


英語 中学生


1 一般動詞の過去形 本 2次( )内の語を適当な形になおしなさい。 (1) They painted their bodies, and ( sing ), danced and made music. (2) I ( buy) this camera at that shop last week. (大阪 開明高) . (愛知・ 滝高) (3) The train (leave) Hiroshima at noon, but because of the accident, we arrived at Tokyo late at night. (*B*27★|☎®) (4) He ( drive) very fast then. (5) The man started his bike and ( ride) away slowly. (✰✰✰) (6) He never (stop) learning in his schooldays. (7) They (hear) many speakers last night. (8) Gina agreed to look the horse over, and the next week Paul ( bring ) it round to her home. (9) My mother (study) hard in her childhood. (10) I ( sleep) well last night. (東京・開成高) (11) Did you receive my postcard? I ( send ) it last week. (神奈川・日本女子大附高) * 3 次の文の( )内に入れるのに最も適当なものを下から選び、記号で答えなさい。 (1) Sue ( ) at the station at 6:00. ア reached 1 went (兵庫・ 啓明学院高) ウ got I arrived (2) "Where did you find this pen?" "( (京都外大西高) 1 I found the table. I Under the table. ) me about his plan. 1 spoke I told 7 Yes, I did. No, I didn't. (3) He ( ア said talked (4) Daisuke ( ) from Kansai Airport to 1 flew ウ took I spent drove to a hotel from there. 7 rode (5) I ( 7 went ( 大阪明星高 ) San Francisco, and (福岡大附大濠高) ) him to an Italian restaurant and we had a good time. 1 took brought I came (広島・如水館高 )

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英語 中学生

中2英語です! なんも分かんなくて明日提出なので教えて 欲しいです(>人<;)🙏

Program8 A Hope for Lasting Peace 1. 真央とダニエルの会話を読んで、 問いに答えなさい。 Daniel: This is our last day in Hiroshima. Mao: Yes. We've been here for three days. We've already learned a lot of things. Daniel: Absolutely. I was moved by the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park. Mao: So was I. I bought a souvenir. Take a look. Daniel: It looks like soap. Oh, it's paper clay. Mao Recycled paper cranes are used in this clay. Daniel Recycled paper cranes? I've never heard of that. Mao Me neither. But I thought it was interesting. Q1 会話文の内容に合うように、 空所に適語を入れなさい。 Daniel and Mao () moved by the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park. Mao bought paper 2). (3) paper ( 4 ) were used in the paper ( 5 ). Q2 英語の問いに、 英語で答えなさい。 • How long have Daniel and Mao been in Hiroshima? 2. 原爆の子の像や折り鶴の再生に関する記事を読んで、 問いに答えなさい。 In the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park, there is a monument. It was (P) for Sasaki Sadako and many other children. They were victims of the atomic bomb. In 1954, Sadako became sick. She believed she would get better by ( 1 ) a thousand paper cranes. However, she passed away the next year. She was only twelve. Many people have been() millions of paper cranes to the monument since it was built. The paper cranes show people's hope for peace. The monument receives about 10 million paper cranes every year. But every year those cranes are burned. It costs too much and it's not good for the environment. People have been thinking about 2this problem for a long time. One good idea is to recycle the paper cranes into notebooks and origami paper. When people fold the recycled paper into cranes again, they are renewing the hope for lasting peace. Q1 (ア)~ (ウ)に入る語を下から選び、 それぞれ適当な形に変えて書きなさい。 make write build send Q2 文中の下線部 ①と②は何を指すか、 英語で答えなさい。 Q3 英語の問いに、 英語で答えなさい。 1 What do the paper cranes show? What is a good idea to recycle the paper cranes? 101

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英語 中学生

中2英語読解力問題です。 (2)のtellの解き方と、(3)の文章の語順のしくみについて教えていただきたいです🙇🏻‍♀️💦 よろしくお願いします💦

4. コンビニで、たまたま英字新聞が目についたので、友達といっしょに買ってみた。 Thursday, December 12, 2019 EIGO LAB TIMES それ (この壁画) は創作的な物語の痕跡を表している The World's Oldest "Story" Was Found in Indonesia 物語を伝えること (口承文学 ) In 2017,/a *cave painting was found/in *Indonesia.// こんせき ate : mystery : 謎 注 cave: 洞窟 Indonesia : インドネシア record: 記録 sign: 痕跡 create: 創り出す intelligent 知性のある unknown: 解明されていない figure out : 解明する (2) 記事の The research team says/that it is the earliest known *record of “storytelling." vligh y 知られている最古の記録 Cave paintings are find/in many parts of the world,/ and many of them tell us/about ancient human life.// But this painting is different/ it shows *signs of creative stories.//Surprisingly,/ancient humans enjoyed *creating and tell stories/almost 44,000 years ago.// This *implies/they were highly *intelligent./ Much about ancient times is still *unknown./The team's effort/to *figure out the *mysteries of the cave この洞窟の壁画の謎を painting/continue.// [99 words ] 解明するための研究チームの努力 要点をつかむ (1) この壁画は,どんなことが他の壁画とちがっていると書かれていますか。 ア インドネシアで発見されたこと 古代の人々の生活が描かれていること ウ物語が描かれていること 詳細をおさえる Edition 055 の語をそれぞれ適する形に変えなさい。 found te telling continue → find When and where was this cave painting found? (7) It was found in 2017 in Indonesia. imply: 意味する brid ledW ウ continues.

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英語 中学生


Program7 A Gate Way to Japan 1. 真央とダニエルの会話を読んで、 問いに答えなさい。 Mao: Hi, Daniel. You look happy. Did something good happen? Daniel: (just / from /have/ gotten / my uncle / an email / I) in Italy. Mao: Your uncle in Italy? What does he do there? Daniel: Ah, he's a sportswriter. He loves Japanese pop culture like manga and anime. Mao: Great! Are Japanese manga and anime popular in the U.S. too? Daniel: Yes. The words manga and anime are (P) in English. Mao Like sushi and kimono? Mmm, interesting. By the way, I'm going to do my homework for the speech after I get home. Have you (1) it yet? Daniel: I started it yesterday, but I (2) finished it yet. Mao: What are you () about? Daniel: About Captain Tsubasa. My uncle recommended it. Mao: Do people in foreign countries know about Captain Tsubasa? Daniel According to my uncle, a lot of professional soccer players watched it when they were children. Some of them started ( I ) soccer because of it. Mao: Wow! Captain Tsubasa gave them "wings." Q1 かっこ① の単語を並べ替えて、本文の内容に合うように英文にしなさい。 Q2 (ア)~(エ)に入る語を下から選び、それぞれ適当な形に変えて書きなさい。 play write do use Q3 かっこ②に入る単語を下から選び、 記号で答えなさい。 didn't haven't 5, am not Z. can't Q4 英語の問いに、 英語で答えなさい。 What does Daniel's uncle love? 2What does the word "wings" mean? ● 2. 日本のポップカルチャーについての発表内容を読んで、 問いに答えなさい。 Manga and anime are parts of Japanese pop culture. Today they attract and influence many people around the world. I've read a book about art history before. There was a similar situation about 150 years ago. In those days, ukiyo-e was pop culture like manga. It became very popular in Europe. Have you ever heard of Monet and van Gogh? They were greatly influenced by ukiyo-e. Japanese pop culture is getting more popular day by day. It is a gateway between Japan and other countries. Q1 下線部 ①~③は何を指すか、 下から選び、 記号で答えなさい。 あ、 Manga and anime 1, Japanese pop culture う、 art history 7, Monet and van Gogh ukiyo-e Q2 英語の問いに、 英語で答えなさい。 What became popular in Europe about 150 years ago?

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英語 中学生

大至急 6の③の問題についてです。 私が書いた英作文を採点してほしいです!!ここはこうだからダメ、こう書いた方が良いなどありましたら、教えて頂きたいです🙇🏻‍♀️Bを選んで書きました。

6 あなたは、英語の授業で、 自分の関心のあることについて発表することになり、 次のメモを作成しま した。 メモをもとに, 原稿を完成させなさい。 原稿の ① 2 には,それぞれメモに即 して、適切な英語を書きなさい。 また, には,【あなたが参加したいボランティア活動】をA またはBから1つ選んで符号で書き, 【その理由】 について, あなたの考えを、次の《注意》 に従って英語 で書きなさい。 《注意》文の数は問わないが, 10語以上 20語以内で書くこと。 ・ 短縮形 (I'm や don't など) は1語と数え,符号(, や . など) は語数に含めないこと。 <メモ> (導入) 先週, ボランティア活動についてのポスターを見た。 長い間ボランティア活動に興味があったので参加したい。 (活動内容) A 公園でゴミを拾う。 B 図書館で, 子どもたちに本を読む。 DANES 【あなたが参加したいボランティア活動とその理由】 あなたの考え (まとめ) 参加の呼びかけ <原稿> Last week, I saw a poster about volunteer activities. I'd like to join one of them because volunteer activities for a long time. |① In the poster, I found two different activities, A and B. If I choose A, I will pick up trash in the park. If I choose B, I will ② I want to join ③ Would you like to join me? (注) pick up trash : ゴミを拾う

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