ショッピング 自然・景勝地観光 繁華街の街歩き 温泉入浴 伝統文化体験 韓国 79.1% 54.7% 33.8% 36.2% 36.9% 8.9% 〈注〉 foreign 外国 (から)の visitor 中国 62.2% became become 62.6% 53.4% 44.5% 39.9% 16.8% Hi, I'm Koki. I want to talk about foreign visitors to Japan. Today, many people come to Japan from foreign countries. The number of foreign visitors to Japan is becoming larger every year. When we look at Table 1, we can find that the number of foreign visitors to Japan became more than 20,000,000 in (). Also, the number of foreign visitors in 2017 is more than three times larger than that in ( Ⓒ ), What do foreign visitors want to do in Japan? When we look at Table 2, we can learn that about 74% of the visitors to Japan 3want to ( ) ( ) ( ). About 58% of them want to go shopping, and about 45% of them want to see nature in Japan. Visitors from China are more interested in going shopping than visitors from other countries. Visitors from America are more interested in seeing nature in Japan than in going shopping. From Table 2, we can also learn that about 35% of foreign visitors want to take a bath in hot springs. That means some foreign visitors want to have special experiences in Japan. They also enjoy staying in ryokan. Also, about 20% of foreign visitors want to have traditional Japanese experiences. I heard that some foreign people try to make soba and some foreign people try shodo. Many foreign people go to small cities or towns to have those special experiences. But they may have problems with language then. If foreign visitors and Japanese people can't communicate with each other, foreign visitors can't realize their plans. Many people come to Japan from various countries. Their language is not only English. But English is widely used around the world. When the Olympic Games are held in Tokyo in 2020, more foreign people will come to Japan. We may have chances to help foreign visitors then. I think communicating with foreign visitors will be important. What should we do for it? アメリカ 87.2% 41.3% 45.4% 42.8% 26.4% 46.2% be interested in ~に興味がある experience three times larger 3倍大きい nature may 〜かもしれない take a bath ふろに入る hot spring 〜とやりとりする communicate with the Olympic Games オリンピック held hold (〜を開催する) の過去分詞 realize ~を実現させる various さまざまな widely

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英語 中学生


4 次は, 光輝 (Koki) が英語の授業でしたスピーチの英文です。 下の表(Table) を参考にして, あと の問いに答えなさい。 表 1 外国人訪問者数(年別) 人数(人) 年 2012 8,358,105 2013 10,363,904 2014 13,413,467 2015 19,737,400 2016 24,039,700 2017 28,691,073 表 2 外国人訪問者が訪日前に期待していたこと (2018年1月~3月期 : 複数回答) 全国籍 74.1% 57.5% 45.2% 項目 日本食を食べること ショッピング 自然・景勝地観光 繁華街の街歩き 温泉入浴 伝統文化体験 42.4% 35.2% 20.4% 〈注〉 foreign 外国 (から)の visitor 韓国 79.1% 54.7% 33.8% 36.2% 36.9% 8.9% Hi, I'm Koki. I want to talk about foreign visitors to Japan. Today, many people come to Japan from foreign countries. The number of foreign visitors to Japan is becoming larger every year. When we look at Table 1, we can find that the number of foreign visitors to Japan became more than 20,000,000 in (). Also, the number of foreign visitors in 2017 is more than three times larger than that in () What do foreign visitors want to do in Japan? When we look at Table 2, we can learn that about 74% of the visitors to Japan 3want to ( @ ) ( ) ( ). About 58% of them want to go shopping, and about 45% of them want to see nature in Japan. Visitors from China are more interested in going shopping than visitors from other countries. Visitors from America are more interested in seeing nature in Japan than in going shopping. From Table 2, we can also learn that about 35% of foreign visitors want to take a bath in hot springs. That means some foreign visitors want to have special experiences in Japan. They also enjoy staying in ryokan. Also, about 20% of foreign visitors want to have traditional Japanese experiences. I heard that some foreign people try to make soba and some foreign people try shodo. Many foreign people go to small cities or towns to have those special experiences. But they may have problems with language then. If foreign visitors and Japanese people can't communicate with each other, foreign visitors can't realize their plans. Many people come to Japan from various countries. Their language is not only English. But English is widely used around the world. When the Olympic Games are held in Tokyo in 2020, more foreign people will come to Japan. We may have chances to help foreign visitors then. I think communicating with foreign visitors will be important. What should we do for it? became 中国 62.2% 62.6% 53.4% 44.5% 39.9% 16.8% three times larger 3倍大きい nature É take a bath ふろに入る hot spring communicate with 〜とやりとりする widely the Olympic Games オリンピック become be interested in ~に興味がある experience アメリカ 87.2% 41.3% 45.4% 42.8% 26.4% 46.2% may 〜かもしれない various さまざまな held hold (〜を開催する) の過去分詞 realize ~を実現させる

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英語 中学生

長いですが、(1)〜(6)まで教えてくださると嬉しいです!! お願いします🙇‍♀️

4 次は, 光輝 (Koki) が英語の授業でしたスピーチの英文です。 下の表 (Table) を参考にして, あと の問いに答えなさい。 表 1 外国人訪問者数(年別) 人数 (人) 8,358,105 10,363,904 13,413,467 19,737,400 24,039,700 28,691,073 年 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 表2 外国人訪問者が訪日前に期待していたこと ( 2018年1月~3月期 : 複数回答) 全国籍 74.1% 57.5% 45.2% 42.4% 35.2% 20.4% 項目 日本食を食べること ショッピング 自然・景勝地観光 繁華街の街歩き 温泉入浴 伝統文化体験 T 〈注〉 foreign 外国 (から)の visitor 韓国 79.1% 54.7% 33.8% 36.2% became 36.9% 8.9% 中国 62.2% 62.6% 53.4% 44.5% 39.9% 16.8% Hi, I'm Koki. I want to talk about foreign visitors to Japan. Today, many people come to Japan from foreign countries. The number of foreign visitors to Japan is becoming larger every year. When we look at Table 1, we can find that the number of foreign visitors to Japan became more than 20,000,000 in (). Also, the number of foreign visitors in 2017 is more than three times larger than that in ( 2 ) What do foreign visitors want to do in Japan? When we look at Table 2, we can learn that about 74% of the visitors to Japan Ⓡwant to ( @ ) ( ℗ ) ( © ). About 58% of them want to go shopping, and about 45% of them want to see nature in Japan. Visitors from China are more interested in going shopping than visitors from other countries. Visitors from America are more interested in seeing nature in Japan than in going shopping. From Table 2, we can also learn that about 35% of foreign visitors want to take a bath in hot springs. That means some foreign visitors want to have special experiences in Japan. They also enjoy staying in ryokan. Also, about 20% of foreign visitors want to have traditional Japanese experiences. I heard that some foreign people try to make soba and some foreign people try shodo. Many foreign people go to small cities or towns to have those special experiences. But they may have problems with language then, If foreign visitors and Japanese people can't communicate with each other, foreign visitors can't realize their plans. Many people come to Japan from various countries. Their language is not only English. But English is widely used around the world. When the Olympic Games are held in Tokyo in 2020, more foreign people will come to Japan. We may have chances to help foreign visitors then. I think communicating with foreign visitors will be important. What should we do for it? アメリカ 87.2% 41.3% 45.4% 42.8% 26.4% 46.2% become be interested in ~に興味がある three times larger 3倍大きい nature É take a bath ふろに入る hot spring communicate with experience may 〜かもしれない realize ~を実現させる various さまざまな 〜とやりとりする widely < the Olympic Games オリンピック held hold (〜を開催する) の過去分詞

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