


英語 中学生


4 次の英文は、中学生の彩音 (Ayane) が、 アメリカ滞在中のホストファミリーであるスミ ス夫妻 (Mr, and Mrs. Smith) の親戚であるベルギー (Belgium) 出身の大学生 (university student) のエレン (Ellen) と交流した話です。 1~7の問いに答えなさい。 Ayane stayed in the United States this summer to study English. First, she lived only with Mr. and Mrs. Smith. A week later, Mr. Smith said, "I came to work in the United States from Belgium about twenty years ago. I've lived here since then, but some of my family still live in Belgium. My brother's daughter will come from Belgium to live here. Her name is Ellen, and she will go to university s here. I hope you will be good friends." Soon after that, Ellen came. She started studying at the university to run her own business in the future. She was very kind. Ayane and Ellen often went out together on weekends. One day, Ayane and Ellen went to see a movie. ア Before the movie, 10 they went to a shop to buy something to eat. Ellen bought a hamburger and some French fries. Ayane said, "Do you know that ( )? It's 'fried potatoes." Ellen was surprised. She asked Ayane, "Where did French fries originally come from?" Many people think they are from the United States. Ayane thought they came from France because the name is "French" fries. So she answered, "France !" 15 That was wrong. イ Ellen said that French fries were originally from Belgium. Ayane was surprised. Ellen said, "When American soldiers went to Europe in World War I, they ate frites. Frites are popular food in Belgium. They're like French fries. The American soldiers liked them. The people in the area spoke French at that time, so the soldiers thought the area was in France. Later the 20 soldiers brought the food to the United States. So the name became French fries." That was an interesting story to Ayane. She didn't know that people speak French in some areas of Belgium. Ellen also can speak French. Ayane was surprised again. Then Ayane bought some waffles at the shop because she heard they were 25 very good. Ayane said, "Waffles are also originally from your country, right?" Ellen answered, "Yes. I've liked them since I was a child." Ayane heard that Ellen's dream is to run waffle shops in many countries. She hopes waffles will spread into more countries, so she is studying business at the university. Ayane said, "These waffles are nice! I like waffles, too. When you start your 30 waffle shop in Japan, can I help you at the shop?" Ellen answered, "Yes. Oh, the movie will start soon. Let's go, Ayane!" "Yes, let's go," Ayane said. Ayane was happy because she understood Ellen and her country better. (注) still: 今でも run ~を経営する business: 事業, ビジネス hamburger : ハンバーガー French fries / frites (= fried potatoes): フライドポテト (French は 「フランスの [語]」, fries は 「揚げ物」) originally: もとは wrong : まちがった France: フランス World War I- American : アメリカ人の soldier: t Europe ヨーロッパ waffle : ワッフル -5- area:

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英語 中学生

このページ助けてくださーい、 解説無しでもありでもOK! ( ᐛ )

世界の諸地域 (アジア州,uーロッパ州) 次の問いに答えなさい。 地図 地図I 1) 地図I中のAの国について、正しく述べている文を選びなさい。 た。 首都のプリュッセルにはヨーロッパ連合(EU)の本部がある。 2ルール地方の石炭とライン川の水運を背続に、ヨーロッパ有数の工業地域が発達した。 富都はバリで、農業大国であり、小麦の自給率は100% をこえている。 世界で最初に産業革命がおこり、「世界の工場」といわれていた。 3 (2) 地図I中のXの海の沿岸部では、地域の気候を生かした農業がさかんに行われていま す。この気候と農業について述べた文として適切なものを選びなさい。 らくのう (冷源な気候を利用して,乳牛を飼育して牛乳からチーズなどをつくる酪農がさかんで ある。 2 夏の降水量が少なく冬の降水量が多いことから、夏はオリープなどを、冬は小麦など を栽培する農業がさかんである。 さいば 3 冷涼な気候を利用して,夏はオリーブなどを、冬は小麦などを栽培する農業がさかん である。 夏の降水量が少なく冬の降水量が多いことから,乳牛を飼育して牛乳からチーズなと をつくる酪農がさかんである。 グラフIは、地図I 中の①~④ のいずれかの都市の気温と降水 クフノ」 音表しています。あてはまる都市を選びなさい。 年平均気温27T 20年時水量232 9mm 20 10 気 10 温-0 14710 一理科年表2021年

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