


英語 中学生

英語の長文問題についてです. 問4の(3)の答えは、特にそのようなことを言っていないし、「城の前にお菓子の店に行く」とあったので、 ✕ だと思ったのですが、答えは○ でした ,, どこから(3)が○だと推測できるのか教えて頂きたいです … … 文が長いのと書き込みが多くて... 続きを読む

5 110 S 次のアヤカ (Ayaka), サトル (Satoru), カレン (Karen), マイク (Mike) の4人による会話を読んで、あと の問いに答えなさい。 なお、会話文の上にあるのは、4人が見ている, あかね市のおすすめの (recommended) スポットについて書かれたチラシ (leaflet) の内容です。 おすすめスポット ・甘味堂 食事処 えびす ◆Hiro'sキッチン □さざなみ城 □わかば城 □さつき城 ●あかつき堂 ●おもいで屋 ~あかね市のおすすめスポット9選!~ 営業時間 ●ダイキチ 編集部コメント AM9:30~PM8:00 日本の伝統的なお菓子を取り扱うお店です! AM9:00~PM10:00 昨年国内和食店人気No.1を獲得したお店です! AM10:00~PM9:00 様々な国の料理を提供しているレストランです! AM9:00~PM4:00 580年という長い歴史を刻んだ城は,一見の価値あり! AM10:00~PM5:00 今年で築城450周年! 記念イベント開催中! AM9:30~PM4:00 1480年に誕生した。 今もなお多大な人気を誇る城です! AM11:00~PM4:00 日本の伝統的なものを買うならココが一番! | お土産の定番がそろっているお店です。 何を買うか迷った らまずはココ! 外国人にも人気の伝統的な茶わんやお箸などの商品を数多 く取りそろえています! ・・・・飲食店 □・・・城 ●・・・お土産屋 (※情報は2020年4月現在のものです。) Ayaka Now, let's talk about the places to visit during our stay in Akane City. We are going to meet at Wakaba Station at ten in the morning. Where do you want to go after that? Tell me your ideas! 0 S Japaneye hirtory Satoru: Akane City has a lot of old castles, so I want to visit one of them. I like old castles very much. Karen Me, too. I'm interested in Japanese history. I think I can learn (about it by visiting the castles. Mike : This leaflet says that there are thro | recommended castles. Which do you want to visit? Satoru : I want to visit the oldest one. We may learn a lot of things there. S Karen I think so, too, Satoru. Let's visit this castle! AM9:00~PM7:00 AM10:00~PM6:00 Ayaka OK! Where do you want to have lunch? S Karen How about this restaurant? The leaflet says we can have dishes from different countries there. That sounds nice. Sc visiting the castle) Satoru That's a good idea! S=C S 0 Mike : Can we go to a *souvenir shop? I want to get some S=C my country. 5 0 I want to them, too. 9 - 0 C Satoru : Karen, look at this *map. That restaurant is too far. Karen: Oh, you're right. Then we should go to another restaurant. S Mike : Then, let's go to this restaurant on the leaflet I wănt to have Japanese dishes for lunch. Karen: That's good. But I'm also interested in this restaurant because I like Japanese *sweets very much. Ayaka: Then, let's have some sweets (before visiting the castle, and go to this restaurant for lunch after map 2 traditional | things in Japan for my family in Karen V Satoru Then, these two shops are good. But Ⅰ don't think we have time to visit both. Ayaka You're right. Ⅰ think this shop is better for us because the map shows it's in Wakaba Station. 1 受け身(受動態) チ 12 には し 問:

解決済み 回答数: 2
英語 中学生


3 次は、中学生のKenji が書いた英文です。これを読んで、問1~問5に答えなさい。 *印のついてい る語句には、本文のあとに〔注〕 があります。 ( 18点) I like shogi. I learned how to play it from Mr. Uchida. Ⅰ will write about him now. A My family was living in an *apartment house in 〔ten / Osaka / was / when / years/I] One day, my friends and I were playing video games in my room. old. and father were not at home, and we got very ( B He said, "I live *next door. My mother ). *Then an old man came to my You're very *noisy. Please be *quieter." apartment. Then he *left and I could not say, "I'm sorry," to him. Two days later, I saw the man again *in front of the door of his apartment. thought, “I have to say something to him." Then I said, “Good afternoon," to the man. really sorry. We were very noisy two days ago." He said, "That's OK. You're quieter now.' He looked happy. "I'm C Then some students came to his apartment. He *told me that his name was Uchida, and he sometimes *taught shogi to students. I started learning shogi from him after that. I learned a lot from him. Saitama, we started playing shogi on the Internet.oisum qoq seenmqal XXX=T) Bum eminA 〔注〕 how to ・・・・・・・~する方法 apartment house・・・・・・アパート 〔集合住宅〕 (apartment はアパート 〔集合住宅〕 の部屋・一戸) (24 then ・・そのとき next door…... 隣の家)に noisy. ・うるさい, 騒がしい quiet・・・・・・ 静かなum so left: ・・・ leaveの過去形 told...... tell の過去形 in front of ...…..~の前で taught………teach の過去形 ~ After I can 19t2m Q&A 問1 本文中の A のいずれかに, It was my first time to see him. という1文 を補います。どこに補うのが最も適切ですか。 A 書きなさい。 (3点) C の中から1つ選び、その記号を in quq dailand 0 unutstad al ウ excited came to A 問2 [ ]内のすべての語を, 本文の流れに合うように、正しい順序に並べかえて書きなさい。 (4点) 問3 下線部 ①について,( )にあてはまる最も適切な1語を,次のア~エの中から1つ選び、 そ の記号を書きなさい。 ( 3点) ア exciting イinteresting I enjoyed

解決済み 回答数: 1