


英語 中学生

1~4の問題どうしたら(どこを見たら)答えのようになるのが分かるんですか?分かるとこでいいんで教えてください🙇‍♀️ 答え)(1)ア (2)to (3)ウ (4)イ 写真見にくくてごめんなさい🙏

Kate: Yes, but if you can't eat all of it, it's going to become waste. So, I think you shouk Kate: Then, you can buy it *by weight. You can buy a little of it today, and if you like t not buy too much. In some countries, there is too much food waste, and it is a big 2 次の英文は,アメリカでホームステイをしている涼(Ryo)が,ホストマザーのケイト(Kaa 8-(2020年)京都府(前期選抜 共通学力検査) フ (graph)と表(table)を参考にして英文を読み, 以下の問い(1)~(4)に答えよ。 not I'l like it. Ryo : You mean that I can buy any *amount of fruit that I want here, right? Ryo : Right. In my town in Japan, we have the same problem. When I learned abot was surprised ② problem. know that people *throw away food which they can still eat Kate: Really? Please tell me more about it. Ryo : I found a graph on the website of my town. It shows some kinds of kitchen garbaca people throw away at home, and they are the things people didn't have to throw awar Look, we can see it on my phone here. Kate: I heard that people cut and throw away too manyparts of food when they cook. Ryo : Yes. About eighteen *percent of the kitchen garbage in the graph shows that. Kate: What does the biggest number mean? Ryo : It means that about thirty-six percent of the kitchen garbage is food which was not used. I see. Why does such a thing happen? Look at this table. I also found it on the same website. People in the town answer Kate: Ryo: the question about their reasons for food waste, and you can see some of them in the table. Kate: More than fifty percent of the people say the same reason for it, right? What is it? Ryo : They say that they throw away food when it has *gone bad. And I want you to look at this. Kate: Do you mean this, about seventeen percent? What is their reason? Ryo : They say that they buy too much food to eat. For example, if they buy too mich and can't use it all for cooking, it may go bad. Then, it will become waste. Kate: Now I'm sure that we should stop buying too much food. Buying by weight is a good way for that. We can buy only the amount of food that we need. Ryo: Iagree with you. But in Japan, we don't usually buy food in such a way. So. we ho to find another way. Do you have any ideas?

解決済み 回答数: 1