


英語 中学生


er alla My sister is ③ 次の対話文を読んで,あとの問いに答えなさい。 work/sister / to/is) in the future. Aya : Do you have any plans for the winter vacation? Mike: Yes, I do. ① (私は京都と奈良を訪れるつもりです。) I geing to work in Australia Aya: Really? (2 are you going to stay there ? Mike: I'm going to stay in Kyoto for three days and in Nara for two days. Aya: ③ ( do / will / there / you / what / ? ) Mike: I'll visit some temples. I'm interested in old Japanese buildings. Aya: Are you going to take a lot of pictures ? Mike: Yes, I am. ④ I'll show the pictures to you after the winter vacation. (1) (3) 下線部③の ( What ① の日本語を英語にしなさい。 ただし, visit を使って, 8語の英語で書きなさい。 am gaing to visit Kyota to visit Kyoto and Nara. (2) ② に最も適する語(句) を次から1つ選び, 記号で答えなさい。 ア When イ How long ウ How much I Where )内の語を,本文の内容に合うように, 並べかえなさい。 there in the future. will do you (4) 下線部④の英語を日本語にしなさい。 (5) 本文の内容に合うように、次の英文の Mike Nara during the winter vacation. I [冬休みが終わったら写真をみせましょう。 に適する語を書きなさい。 a lot of pictures of old Japanese buildings in Kyoto and 5

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英語 中学生

中1の英語です!! 答え教えて欲しいです🙌🏻 回答早めでお願いします🥲😵‍💫

)に適する語を書きなさい。 ⑤5 次の対話文の( (1) 2人は明日のことについて、話しています。 A: ( ① ) up, Ryo ? B : I want to go to Kyoto tomorrow. Let's go together, Bob. A: Sounds ( ② ) fun. like (2) 疲れた様子の友だちに話しかけています。 A : What's wrong? You don't ( ① ) well. B : I'm thirsty. I want to drink something. A : ( ② ) do you want, tea or water? B : Water, please. ⑥ 旬(しゅん)とアン(Ann)が部活動について話しています。対話を読んで、あとの問いに答 (思考・判断・表現2点×5) えなさい。 Shun : I joined the popular music club in April. I practice the guitar every day. In November, we had a concert. It was my first concert. Ann : Wow! Where did you have the concert ? Shun : I had it in the gym. Many people came to the concert. Ann Were you nervous at the concert? Shun : Yes, I was. But I enjoyed the concert. Ann When is your next concert? Shun :It's in March. Come to the concert, please. (知識・技能 2点×4) 次の英文はポピュラー音楽部の 11月の演奏会を聞いた来年旬たちの中学校に入 学する予定の外国人の小学生が、ポピュラー音楽部の部員あてに書いた感想です。 ( )に適する語を書いて英文を完成させなさい。 文字が示されている場合は、 その文字で始まる語を書きなさい。 The concert ⓘ (w ) great! I (w ) well like you. I'm looking ④( ). 3(g concert in ⑤( ) to play the ) to your next

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 中学生

全然分かりません…>_<… 教えて頂きたいです!! よろしくお願いします😖

NDAR ○22.3 12|次の、中学生のひかり(Hikari) とALT(外国語指導助手)のスミス先生(Mr. Smith)の対話文を読んで, あとの問いに答えなさ (80点) Me Smith: Hi, Hikari. How was your winter vacation? (山梨) Hikari: Hi. Mr. Smith. I had a wonderful experience. Mr Smith: Oh, @(ア are you イ were you ウ do you I did you )? Hikari: the ticket gate at Shinjuku station. Mr Smith: Why did she speak to you? 5 Hikari: because she was in Japan for the first A Mr Smith: Did you understand everything she said? No, I didn't. Mr Smith: Then what did you do? Hikari: a 10 T said, "Sorry, please speak slowly,” Then she spoke slowly and pointed at her map. Hikari: because I was ③ (ア angry イ interested ウ nervous Mr Smith: By doing that, could she understand how to get there? エ ready). Hikari: 15 No, she couldn't. So I tried to use the English expressions I leaned at school. I said, “We are here at Shmy station. First, Finally, she understood how to get there. B|the Yamanote Line to Ueno. Then change trains there. After that, the Ginza Line." B Mr. Smith: You did great. Hikari: Yes, I did. She asked, “How long does it take from here?” I answered, “It takes about forty minutes.Inen 1 20 asked her where she was from. She told me that she was from Canada. So I asked her some questions about Canada. Ithink I made several mistakes in English when I spoke. When she left, she smiled and said to me, “Thank you very much. Iwas very happy to hear that. making mistakes, you get the chance to learn more. You were not afraid of making mistakes. I think you had a wonderful experience. Mr. Smith: That was a very kind thing you did. When you speak English, making mistakes is an important thing. Through 25 C thing through this experience. I can use many English expressions outside of Hikari: Yes. And I learned another class. Mr. Smith: That's right. Using English outside of class is one good way to make your English better. Hikari, come and talk to me more often. Hikari: Of course, I would really like that. outside of ~ ~のほかに change trains 電車を乗り換える expression 表現 (注)ticket gate 改札

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英語 中学生

画像の問題の問4で、解答にはThat's interesting.と書かれていたのですが、私はI'm interested in the things you talked.と書きました。 私の解答は間違えになりますか? 教えてください(>_<;)

北海道 29 年度 市7 n 次の英文は,冬休み前の放課後, 優子が, 正月(New Year's holidays)について、 Ar 4 明1 本文の内容から考えて, のを,アーオから選びなさい。 に入る英語の組み合わせとして最も適当なも スミス先生(Ms Smith)と会話している場面のものです。これを読んで,問いに答えなさい (2) America ア(1) American Winter vacation will begin soon. Are you going back to America uoT euB gniesairipi2 ィ(1) Japanese ウ(1) Japanese (2) Japan (2) America (3) Japan (3) Japan Yuko: (3) America Ms. Smith? (2) Japan (2) Japan ェ(1) Japanese (3) America Ms Smith : Iril spend New Year's holidays in Japan for the first time. So, please tell me about the (1)] New Year. In (2)], we usually enjoy watching TV, eating dinner, and *relaxing with family on New Year's *Eve We call the day oomisoka. It's very different in my country. In (3), many families have a party that night, and welcome New Year's Day with the *countdown. The countdown in New York is especially famous. I've seen it on TV. I remember there was a big ball at the top of a オ(1) American (3) Japan と2 NC Yuko: 問2 本文の内容から考えて, に入る英語として最も適当なものを,アーエから選びなさい。 Ms. Smith: ア known イ met ウ gone エ eaten 問3 下線部にあるitの示す内容を具体的に表す英語として最も適当なものを,アーエから選びなさい。 Yuko: ア the countdown building in New York Oh, it's fall down along the *flagpole at the last minute of the year. When it finishes falling down, we say "Happy New Year!" In our town, we can listen to the temple bell just before New Year's Day comes. We call it joya-no-kane. New Year's Eve is also special for Japanese people. Well, how do you spend New Year's Day? We usually watch sports on TV at home *instead of going out. On that day, many Japanese people go to a shrine or a temple to *wish for something. a big ball ゥ the temple bell イ Ms. Smith: as The Ball *Drop in America. The ball begins to エ New Year's Eve Yuko: に,優子の話したことに対して興味·関心があるということを伝える英語を, 問4 本文の 主語と動詞を含む英文1文で書きなさい。 Ms. Smith : 問5 本文の内容に合うものを, ア~オから2つ選びなさい。 ア Yuko has decided to spend New Year's holidays in America. Yuko: イ People in Yuko's town can listen to the temple bell before New Year's Day comes. Ms. Smith : What will you wish for next year? ウ The big ball at the top of a building begins to fall down on New Year's Day. Yuko: I'll wish for my family's *health for one year. And after coming エ Yuko usually watches sports on TV at home with her friends on New Year's holidays. back home, we'll eat zouni together. オ Ms. Smith will go to Yuko's house to make zouni. Ms. Smith: Eat what? Zouni. I's a traditional Japanese soup we usually eat on New Year's Day. My mother cooks it with some *rice cakes, meat and *vegetables. 問6 次の英文は,スミス先生が, ぞうにを食べた後に書いた日記の一部です。 あなたがスミス先生 になったつもりで, Yuko: に感想を表す英語を2語以上で自由に書きなさい。 Ms. Smith :I want to try it. Is it difficult to make it? No, it's not s0 difficult. Let's cook and eat zouni with my friends at my house. My mother will show you how to make zouni. Today, I cooked zouni with my students at Yuko's house. I enjoyed cooking it very much. I want to try other traditional Japanese foods. Yuko: The zouni I ate there Ms. Smith: Oh, thank you very much! I'm looking forward to it. Ta besu w O Ob (注) relax <つろぐ (祭日などの)前日 eve countdown 秒読み fagpole 旗ざお rice cake (s) もち drop 落下 health 健康 instead of ~のかわりに wish 祈る vegetable (s) 野菜 w Bo ob (開費) 問題はこのページで終わりです。 山io am 山 0 00 emm o s boe 8 -

解決済み 回答数: 2
英語 中学生

回答を無くしてしまったので 合ってるかどうか見て頂けませんか? パッと見で大丈夫です🙇💦

A基本をたしかめよう Unit6 s 科書 の確認 教科書p.91の基本文を完成させよう。 wich Could I go to school. wish had 学校へ行くことができればいいのになあ。 pens and notebooks. ペンやノートを持っていればいいのになあ。 Step 日本語に合うように, 内から適切な語を選んで書こう。 ) 私が空を飛ぶことができればいいのになあ。 Iwish I could fly in the sky. 22 あなたが今ここにいればいいのになあ。 can / could Iwish you nerc here now. are / were 3) 私がお金をたくさん持っていればいいのになあ。 Iwish I had a lot of money. have / had StepC 日本語に合うように, 下線部に適切な語を書こう。 リ私がバイオリンをひくことができればいいのになあ。 I wishに続く助動詞や動詞の 形に気をつけよう。 I_wish I_could play the violin. *私に自分の部屋があればいいのになあ。 1_alsh 3) my own r0om. I_had 今日晴れていればいいのになあ。 I_wish it__kCrと 『 be動詞は主語に関係なくwereを使うよ。 sunny today. 私が動物と話すことができればいいのになあ。 wish I_could 5) Spcak with animals. I 4が彼の電話番号を知っていればいいのになあ。 eish knon n his phone number. I つになあ。 テレビゲームをする時間がもっとあれば had md 6) -Play video games. me to wish I one hundred and fifteen 115

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