


英語 中学生


3以上の英語で答えなさい。 Did Yuki's friend smile because she said "I'm sorry"? 4 下の意味を日本語で書きなさい。 1Q 修学旅行で訪れた広島で、先生が生徒たちに話した内容を読み、後の問いに答えなさ [2 #X3] beaut "Many buildings here were destroyed in 1945. Only this remained. We call it the Atomic Bomb Dome. It became a World Heritage Site in 1996. It expresses the hope for world peace. The person holding a binder is a volunteer guide. Let's listen to him. He'll explain about the Dome." の意味を日本語で書きなさい。 2 次の質問に3語以上の英語で答えなさい。 What happened to many buildings in Hiroshima na 52 (2) What does the Atomic Bomb Dome express? 11 ブラウン先生が教えるクラスにある外国人講師が招かれました。 授業での対話を読み、 あとの問いに答えなさい。 [9点] Ms.Sarim: Hello, everyone. I'm Morn Sarim. I'm from Cambodia. I teach English at a junior high school there. I'm very happy to meet you. Ms.Brown: Can our students ask you some questions? Ms. Sarim: Yes, of course. Aya: What time does school start in Cambodia? Ms.Sarim: At our school, some students start classes at seven and go home at noon. Then other students come and start studying at one. Ken: Why are there two groups? Ms.Sarim: We don't have enough teachers and classrooms, so we have to *divide the students 7 like that. Ken: What do the students do when they're not at school? Ms.Sarim: They usually help their families. For example, they have to carry water from the "well every day. Yuka: That must be hard. -6-

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英語 中学生

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中3 書くこと4 (3学期程度) ( )年( )組( )番 名前( ) 1 ALT の Sally が沖費旅行についてスピーチレてくれた。 松美(Emi) たちは修学旅行で長崎 行ったので, Saly の旅行記を参考に「修学旅行記」を作ることになった。 メモを参考にしな なお, 下の指示に従うこ しの 1O 書き出しに続くように, 話玉3丸以上<者くこと。 (書き出しは生まない。) !〇 「メモ」にある情報を書くこと。 〇 モの情報を全て書く必要はない。) 1O ビリオド, コンマなどの符号や大文字, 小文字の使い方に蘭意して昔く こ 2 1O 同じ内容の英文をくり返さないように春 【Say の旅行記】 We went to Okinawa in August. We visited le island* and Shuri Castle*. On the frst day。 we went to Ie island by fcrris*. It took about 30 minutes from Okinawa to le island. le is an isjand that looks like a peanut\. ICs also famous for lilies*. They were Very beautiful. On the second day。 we went to Shnri castle, a Popular national park. The buildmgs are painted in red. js very large, and we saw a traditional ceremony* there. 1 also joined a music event there. We could play sgys7 at the event. It was Very fan. TII never forget this trip. (注) Te islad : 伊江島 。 Shurcastle : 首里城 peanut : ピーナッツ fcris : フェリー ties [lily] : (ユリの複数形) ceremony : 儀式 【メモ】 〇修学旅行で訪れた所…長崎 We went to Nagasaki on a school tp、 〇平和公園(Peace Park) での活動 ・ 平和を祈った(にを祈る pray foy) Ws ・平和の大切さを学んだ ・平和に関する話を開いた。。 〇グラバー園 (Glover Garden) での活動 ・ 友だちとハートの石を探した。二つあっ の ・そこで写真を撮った ・古い建物を見学した。 O Ni iChi

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