


英語 中学生

リーディングの問題です。 色付き下線部の英文の訳し方がよくわかりません。 どのようにして,回答のようになるのか教えて下さい🙇‍♀️

3 Jill, Ellen, Bob, and Edward lived near a lake/They could go for a swim every day. A man named Mr. Black lived near the lake, too./Sometimes Mr. Black went swimming with the children. One day they asked him to go for a swim with them./Mr. Black said "We can't go for a swim. We may never swim in the lake again." "Why not?" asked Edward. "Because the lake is polluted," said Mr. Black. "There's a new sign at the lake. It says No Swimming, Polluted." "What is polluting the lake?" asked Jill. "Let's go down to the lake and look at it," said Mr. Black. (ア) Mr. Black and the children went to the lake on a sunny Sunday. They looked into the water. It wasn't clean/They walked around the lake and they saw why it wasn't clean. “Look at that *garbage in the water," said Jill. "That's what's polluting the lake.” Edward saw oil floating on the water./"That oil pollutes the water, too,” said Edward. "It comes from boats on the lake." "Come here," said Ellen. "Take a look at this. There are tires in the lake !" "Why would people throw tires into a lake ?" asked Bob. "They just don't stop to think," said Mr. Black. "But they are not the only ones who pollute the lake. The people who run that factory pollute the water, too." Bob looked at Mr. Black/"What can we do? How can we stop the pollution ? he asked. "Well, we must get help from other people. We can't do it alone," said Mr. Black. Mr. Black had a friend who worked for a newspaper company. He asked him to help. The next day the story about the pollution was reported in the newspaper. Many people read about the story. They talked of the pollution. They talked of ways to clean it up. people met at the lake./They came to clean it up./ They cleaned out the garbage. Then they cleaned out the tires./They set up big cans. Then they put signs on the cans. The signs read, "Put Your Garbage Here." /People who lived near the lake came to help./People who had boats came to help./And, people from the factory also One day (イ) came to help. They knew that it would take a long time to get the lake clean again. But they did not give up. They all hoped that someday the "No Swimming” sign would come down and the people could swim in the lake again. 注) 〒garbage=ごみ

解決済み 回答数: 2
英語 中学生

1945年の4月1日に始まった沖縄戦の間アメリカ軍の島への上陸があり, 80人以上の沖縄の人々が洞窟 に避難したあとその中で自殺したと考えられています。 がこの一文の訳なのですが、believedは何に訳されているのでしょうか??

t forced to commit suicide in the closing days of World War II, police have said. The boys, between the ages of 16 and 19, have said that they destroyed two *signboards and origami paper cranes left by visitors to the Chibichirigama cave between Sept. 5 and last Tuesday, police said Friday. 着 During the *Battle of Okinawa, which started on April 1, 1945, with the landing of the U.S. *army on the island, more than 80 Okinawa people were believed to commit suicide in the cave after taking *refuge there. Similar cases of suicide took place at other places during the battle. Family members of those people who killed themselves at the site during the war discovered the damage last Tuesday and reported it to police. Norio Yonaha, 63, who lost five members of his family in the suicide, told reporters that this was “an *insult to the people who died" there. Bottles and vases left behind by the dead people were also damaged. About 100,000 people, or almost a quarter of the local people, died in the three-month ground battle in Okinawa between the Japanese army and the U.S. army. In total, more than 200,000 (life) were lost, *including those of Americans. (2017, September 16). Japan Times Can you see “Chibichirigama” in the news report? “Gama” means “cave” in Okinawa. We can see natural gama here and there in Okinawa. Himeyurinotou is built on top of one of these gama. During World War II, gama were used as *trenches by the Japanese army and as places of refuge by Okinawa people. [ 7 ] because they had nothing to eat and no medicine for *wounds and sickness. Many were killed by the U.S. army who burned people to death. [ ] because they spoke Okinawa words. Some babies were also killed because they (cry). Many had to commit suicide because the Japanese army ordered then didn't stop to do so. [], but not always. In fact, there were lots of people who died in gama. Gama te us how terrible war is. NAZ

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 中学生


次の問いの答えとして最も適当なものを、①~①のうちから1つ選べ。 Why couldn't Mr. Black and the children go for a swim one day ? 1 Because they had to go to the lake and look into the water. Because Mr. Black couldn't swim well 読解 問1 読解 3 Jill, Ellen, Bob, and Edward lived near a lake. They could go for a swim every day. A man named Mr. Black lived near the lake, too, Sometimes Mr. Black went Because the lake got dirty with garbage, oil and tires. 3 Because they could not get a boat. One day they asked him to go for a swim with them. Mr. Black said, “We can't o a swim. We may never swwim in the lake again. “Why not ?" asked Edward. swimming with the children. 下線部(ア)について,何をするために彼らは出かけたのか,日本語で答えなさい。 問2 「Because the lake is polluted." said Mr. Black. “There's a new Sign at the lake. h says: No Swimming, Polluted." “What is polluting the lake ?" asked Jill. 明3 下線部(イ) peopleが指すものとして、本文中に書かれていないものを、次の0~ ののうちから1つ選べ。 タイヤを捨てた車の所有者 “Let's go down to the lake and look at it." said Mr. Black. (ア) Mr. Black and the children went to the lake on a sunny Sunday. They looked into the water. It wasn't clean. They walked around the lake and they saw why it wasn't の 2 汚水を流した工場の人々 O 湖の近くに住む人々 clean. 3 油を流したボートの所有者 “Look at that *garbage in the water,” said Jill. “That's what's polluting the lake,” Edward saw oil floating on the water. “That oil pollutes the water, too,” said Edward. “It comes from boats on the lake." 下線部(ウ)について, 人々は何がわかっていたのか、 日本語で答えなさい。 問4 “Come here, " said Ellen. “Take a look at this. There are tires in the lake !" “Why would people throw tires into a lake ?" asked Bob. “They just don't stop to think," said Mr. Black. “But they are not the only ones who pollute the lake. The people who run that factory pollute the water, too." Bob looked at Mr. Black. ““What can we do ? How can we stop the pollution ?” he asked. “Well, we must get help from other people. We can't do it alone,” said Mr. Black. Mr. Black had a firiend who worked for a newspaper company. He asked him to help. The next day, the story about the pollution was reported in the newspaper. Many people read about the story. They talked of the pollution. They talked of ways to clean it up. One day ( People met at the lake. They came to clean it up. They cleaned out the garbage. Then they cleaned out the tires. They set up big cans. Then they put signs on the cans. The signs read, “Put Your Garbage Here.” People who lived near the lake came to help. People who had boats came to help. And, people from the factory also came to help. (ウ) They knew that it would take a long time to get the lake clean again. But they did not give up. They all hoped that someday the “No Swimming" sign would come down and the people could swim in the lake again. 注) garbage=ごみ

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 中学生


Oi ou think you are overwei h Do Y9U HgRt? やYou 。 本 .。 mdex. You can get your BMT i ” Pasily find out by using BMT, or Body FE mm the following way pr = Weight| (kg) [eight (me) = 四eight| G) The average PAMI or Japanese people ip Jodern people Hike to eatifastifood』and Processed food.。 "Those _are foods that are nsually Very high mn calories though they are convenient an cheap. Another reaSon is people's imoderm iife Styles. Many people spend most of their time jmt sitting in chairs and dontmove their bodies Yery often.。 ⑨Gwalk / the city / ive / ェot / peonle / in / who / donmt) because they can use cars, trains and buses. That 3. ご ら克 means that people donit burn many calories but that they keep @徐Acalories in their 5 bodies and gain Weight. 98GeW998病 We know that being overweight isnt good for our health. It is not so easy to lose weight. So, we should start eatingiless amd walking more from today. (下線部①の英文を日本廊になおなさい5 (20点) ( ロワ 2 > の 偽入多 月交本尊架) 9 痛と ) (20点) | ⑨の( )内の語名を, 立味が通る よ2に導べか玩天8 3 人 (15点) 第一位まで答えなさMA。 久Mり If your weight is 68 kg and height is TO em 70mr BMIis_ 9 本文の内容と合うもるのには〇, 合わないも のにはXを書きなくいol 1 WHO reported that over 60% of adults in the world were overweight or obese。 [ # ] < Modem De are eating more high-calorie foods than before、。 f 9 We should take in 公Wer calories and move more to li Q5点X 3 ) =Bey Me Tnde :肝擬Iolowing :決のweight:体 height : 身長 average : 平均の 。 the World Health Organization(WHO) MM 、 | G8ed 、 : 時の gbese有江の認訳bibleiii2HiiS22 gain : 得る, ま cslonle 0 旋 TOdem : 現代の processed food : 加工食品 spend てing : ごして…を過ごす 0 | "ermeight : 太り過ぎで BMI(

解決済み 回答数: 1