


英語 中学生

この問題全部解いたんですが(分からないとこも含む)、答えを無くしてしまいました💦 (※プリントの写真は解く前のものです) なので解いたのはいいんですが、答えが分かりません😖 今日中に答え合わせをしたいので、この問題がわかる方は答えを教えてください🙇‍♂️💦 よろし... 続きを読む

He studied and worked hard for many years. He invented many useful things. He hoped that people would 『応用問題 回 次の英文を読んで,あとの問いに答えよ。 Do you know the man in the picture? He is the "person who *invented many things His name is Thomas Edison. *Probably, he is very famous, so you have( his name. Many people think that he was a "genius. But A Ldifficult, it. learn, him, was ? But he for, to] things when he was a boy. Can you believe he didn't like 5 enjoyed( 2 ) science books. He , [get, wanted, ideas, to, some] for new things. 3 ) our life easier. Now he is ( )"the king of be happy with those things. They have( the "inventors" *person 人 invent 発明する probably たぶん genius 天才 inventor(s) 発明家 )D~のに適する語を 内から1つずつ選び, 適する形にして書け。 call, read. hear, make 2 ]A.B内の語を, 意味が通るように正しく並べかえよ。 A But things when he was a boy. B He for new things. (3) に入る最も適する語を, 次のア~エから1つ選び, 記号で書け。 ア English イ music ウ math エ history (4) 下線部の指す内容を日本語で書け。 (5) 本文の内容について, 次の質問に英語で答えよ。 a. Do many people think that Edison was a genius? b. What kind of books did Edison like? (6) 本文の内容に合っているものを, 次のア~エから1つ選び, 記号で書け。 ア Thomas Edison was good at studying at school. イ It was very easy for Thomas Edison to invent a new thing. ウ Thomas Edison is very famous, so we know his name very well. ェ Thomas Edison wanted to be "the king of the inventors." フ) 目

解決済み 回答数: 1