

3 次は、中学生のKenji が書いた英文です。これを読んで、問1~問5に答えなさい。 *印のついてい る語句には、本文のあとに〔注〕 があります。 ( 18点) I like shogi. I learned how to play it from Mr. Uchida. Ⅰ will write about him now. A My family was living in an *apartment house in 〔ten / Osaka / was / when / years/I] One day, my friends and I were playing video games in my room. old. and father were not at home, and we got very ( B He said, "I live *next door. My mother ). *Then an old man came to my You're very *noisy. Please be *quieter." apartment. Then he *left and I could not say, "I'm sorry," to him. Two days later, I saw the man again *in front of the door of his apartment. thought, “I have to say something to him." Then I said, “Good afternoon," to the man. really sorry. We were very noisy two days ago." He said, "That's OK. You're quieter now.' He looked happy. "I'm C Then some students came to his apartment. He *told me that his name was Uchida, and he sometimes *taught shogi to students. I started learning shogi from him after that. I learned a lot from him. Saitama, we started playing shogi on the Internet.oisum qoq seenmqal XXX=T) Bum eminA 〔注〕 how to ・・・・・・・~する方法 apartment house・・・・・・アパート 〔集合住宅〕 (apartment はアパート 〔集合住宅〕 の部屋・一戸) (24 then ・・そのとき next door…... 隣の家)に noisy. ・うるさい, 騒がしい quiet・・・・・・ 静かなum so left: ・・・ leaveの過去形 told...... tell の過去形 in front of ...…..~の前で taught………teach の過去形 ~ After I can 19t2m Q&A 問1 本文中の A のいずれかに, It was my first time to see him. という1文 を補います。どこに補うのが最も適切ですか。 A 書きなさい。 (3点) C の中から1つ選び、その記号を in quq dailand 0 unutstad al ウ excited came to A 問2 [ ]内のすべての語を, 本文の流れに合うように、正しい順序に並べかえて書きなさい。 (4点) 問3 下線部 ①について,( )にあてはまる最も適切な1語を,次のア~エの中から1つ選び、 そ の記号を書きなさい。 ( 3点) ア exciting イinteresting I enjoyed


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