


英語 中学生


次の英文は、裕太(Yuta)が書いたものである。これを読んで、後の各問に答えよ。 "So, let's continue making an introduction about your fathers," said our English teacher, Mrs. Yashima one month ago. This class was Dmind-numbing, and I was thinking of the way to kill the time during the class. 4 I didn't know much about my father He was always busy working, so I didn't have any memories of playing with him at all. He came home late at night, woke up earlier than me, and left for his workplace without having breakfast. On weekends, he was always watching news programs which never interested me. When I looked out of the window, a friend of mine who was living near my home was playing catch with his father, and I projected myself on him. When we were having dinner, he never asked me any nice question. He always said to me, "How are the school and the club going?" I only said, "Not bad," because I thought that he had no interest in my school life or club activity. I didn't know about my father well, but I remember the other face of him. He sometimes repaired things in our home such as the TV set, chair, or bicycle. I wasn't interested in it at all until a neighbor told me a story about my father. She always took care of me when my parents were busy. "Your father is a good person," she said. "He always repairs broken things with a smile. It was just like magic." And she gave me some cookies. I knew about my father a little. The other day, I visited a factory as a part of social study class, and a man spoke to me, "Oh, your last name is..., are you his son? When I was working for another company with him, he took good care of me. He sometimes scolded me, but taught me a lot of things. So, I respect him so much." I knew about my father well. When I told my father about the man, he said to me, "Keep the friendship all the time. If you give a hand to someone, the person will give you a hand back someday. Just remember it." At that time, I understood that my father was a hard worker and he was respected by many people. Though he was a serious and silent person, I felt I knew him for the first time. 2022(R4) LAMANG

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英語 中学生


Hooks happy. hours ago. D² 22 Hia. 11 e Takeshi That's greatl So, how was the 200² Nancy: We had a good time! We gave food to a hippopotamus. That was very interesting Then we talked with a staff member. He said, "The hippopotamus is an endangered animal. Now many kinds of animals are endangered all over the world I want to stop it I think that zoos are good places to learn about animals and nature for us." Takeshi: Ⅰ think so, too. Nancy: After 1 went home, I read about endangered animals on the Internet. To save all animals is very difficult, but (have, to, are, we, something) do for them, I want to learn more about endangered animals. Takeshi Me, too! Shall we go to a zoo in Fukuoka next Sunday? Nancy: That's a good idea. (注) be delayed ・・・ おくれる hippopotamus A nature kind on time 時間どおりに believe 信じる staff member 職員 endangered 絶滅の危機にある save 本文の内容から考えて、本文中の [A][B] にあてはまる文を次のアーエからそれぞれ1つ 選び、その記号 ア How long did it take ウ Why did you go there? イ How did you go there? エ What did you do last weekend? 本文中の がしている内容として最も適当なものを、次のアーエから1つ選び、その記号を答えよ。 ア 日本は列車の本数がとても多いということ イ オーストラリアの列車はほとんどおくれないということ ウ 日本の列車は時間どおりに来るということ 日本の列車では駅弁を食べることができるということ 本文中の 、本文の内容から考えて意味の通る美文になるように、()内の語を1回ずつ使って 内には不要な語が含まれている。 解答記入には並べかえた( 番句のみを書くこと。 次は、この時間があった日の夜に 下の各問に答えよ。 書いた日記の一部である。 Today I ( ) with Nancy. She () a 200 in Nagasaki last Saturday. She heard abour enrangered anumals from a staff member at the zoo She wants to learn more about them. so we're going to go to a zoo in Fukuoka next Sunday. I think that [ (土) 上の文中の(①) 穴)に最もよくあてはまる語を次の()内からそれぞれ1つずつ選び、通 当な形に語で直して答えよ。 (look go visit make talk) (2) 対話の内容から考えて)に最もよくあてはまるものを、次のアーエから1つ選び、その記号を答えよ。 ア we can't learn about animals and nature at the 200 イ we don't have to think about endangered animals ウ zoos tell us a lot about animals and nature I the Internet is the best way to know about zoos in the world

回答募集中 回答数: 0
英語 中学生


次の英文[A]. [B] を読み、 その文意にそって (21) から (26) までの ( ) に入 ysteries efAmber V3日は美しく 12 れは、樹がら 14| けて輝くな 2れるのに最も適切なものを 1,2, 3,4の中から一つ選び、 その番号を解答用紙の Amber is a beautiful, shiny, yellow stone, Swhich has been used to make jewelry since ancient times. It is made of a substance called resin that comes from trees and has hardencd over millions of years l. shiny, yellow stone, whuh hass heen used! 24|= 所定欄にマークしなさい。 The Mysteries of Amber 2の4 を 。 a In the 19th century. people began to ( SO, they found that amber often contains fossils the remains ot ancient plants and animals. However, unlike normal fossils, which aie hard and usually found in rock, amber is able to rescrve soft materials, too. Millions of years ago, leaves, insects, a ometimes got trapped in resin. After the resip bject inside would be protected as a fos bjects, scientists are able to study the ble ogs, and lizards that are now extinct. ( uch as feathers and hair, are preserved means that the colors and shapes of th Dserved in the fossils. In 2015, Lida Xing, a Chinese scid nall, 99-million-year-old dinosaur in am - bone structure, were kept in perfect co iced that the tail had feathers. This anim fop of the tail and lighter feathers unde |size of these, Xing believes that thi cad, its feathers were for warmth and d 21 When they did his kind

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