


英語 中学生を教えてください

次の各組の文がほぼ同じ内容になるように, に適する語を書きなさい。 1 〈久留米大学附設〉 O Iknow Please tell me your birthday. this book. 土佐塾) 2 〈同志社) 3 you were 6 Please tell me 学附属) 4 〈関西学院) 5 O Do you know 志社) 〈筑波大学附属駅駒場) 6 your mother is! 6 What a 7 〈土佐塾) 8 6 Father came home about hour ago. 6 These are his books. の These books are 学院) s me 〈関西大学第一〉 9 O 10 学院) (山手学院) 11 to me. m 9ania boenog overd 6 He 12 〈明治大学付属中野》 MC 去装) last summer. 13 6 Mary 〈筑波大学附属駒場) H0a Three hundred years have passed since this temple was built. 14 three hundred years 6 This temple 15 naY.anM (久留米大学附設) =院) 口 00 Did you sleep well last night? 16 last night? 0ot asw Did you have a bonis de 〈慶塵義塾〉 17 口m Our teacher plays the violin well. playing the violin. 18 0 Our teacher is qa9da at tnd 〈国学院栃木〉 19 口20 He did not go to school yesterday. from school yesterday.dmodw Ilet donaro 6 He 〈青雲》 20 口BO He is a very good speaker of English. he speaks English! ovinb ot dguo9 bnil erow 21 0 How (慶態義塾女子) 22 0O Neither John nor Mary went to the party. dois denod 6 John didn't go to the party, and Mary didn't, 〈慶塵義塾) 23 in New York, I met him several times. oO 5 While I was in New York. I met him several times. 24 (滝) my 試 b Your plan is a little different from mine. your plan and mine. 〈滝) 6 There is a small difference help, I won't be able to do the work. (郁文館) to the post office.

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