


英語 中学生

⑦に入る2語を答える問題です! 答えがfour hoursなのですが、なぜそうなるのですか?私はeight hoursだと思いました!!

10 15 20 5 6 次の英文は Olango という森の中にあるいくつかの村に住む動物たちの対話です。 これを読んで、あとの問いに えなさい。 Ay 40 was ' Kabbu is head of the Post Office of Olango, a forest. Many kinds of animals live there. Kabbu and his tea carry letters all over Olango and to other forests. Kabbu's Post Office is very popular among all animals there. Ullu: Why are you so sad? Kabbu: *Probably we'll have to lose my job. Have you heard of the Internet? Ullu: Have humans planned to catch us with a new kind of net? Kabbu: No, no. I hear the Internet is new *technology. All the computers can talk to each other through the Internet. We can talk with everyone around the world by a computer. Leo has the newes computer. He is always using it. He has also made many friends through the Internet and talk with them for hours. Ullu started to think about the Internet after he listened to Kabbu's long report about it. Ullu: Tell me, Kabbu, why will you have to lose your job because of the Internet? Kabbu: Leo is now sending e-mails all over Olango and to other forests. He says everyone in this village will be able to use his computer and send e-mails from his computer. Now, if everyone starts sending e-mails, ① 私たちはどうすればよいのかわかりません。 45 Ullu: Wait, wait. Now what is 'e-mail'? I haven't heard of it. Kabbu: It means *electronic mail'. It is used to send every kind of letter from one computer to other computers through the Internet. It takes only *a second and it is almost free. Ullu: I can't believe it. Kabbu: It is true. So I am very sad and worried about it now. With a sad face, Kabbu flew away. Kabbu was the oldest animal in Olango and was respected a lot by Leo Ullu decided to go and meet Leo and talk with him. At Leo's house, Leo was sitting in front of his computer. Ullu: Leo, can you give me a few minutes? I have to talk about something important. Leo: What is it? Ullu: It is about Kabbu, but I think it may be about all of us. Leo: OK, tell me about it. Ullu: But Leo, I think 50 55 1 60 Ullu told Leo about Kabbu. Leo: Well, Kabbu's *concerns will be real. We usually think high speed and *efficiency are very important, so there is little *chance for old ways. I can send a message in a second through the Internet. But Kabbu and his team need a few days to carry one. Why should I *depend on them? And the *price of their mail is much higher than the price of e-mail. Ullu: But, Leo, what will happen to Kabbu and his team? Leo: They will have to 3 The Internet will become more important in the future and e-mail will be one of the most useful things. 4 trains in the future." But now, "No one will go to see a movie." But both... Leo: You may have a lot of things to say about it, Ullu, but soon e-mail will make Kabbu's mail *useless. Kabbu and his team should start looking for other jobs *after all! For example, when a plane was invented, people said, "No one will see trains still continue to run. When a TV was invented, everyone said.

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英語 中学生

英語分かりません(´・ω・`) かぎかっこの中の問題です。 21から最後まで

(18) Theodore's computer, ( ) his mother gave him three years (23) A: John, are you interested in going to a kabuki performance ago, stopped working last night. 1where 2 how 3 which with me next weekend? 4 whose B: I don't know, Yuko. I've never seen kabuki before, ( A: You can get an English program. Ie'll tell you about the 23 ) (19) A: Have you heard the company is going to holda party for the story. employees next month? B: Yes, but I'm ( 1 around ) the plan. I think it's a waste of money. 4 against B: That would help. In that case, Id love to go with you. 2 Where is the theater? 4 Have you been before? 2 below 3 without 1 Is it expensive? 3 Will I understand it? (20) A: Have you seen Timothy? I need to talk to him. B: He's outside, ( 1 was talking 2 talking )on his cell phone. 3 talk (24) A: Hi, Tm Peter. You must be the new employee in the company. B: Yes. My name is Jordan. I just started working in the sales department. A: I work in the marketing department, across the hallway from you. ( 24 ) B: That would be nice. I don't know many places to eat around here yet. 4 talked 次の六つの会話文を完成させるために, (21) から (28) に入るものとして最も適切 2なものを 1, 2, 3, 4の中から一つ選び,その番号を解答用紙の所定欄にマーク しなさい。 (21) A: The TV news said it's going to rain later today. B: I know, but they're often wrong. They said that yesterday would be warm, ( A: Well, it must be hard to know what the weather is going to be. B: I guess so. But it would be nice if we could know for sure. 1 We should go out to lunch sometime. 2 Let me introduce you to my boss. 3 I'll show you where my department is. 4 You can use my office if you like. 21 ) A: Billy, do you have soccer practice this afternoon? B: Yeah, Mom. And I'm going to the library to get a book after that. A: ( 25 B: Practice ends at 5:30, so I think so. A: But the library closes at five o' clock on Sundays. B: Oh, no! ( 26 ) A: Well, I can go and get it for you while you're at practice. B: Really? Thanks a lot. I'Il tell you the title before I leave. 1 because it's raining now. 2 but it was actually quite cool. 3 and I watched the weather report. 4 since it's warm today. (22) A: Have you volunteered for that experiment the science professor is doing next Friday? B: Yes, I have. He's going just one hour! A: Wow, that's a lot of money. ( 22 ) B: I'm not sure, but I could ask the professor for you. pay people $50 to help him for (25) 1 Are you finished with your homework? 2 Are you sure you'll need a book? 3 Will you play soccer there? 4 Will you have time to go there? 1 Do you think I could doit, too? 2 Aren't you nervous about it? 3 Isn't that too much money? 4 How many days will it take? (26) 1 The book is too long for me. 2 The library won't have the book. 3 Ineed the book for my report. 4I forgot the title of the book. 16

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