


数学 中学生


9 動物保護のボランティアをしている悠平さん (Yuhei) がグラフを見せながらペットを飼うことについて話し ています。 英文を読み、以下の質問に答えなさい。 [思考・判断・表現] Hello everyone. I'm Yuhei. I'm going to talk about having pets today. Do you like animals? Do you have any pets? I *take care of six cats, four dogs and three rabbits. The cats lived near my house, the dogs lived in Iwate before, and the rabbits lived in Yamagata before. Their *Owners can't *take care of them now. When some *owners start to have pets, they don't think about future. They enjoy living with pets at first. But owners may get sick. Look at the graph. Some owners *gave up his pets. (1)(_____) percent of them gave up their pet because they got sick *themselves. I think they and their pets felt very sad. Many cats and dogs can live for more than ten years. It is necessary for owners to take care of their pets every day. If you take care of your pets every day, they will make you very happy. Please remember (2) that. I work for animals as a volunteer. Can you help me? I want you to show this graph to people, and join volunteer activities for animals. Can you tell your families about me? Thank you for listening. (注) *take care of ~の世話をする *owner: 飼い主 * give up : ~ を手放す * themselves: 彼ら自身 ペットを飼えなくなった理由 その他 引っ越18% 12% 時間的理由 14% 経済的理由 20% 飼い主の絶 気 46%

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英語 中学生

これの(1)はなぜdidがいらないんですか? 回答は3枚目です

1 次の英文は, ある新聞の投稿欄に掲載されたものである。 英文を読んで, あとの問いに答 えなさい。 (福 井) We have a lot of problems around us. When the problems are too big, we think we can't solve them. But if we look at the problems from a different view, we can sometimes find the answers. I will tell you about Mexico City. It is not as large as Tokyo, but it has more people than Tokyo. It is ina high place and it has only one big river. So it is difficult to get enough water. About 160 years ago, many people began to use water under the ground. Do you know what happened after a lot of people used too much water under the ground? Yes. The ground went down very much. That was a big problem. Then people in Mexico City looked at this problem from a different view. Some people thought, “How about using the place that went down?”、Other people thought, “Can we use the water we have already used again?” They put the water into the place. Soon it became a kind of lake. People made the water clean and used it again. We have an example in Japan, too. In big cities it is especially hot in summer. There are many reasons, and we know one of them. There are not so many trees in the big cities., If there are many trees, they can give us some shade in many places and the températúre around us will go down. But the big cities have few places for trees because they have a lot of huildinos Some penle thouoht about the problem hard TThen thev 1aorod ota building

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