


英語 中学生


Takashi is a member of the English club at a junior high school. He and five other members enjoy talking with the *ALT, Ms. White, in their club. She always says to the members, “Using English is the best way to *improve your English." One Sunday Takashi went shopping at a store near Chuo Station. After 5 shopping, he retumed to Chuo Station. When he was waiting for a train, he saw a woman from a *foreign country. She was *looking around with a *train map in her hand. He *said to himself, “That woman needs help, and I want to help her. Does she speak English?” Then Takashi *remembered the words of Ms. White. He went to the woman and said, “Excuse me, do 1o you speak English?” She said, “Yes, I do." He said, “( ① )” She said, “Yes, please.I want to go to Minami Station. Which train should I take? He said, “Minami Station? I'm going there, too. Let's go there together.” They got on the *same train. Takashi said to her, “T'm Ikeda Takashi. Where are you from?"” She said, 15 “I'm Emily Brown. I'm from Australia. I came to Japan to see my friend. He enjoyed talking with her on the train Ten minutes later they got to Minami Station. Emily *smiled and said. My friend will meet me at this station. Thank you very much.” He said Cに 20 goodbye to her and went honme. The next day Takashi had an English class. His English teacher, Mr. Ueda, came to the class with Ms. White. Ms. White said to the students, “Yesterday my friend came to this city from Australia. When she was at Chuo Station. a kind boy spoke to her in English and helped her. She said the boy looked (1)(0)に入る最も適当な文を次から1つ選び,記号で答えなさい。 ア Does this train go to Minami Station? イ Shall I help you? ウ Where are you going? エ Will you help me?

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 中学生

お願いします<(_ _)>

3 次の(1),(2)の問いに答えなさい。 (1) 次は、中学生の優(Masaru) が, 海外で自己紹介 (self-introduction) したときの体験につ いて書いた文章です。 これを読んで, ①, ②の問いに対する答えを,それぞれ主語と動詞 を含む英文1文で書きなさい。 Last year, I had a chance to visit our *sister school in America. At that time, I *introduced myself there. At first, I tried to *memorize everything. But it was too difficult because there were many things to memorize. So, I wrote some important points on a piece of paper. I looked at it while I was speaking. *As a result, I did my self-introduction well. In my self-introduction, I introduced myself and Japanese things like sushi, manga and judo to the students in the class. I was surprised that they knew well about the things I introduced. After my self-introduction, they asked many questions about me and Japan. I was really happy. It was a good experience for me. 【注】*sister school:姉妹校 *introduce:紹介する *memorize:暗記する *as a result :結果として 0 What did Masaru do for his self-introduction after he tried to memorize it? 2 Why was Masaru surprised when he did his self-introduction? (2) 優は,姉妹校の生徒と交流しているときに,ある生徒から次のような質問を受けました。 あなたが優なら,質問に対してどのように答えますか。《条件>にしたがって, 英文で書 きなさい。 I want to know what is popular among students in Japan. Please tell me one of the popular things in your school. <条件》·文の数は問わないが, 15語以上25語以内の英語で書くこと。 * 符号(,.?!など)は語数に含めない。

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 中学生


3 次の(1),(2)の問いに答えなさい。 (1) 次は,中学生の優(Masaru)が,海外で自己紹介(self-introduction) したときの体験につ いて書いた文章です。 これを読んで, ①, ②の問いに対する答えを,それぞれ主語と動詞 を含む英文1文で書きなさい。 Last year, I had a chance to visit our *sister school in America. At that time, I *introduced myself there. At first, I tried to *memorize everything. But it was too difficult because there were many things to memorize. So, I wrote some important points on a piece of paper. I looked at it while I was speaking. “As a result, I did my self-introduction well. In my self-introduction, I introduced myself and Japanese things like sushi, manga and judo to the students in the class. I was surprised that they knew well about the things I introduced. After y self-introduction, they asked many questions about me and Japan. I was really happy. It was a good experience for me. bas (sl 【注】*sister school: 姉妹校 *introduce:紹介する *memorize:暗記する *as a result :結果として 0 What did Masaru do for his self-introduction after he tried to memorize it? 2 Why was Masaru surprised when he did his self-introduction? (2) 優は,姉妹校の生徒と交流しているときに, ある生徒から次のような質問を受けました。 あなたが優なら,質問に対してどのように答えますか。 <条件》にしたがって, 英文で書 きなさい。 I want to know what is popular among students in Japan. Please tell me one of the popular things in your school <条件>文の数は問わないが, 15語以上25語以内の英語で書くこと。 ·符号(,.?!など)は語数に含めない。

解決済み 回答数: 1