


英語 中学生


晴文を読んで,(1), 指定されしに留奴りリ央又 Hiroshi: What's your favorite subject? Physical Education. I like sports very much. Hiroshi: I like P.E., too. We practice kendo now. Steve: Oh, really? I've never done kendo. I want to try it. When do you have P.E. classes? Hiroshi: We have three P.E. classes in a week. We will have it in the afternoon tomorrow. Our P.E. teacher is Steve: a great kendo player. Let's do it together. Steve: That will be fun. Hiroshi: And I like English the best. We have a special English class today. 金 木 水 数学 理科 社会 英語 国語 美術 火 月 国語 2|保健体育 数学 4技術·家庭 英語 理科 英語 数学 音楽 社会 Good. 理科 国語 社会 道徳 保健体育総合的な Steve: 社会 英語 保健体育 理科 数学 学級活動 1 Hiroshi: We are going to tell you about Japanese culture in English. 3 Steve: Wow! I'm glad to hear that. Hiroshi: After that, we will have lunch time for fifty minutes. What will you study after lunch today? 5 学習の時間 6 Steve: Hiroshi: Japanese and art. I will show you our club activities after school. Steve: Great! I can't wait. (注)Physical Education (P.E.):保健体育 done : do の過去分詞 culture :文化 be glad to ~:~してうれしい activity :活動 (2) Which subject does Hiroshi like better, P.E. or English?(4語) (1) What day is it tomorrow?(2語) It's thwsdoy. (2Hiroshi Nkes Eglih beter than PE. 英語·重点対策

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 中学生

2.(2)の答えがis happy to meet new people なんですけど、、 自分はhappyをgladにしてしまいました。 happyとgladの違いを教えてください🙇‍♀️

からの留学生クリス(Chris)との対話の一部である。また, Hiroshi : Wow! That's great. (6)What volunteer work あとの図はそのとき二人が見ていたチラシ(leaflet) の一 部である。これらに関して,1から6までの問いに答えな さい。 (編集部注:実際の問題では, 図[チラシ]において,「ほじょ 犬とは?」の右に「介助犬の仕事の様子」の絵が,「ほじょ犬 ユーザーのコメント」の右に「『ほじょ犬マーク』ステッ カー」の絵がそれぞれ配置されていた。) Chris :Hello, Hiroshi. What are you looking at? Hiroshi : Hi, Chris. This is a leaflet about *assistance can we do as high school students? Ill think about it. (注)assistance dog 補助犬 (計28点) mobility service dog 介助犬 thanks to ~ ~のおかげで train 訓練する dog trainer 犬を訓練する人 training center 訓練センター safe 安全な sticker ステッカー society 社会 dogs. I'm learning about them for my homework. ほじょ犬について知っていますか? ほじょ犬とは? Chris :Oh, I see. They are the dogs for people who need) some help in their lives, right? I haven't seen them in Japan. | assistance dogs are there in Japan? Hiroshi : The leaflet says there are over 1,000 assistance dogs. There are three types of them. Look at the picture on the right. In this picture, a *mobility service dog is helping Dm 0 A 盲導犬 (909頭) 介助犬 (57頭) 聴導犬 (64頭) 2020年10月現在 -介助犬の仕事の様子 its user. This dog can the user. Chris for :They are very smart. Such dogs are necessary for the users' better lives. Hiroshi : You're right. The user in this leaflet says *thanks to his that he assistance dog. However, more than half of the users in Japan say that their dogs couldn't go into buildings like restaurants, c hospitals, and supermarkets. bfids ほじょ犬ユーザーのコメント ほじょ犬のおかげで、 新しい人々に出会えて うれしいです。 Chris :Really? In my country, assistance dogs can usually go into those buildings without any trouble. Hiroshi : There is (3)a difference betwee our countries. 「ほじょ犬マーク」ステッカー- :Why is it difficult for assistance dogs to go aban into those buildings in Japan? Chris Welcome! Hiroshi : Because many people in Japan don't know much about assistance dogs. Some people don't think they are clean and *safe. In fact, their users take care of them to keep them clean. They are also *trained well. :I understand some people do not like dogs, but I hope that more people will know assistance dogs are ほじょ犬 a bed Iarma d bobi t o 訓練センターではあなたの助けが必要です! Chris *自分が使わないものを送る(服やおもちゃなど) *訓練センターでボランティア活動をする (シャンプー,えさやりなど) :子犬の里親になる(子犬を家庭で1年程度飼育) B Hiroshi :Fhope so too. Now, I see many shops and restaurants with the *stickers to welcome 2oil gon :The situation is getting better, right? Hiroshi : Yes, but there is (4)another problem. We 5A don't have enough assistance dogs. It is this situation because it assistance dogs. 図(「厚生労働省」.「特定非営利活動法人日本補助犬情報セン ター」のウェブサイトにより作成) Chris onainos 1. 二人の対話が成り立つよう, A に入る適切な英語 2語を書きなさい。 e 2. 思考力>上のチラシを参考に、 二人の対話が成り立つ よう, 下線部(1), (2), (5)に適切な英語を書きなさい。 o ims no of 3. 下線部(3)の指す内容は何か。次の書き出しに続けて、 30字以内の日本語で書きなさい。 ただし, 句読点も字数 に加えるものとする。 カナダと比べて日本では、 4. 本文中の口B に入る語として, 最も適切なものはど hard to chang takes a lot of time to train them. Money Mhand *dog trainers are also needed. :That's true. (2点) u ola Hiroshi:Look at this leaflet again. The *training Chris (各3点) dal center for assistance dogs needs some help. For example, we can clothes and toys. I think there is something I can do. ea adala oord tud : You should try it. In Canada, high school students often do some volunteer work. Through this, we learn that we (5) like (3点) borse Chris れか。 (2点) ア. difficult イ. important エ. popular are ウ、 loud e members of our *society.

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