


英語 中学生


5次は、アメリカ人のALTのMr. Kim が授業内で行ったスピーチです。これを読んで,問1~問3に *Golden Gate Bridge there is very popular. When I was teaching English in San Francisco, 合えなさい。*印印のついている語句には, 英文のあとに[注]があります。(12点) Im from *San Francisco, California. Do you know anything about San Francisco? T。 many Japanese students told me that they saw the bridge in American *TV dramas, Som。 of them said that they came to America to see the places in *those dramas. Do you watch any American TV programs? I think watching thenm is very good for your studw of English. You don't have to understand everything. You will understand some things My mother and father came from *South Korea, so my family name is a Korean nom. I learned *taekwondo when I was About 30 % of the people in San Francisco are *Asian. in junior high school near San Francisco. My friends from India and Australia liked thi。 Dns sport, too. We have nice *beaches near ancisco. Walking on the beach on a sunny day is a lot of fun. There are a lot of nice restaurants and shops near the beaches. But when it's rainy, I sometimes stay home all day and just sleep. Here in Saitama, there are more to start doing some interesting things at home when it's rainy, rainy days, so I want Do you have any good ideas? honM 2 San Francisco, California……カリフォルニア州サンフランシスコ (都市) Golden Gate Bridge… ゴールデン · ゲート ·ブリッジ(全長2,737 メートルの橋) TV drama……テレビドラマ 【注) those……それらの かんこく 韓国(Korean は「韓国の」) |はっしょう Asian……アジアの, アジア人の South Korea……… taekwondo…テコンドー(韓国発祥の武術) beach……ビーチ, 浜辺 Sadish de 問1 下線部① them が指すものを, 本文中から2語で抜き出して書きなさい。(3点) 間2 本文の内容と合うものを, 次のア~エの中から1つ選び, その記号を書きなさい。(3点) ア Mr. Kim は,日本に来て初めて英語を教えた。 Mr. Kim は,アメリカのテレビ番組を見て英語を勉強することをすすめている。 ウ Mr. Kim は, 韓国の中学校でテコンドーを学んだ。 土 Mr. Kim は, 晴れの日にサンフランシスコ近くのビーチで泳ぐのは楽しいと言っている。 ou T00 問3 下線部のについて, あなたの考えを提案するメッセージを書きます。 [条件]に従い, Mr. Kim に伝わるように, A に3文以上の英文を書いて, メッセージを完成させなさい。(6点) メッセージ Mr. Kim, I have an idea for you. A I hope you will enjoy your time at home! 1文目は,家でやっておもしろいと思うことを, 「~(して)はどうですか」と提案一 る文の形で解答欄の①に書きなさい。 2文目以降は,その理由が伝わるように, 2文以上で解答欄の②に書きなさい。 【条件) 0 (以上で問題は終わりです

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 中学生


10 20 25 30 36 問8 次の対話を読んで. あとの) ゆ) の問いに答えなさり> *A7rzco7 esなoo ye Porz /or 妨e Scya&o od Yi go fo 7xe sne んig sckooた 7かey ge 如 24 Keryon Co7が47e, so 由 Soyoc 7eg7xed o6ozz *Kezyo 7 7 g7o's o7g59 7gsr ee grの js zoの747676566どの P に の 72YC- 7れC7t6 が se Xas aoifeg Ya fo e をspgr。 Ar ghe *boo 信 7 Dogg 02kア2 2 9 zzz、 万e szzdzes 7 o *co77ege 7 プGPC7た Kamau: Welcome to our bootb. Tm Kamat・ 45 Sayaka: Tm Sayaka, and this is Yui. Yui: Hi、Kamau. Glad to meet YOU. Sayaka: Tve heard we can learn about the idea 0 about it 近 lass last week。 Bo,1want to knoW mo about 辻 it2 Yui: Whats orgのee, Sayaka? Who talked about i? Tve never heard of 辻. Sayaka: Mr.Hara did. 3 Kamau: Mr.Hara? Tsheyourteacher? He also helping with thiS pootb as a volunteer today. f “riのee” here. One of my teacbers talked Just a minute, TI bring him here. Yui: Ts he here? Sayaka, did you invite me because he is here? Sayaka: Yes. Were you surprised? Mr. Hara: Hi,Sayaka and Yui. Welcome- Sayaka: Hello, Mr. Hara. Yui: Mr.Hara, why are you a volunteer here? ー Wir. Hara: Tve talked about this to Sayaka in class beforey bi (7)Llived in Kenya for a Year. Sayaka: He studied at a college in Kenya. こ Yui: Really? Why did you choose Kenya? WIr. Hara: Because 1 was interested in animals and Swabi. Africa. Yui: Oh,Isee. Sodid you see a lot Mr. Hara: Yes. Would youlHike to see them? Wow! There are lions, elephants。 and a lot more. Ts great to see OU two here- Swahili is a language spoken in *East of *wild animals there? Did you take pictures? Yui: Yes, please. Thank you, Mr. Hara. Treally like them. How Was Your jife there? WMr. Hara: Itwas so exciting,andThadalot of great experienceS. After 1 came back to Japan、L wanted to 内ntroduce Kenyan culture to J apanese people. 『 Yui: Sounds great。 And what did you do? NPO which does a lot of activities to introduce Kenyan culture to J and today Tm helping with this booth as a member. Mr.Hara: Ifound an apan、 1! decided to join the group So, Kamau, can YOu tell me about ro70ee? Sayaka: Oh, sure. 万oro7z0ee means *all *pull together" in Swahih、 区amau: And it is used to *describe *eommunity events ike fundraising or *development activities. Yui: Whatis fundraising? amau: Its an activity that people do to collect money for a good *purpose, ke bulding a school

解決済み 回答数: 1