


英語 中学生


英・中2 stay Went lives Writing did look 次の英文を読んで,あとの問いに答えなさい。 Hideki is a junior high school student. His family has four people : his father, his mother, his sister and Hideki. Last Saturday, he ① (go) to his uncle's house with his mother and sister. His father was busy that day, so ② he ( ) ( ) with them. After lunch, Hideki and his sister visited the library near their uncle's house. They ③ (see) 5 a lot of English books there. They stayed there (4) an hour. They ⑤ (come) home at about three thirty. ① ③,⑤ の語を適する形にかえて書きなさい。 1 (3) goes (2) 下線部②が, 彼は彼らといっしょに行きませんでした」という意味になるように,( を書きなさい。 he with them (3) ④ に最も適する語を次から1つ選び, 記号で答えなさい。 ア from イ on ウ to I for (4) 本文の内容について,次の問いに英語で答えなさい。 数も英語のつづりで書くこと。 @ How many people does Hideki's family have ? ⑥ Did Hideki visit his uncle last Saturday? ⓒ Did Hideki's mother go to the library? @Did the library have a lot of English books? 英ウ中2 ② 次の英文が正しい文になるように, 内の語を並べかえなさい。 )に適する語 []

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英語 中学生

"How did you feel”が答えですが "How were you feeing”ではいけない理由を教えてください。

次の英文は、中学生の健(Ken) と ALT(外国語指導助手)のジャック (Jack) の対話です。 これを読み、次の問いに答えなさい。 ('16 和歌山県 ) Jack: Hello, Ken. How are you? Ken: I'm tired. I finished my homework late last night. Jack: What was your homework? Ken: It was an English essay. My English teacher, Mr. Tanaka, told me to write an essay about my winter vacation. It was very hard. I needed some advice to write sentences. Jack: I see. I can give you some advice. Have you ever kept a diary? Ken Yes. I keep a diary in Japanese. Jack: That's good. Then, why don't you keep a diary in English? Your writing skills will become better. Ken : I don't think I can! Keeping a diary in English takes a lot of time. Jack: Really? Then tell me what you did last Sunday. Ken Well.... I went fishing with my father and caught five fish. Jack: ( when you caught them? Ken: I felt very happy. They were big and my mother cooked them at home. Jack: Great! You should write that story in English. You can write about things you did. It's also important to write about your feelings in your diary. It sounds difficult at first, but you can write a few sentences every day. Ken It'll be difficult for me to write English sentences every day. But I'll try. Jack: If you have a problem, I'll help you. du Ken Thank you, Jack. I'll write about my feelings in my diary in English. Jack: Good. I think you can do it! (E) late < essay f E advice sentence keep a diary 日記をつけている kept <keep why don't you ~? ~してはどうですか skill go fishing 魚釣りに行く feeling diary B busigamuti opot caught < catch (つかまえる) の過去形 対話の流れに合うように, 文中の〔 Call und 〕にふさわしい表現を考えて、 英語で書きなさい

解決済み 回答数: 1