


英語 中学生


36 まぜるな, 危険?! yesterday (昨日), last night (昨夜), just now (今さっき) などの過去を表す語句や, When ~? (いつ~?) は, 現在完了といっしょに使っちゃだめだよ! 一緒に使うと爆発する!? € 現在完了といっしょに使えない語句 ? ポート since + 過去のあるとき=「~以来」 since yesterday 「昨日から(今までずっと)」 という意味なので since があるときは OK! 1 下線部が正しい場合は○, まちがっている場合は正しく直して( に書いてみよう。 1. Tom has arrived here last night. ( 2.I have just finished my work.( 3. When has he gone to school?( 4. My father has been in Paris since last Monday.( 5. She has left just now. ( ) 変だな? 隣に住んでいる マイケルが今朝, "My cat hasn't eaten anything since yesterday." (うちのネコは昨日から何も食べない) って言っていたけど??? 2 英文中の( )の正しいほうを○で囲んで、 全体を日本語に直してみよう。 1. Yoko is a writer. She (has written/wrote) many books. 2. I (haven't taken/didn't take ) a bath last night. スケートボード 3. When (have you bought/did you buy) your new skateboard? これはいいんだよ! 4. We live in New York now. We (have lived/lived) here for six years. 3 (ア), (イ)の意味のちがいがわかるように, それぞれ日本語に直してみよう。 1. (ア) I was sick yesterday. (イ) I have been sick since yesterday. 2. (ア) He lived in Spain 10 years ago. *「~前」 (イ) He has lived in Spain for 10 years. プラズィル キャナダ チャイナ コリ(-)ア インディア ブラジル Brazil カナダ: Canada 中国 China ME: Korea インド India フランス フランス: France ) 73

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理科 中学生

英語の長文読解についてです、、。 写真一枚目の長文について写真二枚目の問題が分かりません! 答えは書いてある通りなんですが、なぜthat、を入れるのかを教えてください! 私は「IT tells us we can all be friends.」だと思ったんですけど…、、

を示します 。 ) 次の英文を読み、 あとの設問に答えなさい Habitat is a *nonprofit organization that helps people who need houses. In the writing T↑ld, below, Mariko Asano talks about her experience as a Habitat volunteer. She has traveled to *the Philippines three times to help build houses for people who need them. I am 24 years old, and I grew up in Nishinomiya, Japan. A few years ago, I went to *Negros Island in the Philippines as a Habitat volunteer. This was my first trip to the Philippines a a volunteer. For me, the idea of building somebody's house abroad was very exciting. The vhuis P to chare to bru as a student next year I returned to Negros Island as a Habitat volunteer. This time I went as a leader with 28 classmates from my university. or og od bebloeb you w Both the staff and the families on Negros Island became friends of the work team which I led. Meeting these people was wonderful for each of us. Their lifestyle taught us the meaning of life. The people also taught us the more important things in life, such as spending time with your family, friends, and neighbors; helping each other; and giving thanks for the people around you. These things are sometimes forgotten in a convenient and rich country like Japan. We thought we came to the Philippines to help the *Filipino people, but they actually helped us. They kindly gave us their food, space, and hearts. no Deten sill oly OST and When I took my third trip to the Philippines as a Habitat volunteer, I stayed in a house with young people from around the world. In my group, there were Filipinos, Americans, Indians, Koreans, and Japanese. We worked hard together to complete a house for a family. Even now we are good friends and we are connected across the world. Some of them are working as Habitat volunteers in different countries. Habitat brings people together and teaches us that people all over the world care about each other. Habitat sends the very important message that we can all be friends. Being a part of Habitat has changed my life. I have learned that I can make a difference in the world. [ SELECT READINGS] the Philippines: フィリピン (7) nonprofit organization: * (NPO) Negros Island: ネグロス島(フィリピンにある島) 1 英文の内容に関して、 次の文を完成させるのに Filipino : フィリピンのフィリピン人

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 中学生

英語の長文読解についてです、、。 写真一枚目の長文について写真二枚目の問題が分かりません! 答えは書いてある通りなんですが、なぜthat、を入れるのかを教えてください! 私は「IT tells us we can all be friends.」だと思ったんですけど…、、

示します。) ⑥⑥6 次の英文を読み、 あとの設問に答えな Habitat is a *nonprofit organization that helps people who need houses. In the writing below, Mariko Asano talks about her experience as a Habitat volunteer. She has traveled to *the Philippines three times to help build houses for people who need them. moralib grid Janog jelenl jou in vhuse J'aob siqooq I am 24 years old, and I grew up in Nishinomiya, Japan. A few years ago, I went to *Negros Island in the Philippines as a Habitat volunteer. This was-my first trip to the Philippines a a volunteer. For me, the idea of building somebody's house abroad was very exciting. The next year I returned to Negros Island as a Habitat volunteer. This time I went as a student alth to change wasbare vok leader with 28 classmates from my university. tog od bebloob you tw Both the staff and the families on Negros Island became friends of the work team which I led. Meeting these people was wonderful for each of us. Their lifestyle taught us the meaning of life. The people also taught us the more important things in life, such as spending time Q bel 200 noen with your family, friends, and neighbors; helping each other; and giving thanks for the people around you. These things are sometimes forgotten in a convenient and rich country like Japan. We thought we came to the Philippines to help the *Filipino people, but they actually helped us. They kindly gave us their food, space, and hearts. millend ofte oIDST I OW sanoo adi as ody busil e sul nos When I took my third trip to the Philippines as a Habitat volunteer, I stayed in a house with young people from around the world. In my group, there were Filipinos, Americans, Indians, Koreans, and Japanese. We worked hard together to complete a house for a family. Even now we are good friends and we are connected across the world. Some of them are working as Habitat volunteers in different countries. Habitat brings people together and teaches us that people all over the world care about each other. Habitat sends the very important message that we can all be friends. Being a part of Habitat has changed my life. I have learned that I can make a difference in the world. [SELECT READINGS] (E) nonprofit organization: * (NPO) Negros Island : ネグロス島(フィリピンにある島) 1 英文の内容に関して、 次の文を完成させるのに最適 the Philippines:フィリピン Filipino : フィリピンのフィリピン人

解決済み 回答数: 1