


英語 中学生


一問4に答えない 断面図3はん 種皮 図3 つ色が透けて 組み合わせ 4点) ぎら、開 か現れ その 育てた ノート 2 黄色の子葉をもつエンドウを育てたとき 黄色の子葉を もつエンドウ の種子 1月 ① 緑色の子葉をもつエンドウを育てたとき 入 緑色の子葉を もつエンドウ の種子 親 発芽成長 親 発芽成長 自家受粉 自家受粉 子 黄色の子葉 x) 黄色の子葉をもつエンドウの種子と (Y) 緑色の子葉をもつエンドウの種子の 2種類の種子ができた。 子 2023年 ・ 埼玉県 (学力検査) (41) 緑色の子葉 緑色の子葉 (2) 緑色の子葉をもつエンドウの種子 のみができた。 問4 ノート 2 について,次の(1), (2) に答えなさい。 ただし, エンドウの子葉の色を決める遺 伝子のうち、顕性形質の遺伝子をA, 潜性形質の遺伝子をaで表すものとします。 波線部(X), (Y) (Z)のエンドウのうち, 遺伝子の組み合わせが特定できないものを一つ選び、 その記号を書きなさい。 また, そのエンドウがもつ可能性のある遺伝子の組み合わせを, A, a を使って二つ書きなさい。 (4点) II (②) Wさんは,(1)で答えた遺伝子の組み合わせが特定できないエンドウをPとして,Pの遺伝 子の組み合わせを特定するための方法について調べ、次のようにまとめました。 エ にあてはまる遺伝子の組み合わせを, A, a を使って書きなさい。また, M にあてはまる 比として最も適切なものを,下のア〜エの中から一つ選び、その記号を書きなさい。 (4点)

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英語 中学生


74 教科書 p.47-53 Lesson ④ 文法のまとめ 基本表現のまとめ -Part-1 関係代名詞の文(主格の who) DO Oda Mikio was an athlete who won a gold medal. Part2 関係代名詞の文(主格の which [that]) De I have a magazine which has many photos. Part 3 関係代名詞の文 (目的格) □ The book that you gave me was interesting. The □ (2) あそこで走っている子どもたちを見なさい。 Look at the □ (3) 中国語が話せる生徒をごぞんじですか。 Do you know a (4) 一生懸命練習する選手が勝つでしょう。 The 確認問題 1 次の日本文の意味を表すように,空所に適する語を書きなさい。 □(1) 昨夜私を訪ねてきた少女はユカリです。 音声を聞いて、表現を音読する 意味を確認する □ 教科書 | p.47-49 織田幹雄は金メダルを取ったスポーツ選手です。 □ 教科書 | p.50-51 私は写真のたくさん載っている雑誌を持っています。 □教科書 | p.52-53 あなたのくれた本はおもしろかったです。 I'm in the □ (2) 父は1990年にドイツでつくられたカメラを持っています。 My father has a □(3) 博物館がある町に住んだことはありますか。 Have you ever lived in a □ (4) ジョンは泳げるイヌを飼っています。 John has a PA 2 次の日本文の意味を表すように, 空所に適する語を書きなさい。 □ (1) 私は大きい窓のある部屋にいます。 (4) I couldn't answer the question. (The man asked it.) me last night is Yukari. ■(3) Have you eaten the cake yet? (She made it yesterday.) hard will win. running "over there. *over there あそこに speak Chinese? a big window. (2) I'll give some books to my brother. (I finished reading them.) 3 次の文の下線部のあとに that を用いて( )内の説明を加え, 全文を書きなさい。 □(1) The bus arrived late. (He took it this morning.) swim. RO made in Germany in 1990. a museum? 30 1 次の文の( )内から適するものを選び, 記号で答えなさい。 ウ she) is singing a song is Maya. イ which ウit) was sold at that store.. ウ who) was sent from Canada. イ she is wearing イ which made イ which (1) The girl (ア who (2) I bought a bike (ア who (3) She got a letter(アit イ that (4) The dress (ア who is wearing (5) Ⅰate a cake (ア that made ウ that wearing) is nice. ウ made) by Jane. 2 次の英文を日本文にしなさい。 (1) My mother will buy a computer which is useful for her work. ( (2) You have to use a dictionary that has many words. ( (3) I'm looking for someone who can play the violin. ( (4) She was surprised at the news her friends told her. ( ③ 次の日本文の意味を表すように、()内の語(句) を並べかえなさい。 □(1) 彼女は助けが必要な子どもたちの世話をしています。 (care / she/who/takes/the children/help/need/of) . □ (2) 私はたくさんの写真が載っている本を読んでいます。 (pictures/I'm/ a book / that/ a lot of /has / reading ). □ (3) 田中先生が昨日私たちに出した宿題は終わりましたか。 (homework / you / done/yesterday/have/Mr. Tanaka/gave/your /us )? □ (4) あの建物はこの都市でいちばん大きな図書館です。 (which / that building/alibrary/in/biggest/is/is/ the / this city ) . 4 次の日本文を英文にしなさい。 □ (1) メダルを獲得した少女は14歳です。 (who を使って) □ (2) あれはいろいろな野菜を売っている店です。 (which を使って) 口 (3) 私は知っている何もかもあなたにお話しします。 (that を使って) 75 □(4) 私が昨夜テレビで見た映画はわくわくするものでした。 (関係代名詞を使わずに) ) )

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英語 中学生

長い文章ですが、1〜6まで教えてください🙇‍♀️ お願いします🙇‍♀️

4 次の英文は、中学生の涼太 (Ryota) がある出会いを通して学んだことについて 英語 の授業でスピーチをしたときのものです。 1~6の問いに答えなさい。 I Hi. I'm going to talk about my experience this summer. visited my brother, Takuya, in Tokyo. He has lived there and studied at a college for two years. I took the eleven o'clock An hour later, a foreign Shinkansen for Tokyo on July 26. woman with a big bag came to the seat next to me. She smiled s at me, but I didn't talk to her. She looked at the baggage rack for a while and then sat in her seat. She put her big bag on her lap because she could not put it on the baggage rack. I thought I should help her, but I didn't do anything for her. She was on the Shinkansen for about one hour and got off. About one hour later, I arrived at Tokyo Station. That night, my brother and I talked about the woman on the Shinkansen. I But I said, "I didn't do anything for her because I can't speak English well. know I should help her." He asked me, "Ryota, if a Japanese woman with a I big bag comes to the seat next to you, will you help her?" I said, "Well ..., don't know." He said, “I don't think that you didn't help the woman on the 15 Shinkansen because you can't speak English. We need some courage when we want to be kind to someone. When I was a junior high school student, I also didn't have courage. You need to have courage, Ryota." I said to him, "I see. I'll have courage to be kind to people around me." I thought, "What should I say in English when I want to help someone?" 10 courage : 20 On the return Shinkansen, the foreign woman came to the seat next to me again! She had the big bag again. I thought I should have courage and said, "Excuse me. ()" She said, "Oh, thank you very much." Then I put her bag on the baggage rack and asked her, "Do you remember me? I was next to you on the Shinkansen two days ago." She smiled at me and said, "Wow ! 25 Yes. I remember you. Hello again." I felt very happy and said to her, "I'm Ryota. You could not put your bag on the baggage rack two days ago. I knew that, but I didn't do anything. I'm sorry." She said, "Oh, it's OK. You are kind. I'm Anila, from India. This is my first trip to Japan." Then we talked a lot together. I talked about my family and school life. I 30 was (2) because I could talk in English. That was my first experience for me. When she got off the Shinkansen, she smiled at me and said, "I hope we can meet again." I learned an important thing from my brother. Thank you very much. () experience: # college: take ... for ~ : ~行きの・・・ に乗る foreign: 外国の seat: baggage rack: 500 next to ~: ~のとなりの [に] smile at ~: ~にほほえむ for a while : しばらくの間 lap : ひざ anything: (否定文で) 何も return: 帰りの Anila: アニラ (女性の名前)

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英語 中学生


4 次の英文は、中学生の涼太 (Ryota) がある出会いを通して学んだことについて 英語 の授業でスピーチをしたときのものです。 1~6の問いに答えなさい。 I Hi. I'm going to talk about my experience this summer. visited my brother, Takuya, in Tokyo. He has lived there and studied at a college for two years. I took the eleven o'clock An hour later, a foreign Shinkansen for Tokyo on July 26. woman with a big bag came to the seat next to me. She smiled s at me, but I didn't talk to her. She looked at the baggage rack for a while and then sat in her seat. She put her big bag on her lap because she could not put it on the baggage rack. I thought I should help her, but I didn't do anything for her. She was on the Shinkansen for about one hour and got off. About one hour later, I arrived at Tokyo Station. That night, my brother and I talked about the woman on the Shinkansen. I But I said, "I didn't do anything for her because I can't speak English well. know I should help her." He asked me, "Ryota, if a Japanese woman with a I big bag comes to the seat next to you, will you help her?" I said, "Well ..., don't know." He said, “I don't think that you didn't help the woman on the 15 Shinkansen because you can't speak English. We need some courage when we want to be kind to someone. When I was a junior high school student, I also didn't have courage. You need to have courage, Ryota." I said to him, "I see. I'll have courage to be kind to people around me." I thought, "What should I say in English when I want to help someone?" 10 courage : 20 On the return Shinkansen, the foreign woman came to the seat next to me again! She had the big bag again. I thought I should have courage and said, "Excuse me. ()" She said, "Oh, thank you very much." Then I put her bag on the baggage rack and asked her, "Do you remember me? I was next to you on the Shinkansen two days ago." She smiled at me and said, "Wow ! 25 Yes. I remember you. Hello again." I felt very happy and said to her, "I'm Ryota. You could not put your bag on the baggage rack two days ago. I knew that, but I didn't do anything. I'm sorry." She said, "Oh, it's OK. You are kind. I'm Anila, from India. This is my first trip to Japan." Then we talked a lot together. I talked about my family and school life. I 30 was (2) because I could talk in English. That was my first experience for me. When she got off the Shinkansen, she smiled at me and said, "I hope we can meet again." I learned an important thing from my brother. Thank you very much. () experience: # college: take ... for ~ : ~行きの・・・ に乗る foreign: 外国の seat: baggage rack: 500 next to ~: ~のとなりの [に] smile at ~: ~にほほえむ for a while : しばらくの間 lap : ひざ anything: (否定文で) 何も return: 帰りの Anila: アニラ (女性の名前)

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英語 中学生


4 次の英文は、中学生の涼太 (Ryota) がある出会いを通して学んだことについて 英語 の授業でスピーチをしたときのものです。 1~6の問いに答えなさい。 I Hi. I'm going to talk about my experience this summer. visited my brother, Takuya, in Tokyo. He has lived there and studied at a college for two years. I took the eleven o'clock An hour later, a foreign Shinkansen for Tokyo on July 26. woman with a big bag came to the seat next to me. She smiled s at me, but I didn't talk to her. She looked at the baggage rack for a while and then sat in her seat. She put her big bag on her lap because she could not put it on the baggage rack. I thought I should help her, but I didn't do anything for her. She was on the Shinkansen for about one hour and got off. About one hour later, I arrived at Tokyo Station. That night, my brother and I talked about the woman on the Shinkansen. I But I said, "I didn't do anything for her because I can't speak English well. know I should help her." He asked me, "Ryota, if a Japanese woman with a I big bag comes to the seat next to you, will you help her?" I said, "Well ..., don't know." He said, “I don't think that you didn't help the woman on the 15 Shinkansen because you can't speak English. We need some courage when we want to be kind to someone. When I was a junior high school student, I also didn't have courage. You need to have courage, Ryota." I said to him, "I see. I'll have courage to be kind to people around me." I thought, "What should I say in English when I want to help someone?" 10 courage : 20 On the return Shinkansen, the foreign woman came to the seat next to me again! She had the big bag again. I thought I should have courage and said, "Excuse me. ()" She said, "Oh, thank you very much." Then I put her bag on the baggage rack and asked her, "Do you remember me? I was next to you on the Shinkansen two days ago." She smiled at me and said, "Wow ! 25 Yes. I remember you. Hello again." I felt very happy and said to her, "I'm Ryota. You could not put your bag on the baggage rack two days ago. I knew that, but I didn't do anything. I'm sorry." She said, "Oh, it's OK. You are kind. I'm Anila, from India. This is my first trip to Japan." Then we talked a lot together. I talked about my family and school life. I 30 was (2) because I could talk in English. That was my first experience for me. When she got off the Shinkansen, she smiled at me and said, "I hope we can meet again." I learned an important thing from my brother. Thank you very much. () experience: # college: take ... for ~ : ~行きの・・・ に乗る foreign: 外国の seat: baggage rack: 500 next to ~: ~のとなりの [に] smile at ~: ~にほほえむ for a while : しばらくの間 lap : ひざ anything: (否定文で) 何も return: 帰りの Anila: アニラ (女性の名前)

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英語 中学生


4 次の英文は, 中学生の涼太 (Ryota) が、 ある出会いを通して学んだことについて,英語 の授業でスピーチをしたときのものです。 1~6の問いに答えなさい。 I Hi. I'm going to talk about my experience this summer. visited my brother, Takuya, in Tokyo. He has lived there and studied at a college for two years. I took the eleven o'clock An hour later, a foreign Shinkansen for Tokyo on July 26. woman with a big bag came to the seat next to me. She smiled 5 at me, but I didn't talk to her. She looked at the baggage rack for a while and then sat in her seat. She put her big bag on her lap because she could not put it on the baggage rack. I thought I should help her, but I didn't do anything for her. She was on the Shinkansen for about one hour and got off. About one hour later, I arrived at Tokyo Station. I don't know. That night, my brother and I talked about the woman on the Shinkansen. I But I said, "I didn't do anything for her because I can't speak English well. know I should help her." He asked me, "Ryota, if a Japanese woman with a big bag comes to the seat next to you, will you help her?" I said, "Well He said, "I don't think that you didn't help the woman on the 15 Shinkansen because you can't speak English. We need some courage when we want to be kind to someone. When I was a junior high school student, I also didn't have courage. You need to have courage, Ryota." I said to him, "I see. I'll have courage to be kind to people around me." I thought, "What should I say in English when I want to help someone?" ...9 10 courage : 1007 20 On the return Shinkansen, the foreign woman came to the seat next to me again! She had the big bag again. I thought I should have courage and said, "Excuse me. ()" She said, "Oh, thank you very much." Then I put her bag on the baggage rack and asked her, "Do you remember me? I was next to you on the Shinkansen two days ago." She smiled at me and said, "Wow ! 25 Yes. I remember you. Hello again." I felt very happy and said to her, "I'm Ryota. You could not put your bag on the baggage rack two days ago. I knew that, but I didn't do anything. I'm sorry." She said, "Oh, it's OK. You are kind. I'm Anila, from India. This is my first trip to Japan." Then we talked a lot together. I talked about my family and school life. I 30 was (2) because I could talk in English. That was my first experience for me. When she got off the Shinkansen, she smiled at me and said, "I hope we can meet again." I learned an important thing from my brother. Thank you very much. () experience: # foreign : 外国の seat: baggage rack: college # take ... for ~: ~ 行きの・・・ に乗る next to ~~のとなりの[に] smile at ~: ~にほほえむ for a while: しばらくの間 lap : ひざ anything: (否定文で)何も return: 帰りの Anila : アニラ (女性の名前)

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英語 中学生


2 ③ 1 A 基 やさし イラス 4 ⑤ 「A y スマ 使 いのです。 □ 「~を… の状態)にする」 と言うときは, (make + (代) 名詞+形容詞で 基本文 ポイント A ロ(3) The W <make + (代) 名詞+形容詞) sleepy. B A = 「私(左)」=「眠い」 ※AとBは入れ替えられない。 「The warm weather makes me 基本を確認する! (例) Please keep the room warm. (部屋を暖かくしておいてください) I left the window open. (私は窓を開けたままにしておきました) 前に見た映画をもう一度見に来て (1) This movie (calls / makes) people happy. スタート 1場面チェック ( )内から適する語を選んで書き, に入るセリフを完成しょう。 (2) 日本文にあう英文になるように, □(1) あなたの声は私を幸せにします。 Your voice makes ロ (2) 彼は花だんを美しく保っています。 He (2) Let's (hold / keep) the classroom clean.and (3) Please (take / leave) the window open. 1 <make + A + B) の文 「AをB(の状態)にする」 Aには名詞・代名詞 B には です。 A=Bの関係が成り立つ。 この映画は人を幸せにします。 教室をきれいにしておきましょう。 2 (keep + A+B), (leave (keep + A+B)= <leave + A + B >= 窓を開けたままにしておいてください。 me トムは自分の部屋を汚れたままにしています。 Tom his room leaving に適する語を書こう。 heeps happy. (3) his garden 81 次の英語は日本語 日本語は英語にかえて書こう。 create 2 日本文にあう英文になるように、 早く目が覚めると幸せです。 Make up make Leave B2 基本文を使いこなす! 1 日本文にあう英文になるように、( )内の語(句) を並べかえて、全文を書こう。 その映画は人をわくわくさせます。 (people/the movie / makes / excited). The movie makes people excitecl. (2) かわいい服はいつも私たちを幸せにします。 (clothes /us/make / always/cute/happy). 2 drew indoor (2) 報告書) レポート (3) 戸外の, 野外 (4) 屋内の、室内の (5) draw の追 outdoor report 名 に適する語を書こう。 dairty. 3 日本文にあう英文になるように,( )内の語を並べかえよう。 □(1) その歌はいつも私を悲しくさせます。 The song always (sad/me/makes ). The song always makes me sad. □(2) 雨の日は私たちは退屈です。 Rainy days (us / make/ bored). Rainy doys make us bored 30 thirty [プレ ford Cute clothes always make us happy. 私たちはその公園をきれいにしておくべきです。 (should / clean/we/the park / keep). WI early makes me happy. We should keep the park clean. 自己表現 だれかをわくわく させるもの メモ(2) サム:サッカーの試合 メモ (②2) Soccer メモ(3) | の語(句) に自分で1語補って, メモの内容を表す英語を完成しよう。 メモ (1) : J ポップ J-pop excited sister [myl J- pop makes my sister excited soccer games ミカ:ピアノをひくこと excited. Sam PROGRAM 3 games make Sam excited Mikal the piano playing Playing The piano makes Mika Ken f CAN-DO 3 自己表現 Kate (ケイト) は, 友だちへのクリスマスプレゼントは何がいいか考えていま スタート 右の, Kate の友だちが幸せな気分になっている様子の絵 (1) を見て、彼らについて Kate に教える英文を書こう。 ① Yumi likes eating cakes. 由美はケーキを食べることが好きです。 makes It her happy. それは彼女を幸せにします。) ② Ken likes playing tennis. 鍵はテニスをすることが好きです。 It makes him happy. それは彼を幸せにします。 今度は、あなた自身の立場で, 同じように英文を書こう。 Yuki C I like eating ice cream It makes セント ケーキを食べる = eat cakes テニスをする = play tennis 映画を見る = watch [se マンガを読む = read comics 音楽を聞く = listen to music

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