


英語 中学生

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中3英 Win Pas 14分詞 148 14 分同 * 発展問題 ( )内の語を適する形にかえて, 空所に書きなさい。 口(1) This is the letter_witten by Susan. (write) 口(2) Is this breakug computer yours? (break) 口(3) The lady__telklna with my mother is Mrs. Sasaki.(talk) 口(4) The picture _taken (土佐塾高) (鎌倉学園高) by you is very nice. (take) singing 口(5) There are more birds in the *forest over there. (sing) * forest 森(静岡改) 2 次の文の( )に適する語(句)をア~エ (ウ)から1つ選び, 記号を○で囲みなさい。 口(1) Cameras ( ア making )in Japan are good. イ) made ウ to make 口(2) The girl ( ) with a dog is my friend. ) running 口(3) The language ( (ア spoken 口(4) The tower ( イ ran ウ runs エ run ) in this country is French. イ speaking )over there isa famous *temple. ウ to speak I speak * temple 寺 (明星高) ア see イ saw ウ) seen I seeing 口(5) The man ( father. (高知学芸高) ) pictures in the garden is ウ taken 口(6) One student showed how to play a Japanese toy ( my エ taking ) taketombo. ア takes イ took (広島) ア call イ calls ウ called calling 3 次の各組の文がほぼ同じ内容を表すように, 空所に適語を書きなさい。 (長崎) A Chinese woman wrote these books. I want to read them. 口(1) Iwant to read these books poat by a Chinese woman. is 〈東明館高) |The man is my father. He is standing over there. 口(2) standling The man over there my father. 〈淑徳高) The fish is very big. Nancy caught it in the river. 口(3) | The fish _caugat. Nancy in the river is very big. (城北高) He is a very famous soccer player in this town. 口(4) He is a soccer player many people in this town. 4 次の英文の下線部には1か所ずつ誤りがあります。その部分の記号を書きなさい。 口(1) She is one of the guests inviting to the party. ア エ (明治大付明治高) 口(2) The standing woman in front of the gate of our school is my mother. ア イ エ 〈東海大付相模高) 口(3) This isa very famous song written by an artist lived in Africa. エ 〈岡山白陵高改)

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